You don't but experts in the field do. It's not my field of expertise but I would tend to go with what experts say. The study was never replicated, it's a total of 33 children, I know nothing technically about the fMRI that was used or the settings. It was 20% of the subjects that gained or lost IQ points- that's 7 subjects. Half lost po…
You don't but experts in the field do. It's not my field of expertise but I would tend to go with what experts say. The study was never replicated, it's a total of 33 children, I know nothing technically about the fMRI that was used or the settings. It was 20% of the subjects that gained or lost IQ points- that's 7 subjects. Half lost points- perhaps due to sports/brain injuries. That leaves 3 or 4 that gained points. That's not a lot of evidence to base much on.
So, if a study is small about fluctuations in IQ in teenaged kids, then IQ is set at five? All I can find says at least IQ stabilizes at puberty. Saying “experts say” doesn’t mean much. I’ve read a lot about brain development in kids and I have never read that. Also, if you have ever hung out with kids, all things develop in spurts, at different rates in different kids. There is the whole idea of a “late bloomer” and the notion that precocious kids are not necessarily geniuses for a reason.
You don't but experts in the field do. It's not my field of expertise but I would tend to go with what experts say. The study was never replicated, it's a total of 33 children, I know nothing technically about the fMRI that was used or the settings. It was 20% of the subjects that gained or lost IQ points- that's 7 subjects. Half lost points- perhaps due to sports/brain injuries. That leaves 3 or 4 that gained points. That's not a lot of evidence to base much on.
So, if a study is small about fluctuations in IQ in teenaged kids, then IQ is set at five? All I can find says at least IQ stabilizes at puberty. Saying “experts say” doesn’t mean much. I’ve read a lot about brain development in kids and I have never read that. Also, if you have ever hung out with kids, all things develop in spurts, at different rates in different kids. There is the whole idea of a “late bloomer” and the notion that precocious kids are not necessarily geniuses for a reason.
I only hung out with kids when I was a kid. I am not all that interested in this subject to continue this conversation.