Oh, here comes little Monti, flying in on his hang glider.

Shouting, "We waz kangs".

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Dr. Jordan Peterson called the Palestinians rats. Being a clinical psychologist, he should know better. Of course, I worked alongside some strange clinical psychologists in the prison industrial complex.

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Has Mr. Kennedy read the decision and seen evidence from the plaintiff?

1) Lumping together large groups as different people from India and people from China and saying they are all "Asians" is racists.

2) Chinese people in particular were (are?) victims of "invidious discrimination". They were forced onto boats and brought to the US as slave labor to build the railroads. Chinese people were also targeted by the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

3) The discrimination is more than just a "zero-sum-game" as "Asians" were marked down for personality scores.

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Glenn, I love you dearly. Is it possible, occasionally, to get a Cliff's Notes version? I'm headed steadily toward the end, and as an eclectic I crave appetizers more than entrees.

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Meanwhile, Lauren Boebert is vapin' and gropin'

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The elite universities that produced Cornell West and student groups blaming all the terrorist violence that just happened on Israel? Nah. Never will trust the elite universities again. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/10/cornel-west-harvard-israel-palestine-00120827

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(Banned)Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

Does the white man who owns and controls practically everything in this country deserve my trust? It came from 2 billion acres of free Indian land issued by the government to whites plus abundant free African labor to exploit the resources. Wealth and power is the bottom line. Black people need to wake up and join the race or continue as a permanent underclass as beggars and criminals with deceitful meritorious manumission Negroes enriching themselves. The white man consistently feeds me allusions, including the Republicans and Democrats---the choice between a lesser racist leader and his minions and a more racist leader and his minions. Black people need to take more control of their destiny. Black preachers and organizers were trained by whites to speak the white gospel of passive resistance and subjugation---obey your massa! Sambo, massa's overseer, was more was brutal than massa. Sambo went the extra mile to "tree the cooons."

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They have earned no trust, only distrust.

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It's irrrelevant whether or not Black people or anyone else distrusts universities to fairly judge individual applicants. That is not an argument for affirmative action. What is necessary is transparency and nothing else.

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The short answer is no.

If anything, they have earned our distrust.

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