For the record, it does. The idea that all men = penis and all women = vagina is just demonstrably not true. I used to date a very kind Jewish man who lost his penis in a botched circumcision. His mother had a hysterectomy due to cancer. Are you to argue that Rivka is not a woman and Isaac is not a man? Well, you could define by the genitals one had at birth, but even that runs into issues, with the many birth complications and malformed genitals that can result from genetic errors.

Transgender doesn't mean you're "spitting in the face of reality". It means you wish for respect. Trans people aren't mentally disturbed or "changing genders on a whim".

And for the record, not wanting to date a transgender person is valid. Transgender YouTuber Noah Fince did a good video on the topic. Dating preferences are OK. Maybe you aren't into PiV. That's fine. Just don't whine about it on national tv about how you're *oppressed* because you're gay & don't want to have sex with a trans-man. I would, if he had a nice personality (not a chaser, haha) but if you wouldn't that is alright. Trans people understand that cis people can find their genitalia off-putting. If you wish to not have sex with trans people, then trans acceptance is actually good for you. Less trans people in the closet means less chance of an accidental "surprise". If trans people are allowed to live their true selves, then you will be able to see the guy flying a trans flag on Grindr and swipe left. For example, the oft-cited scenario of "trans widows" a woman (let's call her Suzy) who marries a man (Alex) who then transitions into a woman, and Suzy is no longer attracted to female-Alex. That is alright. But if you want to avoid that scenario, encourage trans people to come out early. If Alex had grown up in a trans-accepting household, a trans accepting society, then she would have revealed her identity earlier, and Suzy wouldn't have even found Alex sexually attractive in the first place, being a heterosexual woman. Trans acceptance benefits us all, even the transphobes. </rant>

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LGB was easy to understand - it was just a matter of who they were attracted to. For the most part I interact with LGB folk the same way I interact with straights.

But the T+ advocacy IS different because the movement has attempted to encumber the rest of us. We are expected to not only accept and work with people who are making their gender identity the central focus of every relationship, every part of their lives, but people have lost their jobs for not using preferred pronouns - even when the pronoun didn't exist five minutes ago. We are expected to believe that trans women, with fully intact male bodies, who have been through puberty and have longer bones and more muscle mass than a typical female body, should be allowed to appear naked in female only facilities and to compete in female athletics. (Makes one question why we had separate athletic programs to begin with.) We are expected to believe that preteen youth are competent to decide to remove their breasts, or invert their penis (creating a false vagina that will need to be stretched every day for the rest of their life), or using drugs that will make them sterile (NOT reversibly). I heard someone suggest (with a straight face no less) that refusal to date a trans is transphobic and should be condemned. These issues are demonstrably different than not discriminating against LGB people.

Then we can talk about the devaluation of women. Trans women are winning beauty contests (ludicrously). They are being named woman of the year (instead of biological women who have lived the female reality their entire lives). I have a friend who sees this as the ultimate rebuttal of feminism. He says men do everything better than women and now they are even better women than women.

No, the advocacy of and issues surrounding the Trans/Non-binary/Gender-of-the-month-club are radically different than for LGB. Overlap between the groups and possible genetic causes are wild hares.

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This is not complicated.

LGB are sexual orientations. Kinsey provided a scale that is useful = seven levels, from zero (pure heterosexual) to six (purely homosexual)). Everything's else ia a degree pf bisexuality. I am a Kinsey Scale one, for example, although I've never ac on my attraction to males.

T is completely separate. It deals with personal perception of self and has nothing to do with sexual orientation. A good friend, who is also a scientist, was very active in the Equal Rights for gays movement

He said that initially it was mutual attraction to drag and a search for allies that wedded T to LGB. He further told me that within a short time the Ts took over. The gay rights battle is over with a clear winner.

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Political? A power grab?

I hear echoes of a phrase I haven’t heard in a while: “the gay agenda.” Is it now “the trans agenda?”

While I do think a child who insists that their body is wrong for who they really are needs to have the benefit of objective medical and psychological counseling before radical steps are taken, and while it’s true that many children go through phases where they wonder about their assigned gender, this is no reason to discredit either all transgender people or the concept itself.

The National Academy of Science disproved the idea that homosexuality is a choice by demonstrating the role of the hypothalamus in sexual attraction. Further research at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam and the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience has shown corresponding differences in youths with gender dysphoria.

“The gays” never all got together to plot anything.

“The trans people” are not all getting together to mastermind some kind of overthrow of accepted norms.

I’m sorry for people who are so inflexible and whose understanding is so shallow that their world seems torn apart when they encounter people who are different from them. That doesn’t give them the right to control other people’s lives.

For the record, I’m a het/cis woman.

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Your post proves that LGB and T people should stick together, because, whether you realize it or not, the accusations you made against transgender people are nearly identical to those that have been made against lesbian, gay and bisexual people for decades.

LGBT people have been accused of going against science; that living their lives as they choose is somehow a threat to the rest of society; and that those who might be labeled "homophobe" or "transphobe" for making homophobic or transphobic comments are the real victims.

There is no power grab by transgender or gay people. Being trans is not a choice any more than being gay is a choice. LGBT people exist in the world, and their existence does not diminish anyone else's.

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In the future reversible sex change kits will be all the rage. One who is nominally male may experience what it means to be a woman, or vice versa —as no power of empathy can possibly equal—and be back by dinner time.

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I was in the East Village studying at The Cooper Union from 72 -76 and all of this stuff was around in the Lower East Side ....lots of Trannies ( as they were called) walking the streets servicing guys in cars. Also crack head zombies in traffic washing windows ..... 50 years later people are still transfixed by this. Americans sadly are voyeurs causing an oversupply of oversexed narcissists ( porn star?)who supply the same images . Their moms must be so proud.

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Douglas Murray hits the nail on the head when he says there is no such thing as an LGBT...LMNOP "community."

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Glenn Loury - you are not a "conservative" if you think homosexual marriage is even possible. Conservatives know what marriage is, you don't.

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T - true T people - are a rounding error. I would think the LGB folks are getting a little tired of T canibalizing their numbers.

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A few thoughts on our current gender craze.

It is undeniable that there has been an explosion of children having non gender conforming issues and that this has been promoted by an agenda that seeks to destabilize traditional values based on biologic sex which is binary. We have seen this in what is being taught to the children, what is being fed in academia, attempts at modification of our basic language, the mass social contagion that has occurred and the quickness with which the medical field is ready to affirm these doubts promulgated by gender activists in the first place. We are having irreversible damage done to our kids under our watch. This is absolutely true. To understand what is going on I suggest you watch the playlist the Trans human agenda, to see what, how and why this is going on. We definitely have to fight this.

On the other side of the coin, are those individuals who had gender dysphoria way before any sociopolitical agenda, who were evaluated extensively by psychologists and treated for their dysphoria. Some even transition to be able to cope better with their lives. They still exist, and others like them still exist and will still exist even if the Transhuman agenda is defeated. And we can’t make enemies out of them, nor destroy their lives while we attempt to combat the Transhuman agenda. They have a right to exist as do any other people with mental disorders. And as many people who learn to cope with their disorders and live fruitful lives, they should be permitted to do so. While we don’t have to accept ideological claims that they are biologically the sex they identify with, so long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others, by forcing language on them, by diminishing their own identities (i.e. birthing parent instead of mother), by forcing medicine to deny biologic reality, or by allowing biologic males to compete with biologic females just because of their identity, we should still accommodate them in all ways that do not infringe on other people’s rights.

If we defeat the Transhuman agenda, we still will have children who have possible gender dysphoria, who, even if we don’t push them into identifying as trans, who through many years of evaluation and exploring all alternatives, still, at an age when they have full mental capacity to do so, will feel that fully immersing themselves into the opposite sex identity is the only thing that works for them. And once they do, we should not seek to destroy them for it. We don’t have to accept them as a new biologic sex just because they identify as such, but we can accept that it is ok for them to do so if it makes them happier.

Once this much smaller pool of true gender dysphoric people exists, and for those who, as consenting adults, chose to transition their bodies to better fit their self-image, accommodations should be made like that of any other person with a disorder. They should be able to live as normal a life as they can. If a person of their same bio sex is willing to accept them as functionally being the opposite sex and marries them, we should respect that. If that couple chooses to adopt, and they pass a rigorous evaluation to see if they are fit to be parents, we should respect that. And if a transgender woman chooses to adopt and passes all rigorous evaluations showing she is fit to adopt, then she should be able to be an adoptive transgender mother. This is not to say that we are doing what they are trying to do now, where we have to deny science and accept that a biologic man can now be identified as a biologic mother, or that transgender men can become biologic women, but in the same way we accept women who can’t have babies and adopt, and we call them adoptive mothers, or step mother, or foster mothers, all not truly biologic mothers to the child, but we accept them as participating in that role. In the same manner, those that choose to do so, and have passed all evaluations that say they are fit to do so, should be allowed to be, and be called mothers to the children they adopt. And any other female role they choose to partake in that is not in direct competition with their biologic counter parts. Same for transgender men.

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These people had already accumulated a load of mental issues before jumping to the conclusion that a sex change will solve all of their problems. This is just one example from a video on YT last year. A trans couple somehow had a baby. (The poor little thing.) Long story short, the "mommy" who was a biological male had been looking forward ever so much to nursing "her" baby. When "she" discovered that she could not nurse a baby she was devastated and whined about having been cheated. The camera captured "her" breakdown and someone upped it to YT. It was probably the "father" who is a biological female.

We are allowing insane people to bully the other 99% of the population into playing along with the former's delusions. We are being forced to lie by using their pronouns, mangle the rules of grammar, destroy women's sports, and allow creepy men to strut around naked in women's changing rooms.

I don't know anyone IRL who isn't outraged by this nonsense.

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I’m in shock that your wife is still a leftie- does she not see the harm they have caused in this country - specially in inner cities? I was a leftist - the more research and Thomas sowell I watched the more disgusted I became - yikes

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Pregnancy Outcomes in a US Cohort of Transgender People

Transgender, nonbinary, and gender diverse (trans) people have worse health outcomes than cisgender individuals. Trans individuals can and do become pregnant,1 but there are limited data regarding pregnancy outcomes. Prenatal care access barriers,2 minority stress and stigma,3 and prior or ongoing use of testosterone may place trans people at heightened risk of perinatal complications. We evaluated pregnancy outcomes among commercially and publicly insured trans people.


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Yes FT, that is Bill Gate's passion and he's spending/donating millions on this.

One wonders if this was just one component of the Plandemic.

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You are closer to correct there Jake, but they don't have the "passion" that the stars of Fox have. They do smirk and laugh at the left, I'll concede that.

I have to admit that I love being on Twitter and giving the left jabs and pointing out their hypocrisy. I do this with coffee in the morning while watching Newsmax, but I will also admit I mute it when Joe, KJP or Kamala are being shown.

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