Who has better bumperstickers: "BLM". "Trump is a fascist". "No person is illegal." "Hate has no home here". MINITRUE is working 24/7 to come up with catchy slogans. Both sides have nuanced arguments, but both also have simplistic extremes. And the Left's comparison of Trump to Hitler, an existential threat to…
Who has better bumperstickers: "BLM". "Trump is a fascist". "No person is illegal." "Hate has no home here". MINITRUE is working 24/7 to come up with catchy slogans. Both sides have nuanced arguments, but both also have simplistic extremes. And the Left's comparison of Trump to Hitler, an existential threat to democracy, etc.. -- the Left certainly has their share of blame for increasing the animosity in the country.
What is seems hard for many on the Left to understand: I can't stand Harris' policies. I could give a crap if she's a black woman (I really like Tulsi Gabbard & Tim Scott. I even like Glenn & John!). She's way to the left -- where she has any coherent policy. She's Biden's "border czar" -- how has that worked out?
Interesting claim about "fake" populists wanting to take power away from the people. I just can't take Jan 6 seriously as an "insurrection". Nobody took guns into the Capitol. What kind of insurrection expects to succeed without real weapons? A 10 year old would have planned it better. Ugly, barbaric, anarchic, disgraceful, shameful? Yes. Of course. A tantrum played out on the world stage? Sure.
A serious attempt at insurrection? No. Not buying it.
Finally, I don't understand the distrust of people with three word names. Particularly from John Mac Whorter ;-)
He delegated the border crisis to her. He said that :
“When she speaks, she speaks for me,” Biden said, noting her past work as California’s attorney general makes her specially equipped to lead the administration’s response.
Biden, who has faced stiff criticism from Republicans over the increased flow of migrants, is hoping to show Americans he’s taking the situation at the border seriously. He also wants to prevent the growing humanitarian and political challenge from overshadowing his administration’s ambitious legislative agenda.
But the high-profile assignment for Harris, who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 and is expected to run for the White House again in the future, could be politically fraught.
“Needless to say, the work will not be easy,” Harris said. “But it is important work.”
CZAR is defined as a person of great power. Harris was tapped as having presedential powers over the border. That seems like a person of great power over the border to me
Her assignment was to address root causes of migration in Central American countries, not the border per se. There is a lot of bad reporting out there claiming otherwise. Certainly the term 'czar' was never applied to her except by Republicans.
John: A heartfelt thank you.
Who has better bumperstickers: "BLM". "Trump is a fascist". "No person is illegal." "Hate has no home here". MINITRUE is working 24/7 to come up with catchy slogans. Both sides have nuanced arguments, but both also have simplistic extremes. And the Left's comparison of Trump to Hitler, an existential threat to democracy, etc.. -- the Left certainly has their share of blame for increasing the animosity in the country.
What is seems hard for many on the Left to understand: I can't stand Harris' policies. I could give a crap if she's a black woman (I really like Tulsi Gabbard & Tim Scott. I even like Glenn & John!). She's way to the left -- where she has any coherent policy. She's Biden's "border czar" -- how has that worked out?
Interesting claim about "fake" populists wanting to take power away from the people. I just can't take Jan 6 seriously as an "insurrection". Nobody took guns into the Capitol. What kind of insurrection expects to succeed without real weapons? A 10 year old would have planned it better. Ugly, barbaric, anarchic, disgraceful, shameful? Yes. Of course. A tantrum played out on the world stage? Sure.
A serious attempt at insurrection? No. Not buying it.
Finally, I don't understand the distrust of people with three word names. Particularly from John Mac Whorter ;-)
She was never Biden's "border czar." That's a GOP attack line.
CZAR: a person appointed by government to advise on and coordinate policy in a particular area.
"America's new drug czar"
He delegated the border crisis to her. He said that :
“When she speaks, she speaks for me,” Biden said, noting her past work as California’s attorney general makes her specially equipped to lead the administration’s response.
Biden, who has faced stiff criticism from Republicans over the increased flow of migrants, is hoping to show Americans he’s taking the situation at the border seriously. He also wants to prevent the growing humanitarian and political challenge from overshadowing his administration’s ambitious legislative agenda.
But the high-profile assignment for Harris, who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 and is expected to run for the White House again in the future, could be politically fraught.
“Needless to say, the work will not be easy,” Harris said. “But it is important work.”
CZAR is defined as a person of great power. Harris was tapped as having presedential powers over the border. That seems like a person of great power over the border to me
Her assignment was to address root causes of migration in Central American countries, not the border per se. There is a lot of bad reporting out there claiming otherwise. Certainly the term 'czar' was never applied to her except by Republicans.
blah blah blah