Chicago spends over $25K per pupil. DC and NY is even higher. In Chicago many public school teachers send their kids to private schools. When asked about falling test scores the black head of the teachers union response was that tests are white supremacy.

We need alternatives to juvie but the answer is not to allow destructive kids carte blanche to destroy other kids schooling. In the early 2010's Mark Kleiman at UCLA, discussed alternative punishment programs similar to what Harry mentioned. That idea was not taken up. Although Republican indifference has not helped, all these changes could have been implemented in the Democratic/Liberal urban areas where most blacks live. The D's have chosen to go to the BLM, defund the police line instead.

Perhaps the defection of a significant number of blacks to the Republicans might get the R's to become more interested and back policies that help poor black men instead of just allowing the grifters rip the system off.

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What’s interesting to me is that this show forefronts concepts like intersectionality and disparate impact.

But in reality, the intersection of race and gender would suggest that black men suffer more discrimination than would be explained solely by race and gender, while black women experience less. This is not what you hear from most people that use the term “intersectionality”.

“Disparate impact” is largely used to insert putative racist underpinnings to unequal outcomes in the absence of evidence, but here it is deployed in a benevolent light, by saying that some race-neutral aid can have a racially disparate positive impact.

It’s things like these that irritate me when conservatives start inveighing against “the left”. There is a clear distinction between leftist theories and the inaccurate information and toxic narratives that some people plug into them.

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This is as good as it gets.

I'm just here for the roast.

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In order for a significant amount of kids to succeed, there needs to be some guidance and regimentation. Once kids are adults at 18, they are free to pursue a lot of different avenues, whether it’s college, job, military, following a passion or none of those things. Maybe a little hand holding for those kids that are lost on what to do, can go a long way. It just seems that the self-determined kids that know the path to take them where they want to go are becoming fewer and fewer.

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I’m sure I will get negative feedback for this post but just want to put it out there.

Based upon the research showing boys do better when the teacher is male, why not add a requirement for boys to participate in an ROTC type program? Maybe at the Junior High School level? It could be offered instead of gym class.

Or would a program like that be illegal? If so just have a program like that for everyone and strongly encourage single mothers to sign their boys up for it.

I didn’t hear much in this conversation about a military career as an option. It seems like many at risk people (like Rob Henderson) found the military to be the catalyst to their continued education and success. Why not encourage this more widely? (Is it because our education system is so steeped in the “critical social justice” mind set that it simply will not consider this option?)

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The head of one political party calls the military sucker and losers. Not a good way to suggest a military career is a positive thing.

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Just because you repeat a lie over and over, doesn't turn it into the truth.

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I go with the statements made by John Kelly.


If you don’t agree that Trump made the statement, you can choose from other recent lies.


If those aren’t enough, you can select from the 30.57K lies told during his Presidency. Trump is a known liar, I believe Kelly.


No one takes comments about Black crime or education from people who support a felon who praises the J6 thugs seriously. When it comes to education, we see Moms for Liberty banning books and posing with the Proud Boys. We see Houston schools replacing libraries with detention centers. There is zero credibility. You only have issues with “The Left”.

It results in laughter.

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If John Kelly repeats a lie over and over, it doesn't make it true.

Don't put your faith in what any politician says, but look at what they actually do.

Trump lives rent free in your head.

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Trump wants another chance to be President. He is a liar, authoritarian, and bigot. He is running to stay out of jail. Given a rising stock market, lowering inflation, an decreased unemployment, there is no reason to cast a vote for Trump.

You mention Kelly and overlook all the other lies. Trump is obviously mentally impaired. You are in a cult. You have to rely on insults.

Still waiting for the Obamacare replacement and border wall paid for Mexico promised by Trump?

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Your comment is not productive

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I’m sorry you feel that way. The brave people who put on the uniform make a conscious decision to be willing to give their life for their country. One of the reasons a draft lottery system came into being in Vietnam was because the burden of service was falling to some young men who did not agree with the war. Strongly suggesting that single mothers to volunteer may create more problems than it solves.

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My brother did enlist in the reserves when he graduated.

My daughter spent 10 years in the air force, deployed to Iraq and traveled the world. She had an excellent air force career, earned a bachelor’s degree and continued education after she got out of the air force paid for by the military. It’s a great deal for many people. And yes, sometimes they may have to go to war.

But is war any worse than growing up in some of our most dangerous inner cities?

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I suggested something like ROTC in junior high school for boys who live in a household with a single mother. Not a draft.

I, along with my brother and sister grew up in a single parent household. I think my brother would have liked an ROTC type of program when he was younger to provide guidance only

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I have no problem with your brother making a decision as an individual.

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Bleh. Holzer has no new ideas, but is confident if we tweak around the education margins we can improve outcomes for Black boys. He seems unwilling to grapple with the reality we've thrown a trillion dollars at the problem over the past 50 years and the Black family is worse off than before.

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How's the abortion rate for black babies? Motor vehicle deaths? Death from violence?

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Citing that CNN piece is amazing.

Regardless, has very little to do w/the topic.

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I responded to a post stating the Black family was worse off than before.

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Lol. Oh bobby

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Did you not see the statement?

HBCU enrollment is increasing. Only a small percentage of Black students applied to what are being called elite institutions.

This site is hilarious. Nothing but venom.

Edit to add:

Your war cry is MAGA. The counter is We are not going back. Unlike Byron Donalds, no one brings up Jim Crow to point out increasing marriage rates in the Black community.

Byron gets a head rub and labeled a “smart one” by Trump. LOL.

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Interesting show but too ideologically limited, in my opinion. Are you familiar with the work of T Hasan Johnson and/or Tommy J Currie? They can provide additional angles to your discussion. They have plenty of material on YouTube.

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My perscription: (1) Merit and only merit, must reign paramount in all public policies, including institutions that get government assistance. (2) Absolutely no DEI etc etc. (3) The John Rawls philosophy regarding taxation be continued, but more carefully limited to government assistance to those who have fallen through the cracks, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN. (4) All judicial appointments, SCOTUS excluded, by an 'independent' Commission. (5) All junior school students must be educated and inculcated in 'civics'. (6) Civil Servants found to be involved in Party political activism must be fired.

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The answer to the question is pretty clear, uncomfortable as it may be to some.

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