I am so glad you wrote this JW as frankly, having not received even one "like", I was beginning to think I was alone in my irritation. It is indeed in so many cases the combination of extremism and lack of consistency which (like Elon Musk's meme showing that we have remained the same in our outlook while the left has ran so far to the e…
I am so glad you wrote this JW as frankly, having not received even one "like", I was beginning to think I was alone in my irritation. It is indeed in so many cases the combination of extremism and lack of consistency which (like Elon Musk's meme showing that we have remained the same in our outlook while the left has ran so far to the extreme that the middle has moved) leaves me open to the label "right wing". And John's simplistic verdict on "our" motivations was just a red rag to a bull. I will always be grateful for the fact that discovering Glenn and John was the gateway to so many voices of rationality which I think it's why it comes as such a disconcerting surprise when John goes so extreme in his language but sadly it is indicative of the times in which we live; the attempt on the life of a former president (and candidate) is not only greeted with dismissive headlines ("Trump leaves stage over loud noises" "Trump falls") but then the media stops questioning AT ALL!! The complete reversal on Harris, the dismissal of concerns over border that Jai Johnson (Obama's border Tsar) described as a crisis if it was 1000 apprehensions per day (and THAT administration was actually apprehending AND repatriating which apparently is unthinkable today) but the media won't question. John and Glenn, despite the fact that they would occasionally disagree to some extent were always the voice I could rely on for a reality check, for real questioning and as Tom Sowell would say, "Facts". So if it becomes that John may as well be a clone, as you rightly say, of NYT talking points then it makes it harder to summon the enthusiasm to listen. But, again thanks to them, there are so many others I've been introduced to who will never see the light of day otherwise. I'm thinking particularly of Carol Swain, for whom John harbors a special animosity, and it was actually (I think) his hostility to her which prompted my first negative response a few months back. Fortunately I still have (amongst others) The Fifth Column of Michael Moynihan, Kmele Foster and Matt Welch to offer rational, fact based coverage of issues in the form of discussion but yeah, I do wish John would come down from his ivory tower and embrace reality. Thank you again for responding and for giving your own family's immigrant story of hard work, perseverance and sacrifice. All the best, James (edit; I beg his pardon Jeh Johnson not Jai Johnson!)
I am so glad you wrote this JW as frankly, having not received even one "like", I was beginning to think I was alone in my irritation. It is indeed in so many cases the combination of extremism and lack of consistency which (like Elon Musk's meme showing that we have remained the same in our outlook while the left has ran so far to the extreme that the middle has moved) leaves me open to the label "right wing". And John's simplistic verdict on "our" motivations was just a red rag to a bull. I will always be grateful for the fact that discovering Glenn and John was the gateway to so many voices of rationality which I think it's why it comes as such a disconcerting surprise when John goes so extreme in his language but sadly it is indicative of the times in which we live; the attempt on the life of a former president (and candidate) is not only greeted with dismissive headlines ("Trump leaves stage over loud noises" "Trump falls") but then the media stops questioning AT ALL!! The complete reversal on Harris, the dismissal of concerns over border that Jai Johnson (Obama's border Tsar) described as a crisis if it was 1000 apprehensions per day (and THAT administration was actually apprehending AND repatriating which apparently is unthinkable today) but the media won't question. John and Glenn, despite the fact that they would occasionally disagree to some extent were always the voice I could rely on for a reality check, for real questioning and as Tom Sowell would say, "Facts". So if it becomes that John may as well be a clone, as you rightly say, of NYT talking points then it makes it harder to summon the enthusiasm to listen. But, again thanks to them, there are so many others I've been introduced to who will never see the light of day otherwise. I'm thinking particularly of Carol Swain, for whom John harbors a special animosity, and it was actually (I think) his hostility to her which prompted my first negative response a few months back. Fortunately I still have (amongst others) The Fifth Column of Michael Moynihan, Kmele Foster and Matt Welch to offer rational, fact based coverage of issues in the form of discussion but yeah, I do wish John would come down from his ivory tower and embrace reality. Thank you again for responding and for giving your own family's immigrant story of hard work, perseverance and sacrifice. All the best, James (edit; I beg his pardon Jeh Johnson not Jai Johnson!)