The writer Conn Carroll believes the decline of marriage in the US is threatening our democracy. But he thinks that Trump could reverse the trend, or at least provide incentives for young couples to get married, like making housing more affordable. Conn also hopes Trump will restrict online gambling and pornography, both of which Conn sees as detrimental mostly to young men and therefore to marriage. In fact, he thinks pornography is so bad, and not just for young men, that he’d like to prosecute producers of what he deems the most obscene videos.
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Yes, let's look to thrice married Trump, who has been on the cover of Playboy, whose infidelity with a pornography actress has been legally established, and who has owned multiple casinos, to save us from porn and gambling.
Are we ever coming back down to earth?
Glenn, as much as this might be a good idea, I’m afraid the horse is way out of the barn…in today’s digital world, no longer possible