OOHHH. I am breathing better having read this tribute. In all the years I've been enjoying Glenn this is the first time i have ever heard him mention his first wife's professional and intellectual attributes. I have known about them for a few months as I finally googled her name, but hitherto all I had heard was what a wonderful wife and Mother she was. Congratulations on this stunning early tribute and on its re-posting today!! Definitely breathing better now ...leaves flying off the trees in golden glory...all is good πŸ‘πŸΎ 🐝 πŸ‘πŸΎ πŸ₯°

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This was a lovely tribute.

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A very warm and loving home you two made. Thanks for sharing your love story.

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What a beautiful essay and moving tribute to an extraordinary woman! She was lucky to have you also and I’m sure you enriched her life and work just as much as she did yours. The world is made richer, stronger, and more powerful by both your work and hers. As teachers, you truly do and did touch the future. Whatever happens from here on out, the seeds you both planted in your students and followers will continue to bloom and blossom for generations to come. Thank you.

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Thank you for sharing this. Based on your comments on The Glenn Show, the book, and now this email, it is clear Linda was an extraordinary person. May she rest in peace as she lives on in the hearts of you, your sons and other loved ones.

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Glenn, first time commenter, long time admirer here...

Thank you for your tribute to Linda. It touched me. It reminded me to celebrate my lovely bride even more than I already do.

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Marriage and family make everything else seem secondary. That's because everything else IS secondary.

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