Well, after 4 years of non-stop race bating. People started to ask if Amercia has a race problem or a problem race?

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On race; I recently discovered something disturbing at UCLA, my ama ata. First a pop quiz, what percentage of UCLA first year medical students are Jewish? Answer: 1-2% are Jewish. In 2018; I postal mailed the UCLA president or chancellor advice that UCLA not implement DEI. I suspect that DEI-guided admissions policy tries to mirror national race profile, where 2% of Americans are Jewish. And antisemitism is reportedly very high at UCLA Medical School.

The proportional race representation policy of DEI is problematic for several reasons.

(1): Disruption. It disrupts the merit-based process. Applicants arriving via merit can be expected to succeed. Those arriving without merit may encounter excessive stress and the humiliation of under-achievement.

(2): Proportional race representation is not fair nor just, but arbitrary. If I were to choose random numbers for each race group- that would also be unfair, unjust and arbitrary. Besides, median age varies by race. Therefore, race group percentage would have to be age adjusted.

(3): DEI does not accommodate multiracial Americans, 10% of population. Plus, Latino race category is geographically defined. Each Latino is also Asian, Black, American Indian and/or White. Therefore, each Latino is multiracial per US Census Bureau race categories. 19% of Americans are Latino.

(4): Which among the national, state, regional and county race profiles need be applied to formula for calculating proportional race representation? Such a question is beyond the expertise of DEI. SF has fewer than 13% Black Americans and Chicago has more than 13%. That means a quota of 13% for Black Americans in Chicago is too low, but too high for SF.

(5): Consistency would require application of proportional race representation for each of the six US Census Bureau race groups. But, DEI only discusses one or two race groups and ignores the rest.

(6): Consistency would include agricultural labor and coal mining and basketball, which are way off-balance for racial representation. Does DEI desire that only 13% of basketball players be Black? Application of DEI race representation standards only to those schools and jobs that are “sexy”, while everything else is ignored- is known as hypocrisy or stupidity.

(7): Systems of formalized or official segregation such as former Jim Crow and former South Africa Apartheid would warrant a racial representation application. But, racism in the USA is neither formalized nor official and therefore more difficult to capture and measure. 2024 racism among all US race groups is limited and random.

(8): I believe that institutions and City-Gov and State-Gov that employ proportional race representation are in violation of federal discrimination laws; even prior to Supreme Court ruling of 2023.

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BLM is a lying worthless corrupt organization that doesn’t give a shit about Black lives.

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Apr 21Liked by Glenn Loury

Hi Glenn. Since you’re reading the Comments here’s my well wish and huzzah that things have gone so very well for you thus far. Keep up the good work, o bod of Glenn!

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You could argue that the backlash began when President Obama decided to mobilize the BLM movement alng with Eric Holder's corrupted Department of Justice to empower Obama's re-election campaign. It was a selfish and yet typical carreer politician move that presaged the backlash that is now underway.

What did Black Democratic party leaders think was going to happen with their non-stop race baiting? There were at least two power seeking optimistic views. The first was like Ray Texeira's "Coming Democrat Majority" book, predicting that brown, Hispanic, Asian, Middle Easterners and other non-white American would just line up behind the Black Democrats, serving as honorary Blacks, as it were, under the racist generic rubric of "People OF Color".

However, when even Mr. Texeira saw the folly of this prediction, a second, more cultural, strategy emerged: non-white Americans were expected to identify with the Progressive left fantasy vision of "poor, poor" Black America, and then join in with the reduction of the white patriarchy. But that didn't happen either, and it won't: New and non-white Americans want to join the American hegemony, not tear it down.

So what is the end game now for the Talented Tenth of the 13%? They won't run America, but if they want to represent anti-Americanism, then they can expect to be left in the dustbin, as the human arc of progress slowly and haltingly progresses, with or without them.

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