Love the dialog, very interesting. Meritocracy is the only way to go in all arenas. Anyone notice how derogatory racial slurs against blacks are totally absent on Basketball and Football fields? Why would that be? I'd say because it would be ridiculous. Blacks have achieved unquestioned competence (if not supremacy) in these areas. The same analogy applies to other areas (Asians in math and Physics, etc.). These are only stereotypes, sure. But stereotypes work in both directions. The point I'm making is that in these contexts there isn't even the conversation about racism because Meritocracy has reined supreme. Want to achieve diversity in a given subject? Encourage all your kids to be the best in those areas. If blacks encouraged their kids to be the absolute best, bar none in a given subject...I don't doubt they could achieve it. But this PC "woke" culture is a quantum leap in the wrong direction!

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Hi Glenn, from Slovakia. This is yet another great talk, especially your pushback on how some papers are downgraded by implicitly biased Professors when told they are by Black students, rather than White, and about how some Black Law students do feel uncomfortable. Fantastic last sentence: "The threat here is to reasoned deliberation about public life altogether."

Arnold Kling's Fantasy Intellectual Teams is to reward better reasoned deliberation!

v2 is about ready to start May 1, replacing v1, where you've been doing great. He's listed you, among others including John, as a fine example of intellectuals chosen by the v1 owners to follow and request points for.


Instead of mostly steelman arguments, there will be 7 additional ways for Thinkers such as yourself to score points.

Advocs = interview questions that play Devil's Advocate

Bets = putting odds on a proposition

Caveats = acknowledging a factor that goes against one's position

Debates = engaging in a formal debate

Kickoffs = a discussion kicked off by something one put forth previously

Opens = keeping an open mind about a specific issue

Research = evaluating research on a proposition

Steelmans = articulating the opposing point of view as well as one's own.

Cheers, Tom Grey, Sam-I-Am

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