Two points and then I believe I have overused my space and time here.
First, the ONLY people who believe in the "collective punishment of the civilian population" of Gaza are the leaders of Hamas, who put their people in harms way and will not even allow them to get out of harms way by going south a few miles now. Israel is not engaging i…
Two points and then I believe I have overused my space and time here.
First, the ONLY people who believe in the "collective punishment of the civilian population" of Gaza are the leaders of Hamas, who put their people in harms way and will not even allow them to get out of harms way by going south a few miles now. Israel is not engaging in collective punishment by going into Gaza for the sole purpose of destroying Hamas. I simply do not accept your way of framing this, which is tragically the way the world frames it.
Secondly, when you say Netanyahu empowered Hamas to undercut Abbas, you imply there is a big difference between those two. In fact, when Abbas speaks to his own people in their language, it is the language of Hamas. Your talk of Israel not offering "a real Palestine" implies that Abbas, unlike Hamas, wants a real Palestine that would not endanger Israel's very existence. Abbas and the P.A. play a double and duplicitous game, but what he tells his own people is "right of return." which would swamp Israel and end it as a Jewish nation. "From the river to the sea," a land judenrein, is the chant that all the friends of the Palestinians in the West love to chant. They understand perfectly what the "real Palestine" has to be.
Two points and then I believe I have overused my space and time here.
First, the ONLY people who believe in the "collective punishment of the civilian population" of Gaza are the leaders of Hamas, who put their people in harms way and will not even allow them to get out of harms way by going south a few miles now. Israel is not engaging in collective punishment by going into Gaza for the sole purpose of destroying Hamas. I simply do not accept your way of framing this, which is tragically the way the world frames it.
Secondly, when you say Netanyahu empowered Hamas to undercut Abbas, you imply there is a big difference between those two. In fact, when Abbas speaks to his own people in their language, it is the language of Hamas. Your talk of Israel not offering "a real Palestine" implies that Abbas, unlike Hamas, wants a real Palestine that would not endanger Israel's very existence. Abbas and the P.A. play a double and duplicitous game, but what he tells his own people is "right of return." which would swamp Israel and end it as a Jewish nation. "From the river to the sea," a land judenrein, is the chant that all the friends of the Palestinians in the West love to chant. They understand perfectly what the "real Palestine" has to be.
Anyway, that's all for me. Have at it.