There are 2 actual stats, neither one means black women are the most educated:
1 - The gender gap for education attained purely within black america is bigger than for other racial groups. This is basically a story about how poorly black males are doing. Of all the 4yr degrees awarded to black people, 64% go to females. This is of course totally orthagonal to the absolute level of education achieved. If only 100 black americans had ever achieved a 4yr degree, and if 64 individuals were black women, this stat would still be exactly the same. Yet confused or dumb people read this stat and interpret it to mean that 64% of all black women have 4yr college degrees (it's ~16%)
2. There's another stat that says something like 9.7% of black females are currently enrolled in higher education. That's higher (by a very small amount) than for asian males, or asian females. However, this doesn't say who actually completes a degree, and doesn't control for population pyramids/dynamics where a higher % of black americans are in prime college age (between 15-30yrs old) than the percent of whites or asians between 15-30yrs old. Racial group "X" could also earn more degrees, per capita, than racial group "Y", but a higher % of "Y" could be enrolled at any given moment, if they average a lower class load and take 50% longer to earn their degrees.
Black women have lower average levels of education than Jewish men and women, white men and women, East Indian men and women, and Asian men and women.
Yet BJG at some point absorbed and then just accepted that black women are the most highly educated group. It's just so so so far off from true that it shows how narrow and sheltered her world experiences are (Harvard education and the Bernie campaign) and/or how poorly her brain works when it comes to evaluating race/gender claims that on some level sound appealing.
The irony is that most progressives and social justice advocates should HATE to see a minority group falsely given presented as have more power and achieved more progress than they actually have.
Agreed. Anyone who uncritically parrots this kind of "statistic" immediately loses all credibility with me.
There are 2 actual stats, neither one means black women are the most educated:
1 - The gender gap for education attained purely within black america is bigger than for other racial groups. This is basically a story about how poorly black males are doing. Of all the 4yr degrees awarded to black people, 64% go to females. This is of course totally orthagonal to the absolute level of education achieved. If only 100 black americans had ever achieved a 4yr degree, and if 64 individuals were black women, this stat would still be exactly the same. Yet confused or dumb people read this stat and interpret it to mean that 64% of all black women have 4yr college degrees (it's ~16%)
2. There's another stat that says something like 9.7% of black females are currently enrolled in higher education. That's higher (by a very small amount) than for asian males, or asian females. However, this doesn't say who actually completes a degree, and doesn't control for population pyramids/dynamics where a higher % of black americans are in prime college age (between 15-30yrs old) than the percent of whites or asians between 15-30yrs old. Racial group "X" could also earn more degrees, per capita, than racial group "Y", but a higher % of "Y" could be enrolled at any given moment, if they average a lower class load and take 50% longer to earn their degrees.
Black women have lower average levels of education than Jewish men and women, white men and women, East Indian men and women, and Asian men and women.
Yet BJG at some point absorbed and then just accepted that black women are the most highly educated group. It's just so so so far off from true that it shows how narrow and sheltered her world experiences are (Harvard education and the Bernie campaign) and/or how poorly her brain works when it comes to evaluating race/gender claims that on some level sound appealing.
The irony is that most progressives and social justice advocates should HATE to see a minority group falsely given presented as have more power and achieved more progress than they actually have.