All you're doing by banning more things that people want to do is handing it over to criminals. That's it. It's not stopping porn, or gambling, or drugs, or alcohol. You're shoveling more people into jail for BS that costs billions to house and feed. And for what?

You want people to get married, make a case to them why they should. Don't use the law as a cudgel to enforce how you think people should live, Left or Right, and maybe, just maybe, everything would improve across the board.

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Setting free speech aside, Carroll is wrong on two fronts. Legislating against the most extreme forms of online pornography won't ease porn addiction. Secondly, young people don't avoid relationships because they're listless or afraid of being choked, but rather because of a general shift toward risk-averse behavior that is largely enabled by technology.

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Yes, let's look to thrice married Trump, who has been on the cover of Playboy, whose infidelity with a pornography actress has been legally established, and who has owned multiple casinos, to save us from porn and gambling.

Are we ever coming back down to earth?

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I’ll never understand how people rationalize Trump’s many contradictions:

- He panders to the evangelical community while cheating with porn stars and shilling out Trump bibles ($69.99 basic, $1000 signed by the “author”).

- He touts isolationism while trying to annex Canada/Greenland, steal the Panama Canal, and occupy Gaza.

- He complains about how past Presidents have let Canada/Mexico take advantage of us even though our current trade agreement was NEGOTIATED BY HIM.

This list could go on forever. It must be exhausting being a Trumpist.

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Glenn, as much as this might be a good idea, I’m afraid the horse is way out of the barn…in today’s digital world, no longer possible

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