The scope of these discussions is far too narrow. I look at the entire picture of how we got here. Without that understanding, you can talk about these issues 24/7/365 and it won't make a dent. This is part 1 of 2 in the finale of my series:


I have an idea that could turn the tide -- which is soon to follow in Part 12-B.

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Glenn, thank you for doing what you do! It has brought so much sanity to my own professional life. When you refer to your colleagues that have drunk the Kool-aid, is that Kool-aid drinking worth its own behavioral economic onion-peeling that you so deftly do? I think higher ed is the main culprit in the bias narrative. And the underlying motive behind preference for selling the bias over development motive, is that banner waving can be sold to consumers (students) at a higher price and at a higher quantity than can technical discernment. Higher ed has become like Starbucks, where they can sell you a $7 milkshake that is mostly sugar and palm oil and maybe a smidge of espresso, but yet the consumer still believes they have the same (if not more elevated) discerning experience of a $2 bitter Italian espresso. And now we have this fervor that not only should everyone go to college, but they all should get the $7 milkshake experience because most people find the $2 espresso unpleasant. And don’t forget, you now have the plastic cup, lid, and straw disposal externalities. It’s all a bit of a pump-and-dump that the federal student loan system is happy to keep pumping up. Coming back to the Kool-aid, I think for your colleagues to approach the development narrative and the imperative of technical discernment in higher ed, they would have to first acknowledge their own complicity in the $7 milkshake. I wouldn’t doubt that many of your colleagues are $2 espresso caliber, but it is a lot more gratifying to shill the milkshake and see all the smiles it gets you. I also know from my own professional experience, how disheartening it is to try and provide the espresso but get slammed for not being the milkshake. And sadly, this trickles down to k12 and other social-change institutions. So, we now just have a lot of banner waving not only being substituted for technical discernment, but believed to be superior to it because it is anointed from up high.

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Sorry, I meant to add: In my opinion, so long as that exorbitant price tag is possible, so many in higher ed (who ought to know better) will continue to drink the Kool-aid --or sling the milkshakes. It's just too powerful a motive, especially because it is largely subconscious. And all sorts of compelling bias-narrative-reinforcing stories will appear as a way to further push this motive into the subconscious.

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“Clarity…I’m on a mission, man.” 👈🏾💯

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People on the left haven't had their bank accounts seized, yet.

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'The people' should have equality until 'the people' show up to lift up your floor boards and take everything precious to you and reject all your attempts to label things as heirlooms or sentimental treasures. Nothing is yours and earning towing the line and creating nothing.

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Earning means towing the line. Creativity is replaced by making do with scraps.

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Thank you.

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Glenn, I love your stuff. You are an important person. Might you consider making weight loss a priority? Your current body composition elevates your risk for several disease states. Maybe you have great genes, I don't know. If so, please excuse me. Also excuse me if you are in "fuck it, I'm 72" mode. That's your prerogative.

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Jeez man, your openness and honesty are why I am here.

Looking forward to the memoire. I'll be on the pre-order list as soon as it is available.

It's great to be at a point in life where you feel free to let it all hang out for better or worse.

Based on some stuff you've said before I was wondering how much influence your "new" soul mate, Lajuan (I think you said her name is), has had in your new found freedom.

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Really interesting to hear a little of the "backstory" around you "turn to the left". Yes, being "in the outhouse" is not that fun!

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"This above all; to thine own self be true."

William Shakespeare

I'm really looking forward to the memoir.

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What brave intellectual honesty.

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I read the Pepperdine text and look forward to your book. Who is the enemy within? Are you the enemy within society because you dare to defend due process, logic and science? Or are you, like me - the enemy within yourself, because the complacent you that says “Don’t make waves” tries to stop truth-seeking you? In this regard, we all have an enemy within ourselves that is activated by social forces to stop us from defending our own humanity.

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Last night I heard Glenn Loury for the first time and I felt a true sense of hope - with a professor at Brown having this mindset and willing to share his full person---a true example of never arriving at one mindset, but being open to look at the world and stand up for what is right. Our students need to be willing to affirm or change a view on any subject, always routed in facts. I am an educator, still in the classroom, of a career expanding 30 years, and put a great emphasis on the importance of integrity, effort, self-reflection, and being willing to speak truth---classroom motto is my life motto- "challenges, no excuses!"

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