This was a great segment. I laughed out loud when Glenn said having a big house helps. We have to be able to disagree without being disagreeable like MLK said. Again, good stuff!!

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This was a special moment. I felt closer to both of you.

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This really resonated with me. I've been dating a black democrat for three years: he's marvelous and reasonable and open to any conversation but our politics are at rather opposite ends. He's a democrat and much woker than I am; I'm a white libertarian who finds myself in much more agreement with you and Prof. McWhorter than he would be.

I've fallen much more on the side of holding my tongue on things I disagree with but I'm practicing baby steps of pushing back where I think he has something wrong. Nothing ever goes wrong in our arguments about politics - he's a grownup who can entertain ideas that differ from his own - but I have to actively fight my natural instinct to bite my tongue and suppress my disagreement. Like you said, it's not healthy.

I imagine our relationship would have been very different even ten years ago before everything became so polarized and politicized. I'm old enough to remember a time when having differences of political opinion wasn't a crisis. It really helps that both of us are off social media, so we're not hooked up to the 24-hour outrage machine and bringing that kind of negative energy to our relationship.

Thanks for sharing this, I had no idea your wife didn't share your political views and it makes me admire you all the more for navigating that space so graciously.

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Wonderful stuff from you both. The more I read and hear from you guys, the level of respect only increases. Courage and humanity clearly on display. I envy the students you both teach and advise, and maybe even befriend.

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Although I enjoy to watch and listen to your conversations, this little piece here reveals so much more about the persons you and John are. It made me nod and laugh in agreement because sometimes the challenges of relationships and “politics” are very real! In any case, thanks for your insight!

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