As good a guess as any. Wokism must always have a new villain, and there aren't many left.

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I highly doubt they are the next target. Most black wokesters I know are privileged, and proudly so. Racial reckoning for them means the right to sit in First Class and rail against racism.

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Maybe, but they seem to have their hands full demonizing the Jews and Israelis at this time.

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Well, if you do that, then you risk dividing the talented tenth/proletarian vanguard from the progressive hoi poloi./masses. As an outside observor, I wonder if this would bring to the fore an issue little understood by non-Black Americans: skin color discrimination between lighter and darker skin Blacks--darker than a paper bag!

Also, many high level Black academics (Glenn? John?) say that their best Black students are mostly from Africa or the Caribbean. Aren't these generally darker skin individuals? Perhaps this can help break up the ancient prejudice between house slaves and field people.

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Sowell lied about a war that shaped everything you see today — and got off scot-free (as did both parties). It astounds me when people bark back about their "concern" with why this is relevant to the current "conversation." Who cares that this "Maverick" peddled partisan hackery on the biggest and most costly lie in modern history (flagrantly ignoring irrefutable evidence of mathematical certainty). Incredibly, some of his followers want to find "meaning" in mathematical certainty having no meaning. Just for kicks, how about abiding by those principles you preach to have an actual conversation for a change?

And what part of "shaped everything you see today" do you understand? Sowell’s hailed as a folk hero for calling out problems he helped create (and takes no responsibility for any of it) — which flies in the face of the principles upon which he’s put on a pedestal. This man has a patently obvious history of hypocrisy & lies — and yet he’s worshipped as some kind of saint-like Sherlock Holmes.

Lemme save you some time: The first word that doesn't reflect someone seeking in-depth discussion — will be the last word I read. Thank you 🙏

What Happened to All This Jazz? Sowell’s Army of Mindless Slogan Slingers:


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Interesting in Condoleezza Rice’s book she mentioned intra-racial discrimination between lighter Blacks and darker Blacks… I found that interesting and peculiar at the same time. You mention it now and dismiss it as no one under that age of 40 would subscribe to that. I know it is your opinion but at you sure? Also if skin pigmentation is the identifier for oppressors vs the oppressed, does that make dark skinned Jews the opressed by light skin Jews? Always enjoy reading, listening and learning.

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If you believe Kerri Greenidge and a number of other people the Black elite in the beginning of the 20th century were essentially useless because they cared most about their own class privilege and cared about less fortunate Black people as people who would make the race look bad. There is no reason this behavior or characterization of it could not happen again.

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Langston Hughes wrote "The Negro Artist And The Racial Mountain" in part to address Black snobs like this.

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Have you read the essay Hughes was responding to, George Schuyler's, "The Negro Art Hokum"? Fascinating exchange, especially when read alongside Hughes's poetry and Schuyler's novel Black No More.

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May 23Liked by Mark Sussman

Yes, I did, and it held up. I have not read "Black No More" but am interested in it especially since it was deemed worthy of being adapted for a play in contemporary times.

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It is a WILD read.

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John, I want to thank you for referencing Stanley Crouch book. I am enjoying reading his essays. The man had a flare for language.

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