White people fight honorably by shooting innocent people in grocery stores and churches. These dumb niggas are pathetic!

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Proving once again—Substack is a steaming pile of 💩. The only good thing about Substack is that it has led to the deaths of many dumbass white trash Trump supporters as a platform to disseminate disinformation about vaccines and masks.

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I hope you may do a segment revisiting this controversial statement ; read it again , this time include the rest of the piece , as he had written it.

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Tucker Carlson by his own texts lied to the American people about the election which undermined democracy and stoked the Jan 6th insurrection. He stokes fear about the immigrants but never advocates for work visas which would solve the problem of bringing down wages along with e-verify. He makes the ludicrous argument that the democrats are bringing in voters. Actually I would suspect that Cubans and Venezuelans will probably vote for Republicans (in the approximate 10 years it would take to get citizenship if ever.) He never challenges the corporations that actively recruit and exploit immigrants. He promoted anti-vac propaganda despite he himself being vaccinated. The data is in and death rates are are definitely increased among those who are un-vaccinated. Kennedy's assertion about autism has been totally debunked. I have been on his Children's Defense Fund website and makes statements that are defied by the very articles he uses to make fallacious assertions about vaccines dangers. As to fighting like white men - does anyone remember lynching? Yes he covers things not covered by other "newscasters" but he takes and element of truth and then adds lies and distortions that feed fear and hatred. He pretends to be for the little guy while being the son of the Swanson Frozen food family - Yale graduate etc. - he does not fight against the Republicans efforts to pass more tax cuts for the rich while trying to take away basic healthcare and affordable housing for the poor.

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(I thought Noah Smith so completely nailed this one I forwarded spouse the entire post)

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The thing that stuck with me most about that NYT expose was that Tucker Carlson was carefully watching his ratings every 15 minutes and wanted to put the things on the air that get a rise out of the Fox News audience. He may have hit on an issue of genuine public concern while he was doing that but it is not exactly the point. If either left- or right-wing populists claim to speak for the people they have to find some issues that no one else is talking about, but that does not let them off the hook for who they blame for who has gone wrong. Anecdatally some of these people will use issues no one else is talking about to groom followers for far-right beliefs.

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So these fools defend the likes of Scott Dilbert and Tucker Carlson. They’re like those 2 uncle toms on “In Living Color” with Keenan and Damon Wayons. Pathetic!

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Mr. Loury, if we are to take you seriously, you flabbergast me trying to defend Tucker Carlson, apparently on behalf of Fox News, because that was his only platform until he turned to the internet recently, hoping to keep hate alive on-air. Unless the internet bars him, his 1st Amendment free speech rights remain intact; simply not on Fox News, or any other outlet that values its reputation. Otherwise, his own views have made him so toxic that no other platform seems willing to risk its reputation by putting him on the air either. The man has talked himself out of a job, as have some politicians. Remember Alabama politician George Wallace? In today's environment, were he still alive and ambitious, could he mount a comeback, using the same racist schtick? Even Trump has had to resort to code words on that one.

Fox did not write Tucker's poisonous scripts, or demand the slant he gave them. He gored himself. Became the skunk at the lawn party. Who wants their name or brand associated with him further?

Yes, he had an audience. Maybe still has. So did the head of the Proud Boys or the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. But who'll risk their corporation's welfare by linking its name with said poisonous groups? Hardly a growing market. Old African proverb: "Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas."

Among the respected or nominally respected news outlets, there are reputable journalists willing to expose wrongdoers IF their transgressions merit it. The most outstanding cases were the release of "The Pentagon Papers" and "The Watergate" scandal." Did those run first in the NY Times or the Washington Post? One of the two, as I recall. Both topnotch, respected newspapers. So be not so despairing. Freedom of the Press yet lives! Even that North Sea pipeline sabotage was eventually reported in the polite press.

Naming such saboteurs requires rock-solid proof to avoid being charged with defamation. Be not too hasty denouncing legacy news sources., whose silence must first betray them to justify accusations by critics of withholding information. In free societies, the historical pattern has been that upstart news gatherers continue to report what the legacy disseminators fail to report, who then jump on the bandwagon.

As we know, under authoritarian regimes, this does not happen, due to duress. In Mexico, for example, duress can be murder. In Russia, only the Czar (i.e., Putin) is authorized to publish or announce. In China, likewise, with its politburo deciding. But no one would call those "free societies."

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I'm in the act of reconciliation now. Becky is here laughing at you. 🤡

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I had lots of Scots-Irish convicts on my old prison caseload for molesting their children, especially in Bakersfield. I currently live in a predominantly white community in the rural South, wherein Celtic child molestation is a major problem. The Antebellum Southern cracker culture emanated from the old cracker culture in backward backward parts of Northern England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. Refer to Cracker Culture---Celtic Ways in the Old South by Grady McWhiney.

Also, Libertarian, are you experiencing another multiple personality disorder episode (dissociative disorder)?

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Thank you for the transcript and the good conversation.

The comment section would be worth reading if one man were not allowed to obsessively drone on.

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Glenn I'm getting a little tired of John's hairsplitting. You have made the argument on all of Carlson's achievements. Although we may not think of Tucker as a nice guy we should still honor him as a fearless journalist who will stir up the waters and let the chips fall wherever they may. John belongs at the NYT with all of the screaming woke crowd. In today's ugly political environment nice guys get eaten up alive.

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The IRA supported the 1967 California Mulford Act, which banned the open carry of firearms. This was in response to the Black Panther Party in California exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. The Black Panther Party was formed to monitor the police in Oakland who were routinely brutalizing its black residents.

Today, blacks have several gun associations throughout the country to better address their needs. Blacks have increasingly armed themselves after the election of Trump and his racist vitriol. Hate crimes under his watch have significantly increased, as well as white militia extremist groups.

Large white plantation owners played a major part in creating the Second Amendment. Patrick Henry who owned a plantation with numerous slaves was one of several major players in promoting the Second Amendment.

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White men fighting:

A company of American soldiers brutally killed most of the people—women, children and old men—in the village of My Lai on March 16, 1968. More than 500 people were slaughtered in the My Lai massacre, including young girls and women who were raped and mutilated before being killed.

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This country is on the verge of imploding big time due to the deep polarization. I see it getting worse with the extremism on both ends.

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When Barrack Obama was president, white men fought back with ridiculous propaganda---depicting him and his family as monkeys, his wife as a man, as an African savage, non citizen, and a host other vitriol. I had some aggressive white males I had to deal with behind his election, including angry white men on golf courses and cruise ships (passive-aggressive behaviors). The rage!

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