21:57 So, James is an actor. He plays characters who are different from himself. BTW, I find it hilarious that spitting tobacco was the line James wouldn't cross. I'm sure Kmele Foster would be proud, assuming that James didn't literally say "the N-word" in the play.
21:57 So, James is an actor. He plays characters who are different from himself. BTW, I find it hilarious that spitting tobacco was the line James wouldn't cross. I'm sure Kmele Foster would be proud, assuming that James didn't literally say "the N-word" in the play.
I had to say the "N" word numerous times in that play--my role was the embodiment of hideous evil racism. It was painful to play. The show didn't go further than that workshop and should have, it was wonderful and challenging and true (based on the Loving case)--but actually in today's climate, it couldn't be produced--certainly the "N" word would have to be excised--even though the point was to show how horrible racism is. This is the weirdness of our time.
21:57 So, James is an actor. He plays characters who are different from himself. BTW, I find it hilarious that spitting tobacco was the line James wouldn't cross. I'm sure Kmele Foster would be proud, assuming that James didn't literally say "the N-word" in the play.
I had to say the "N" word numerous times in that play--my role was the embodiment of hideous evil racism. It was painful to play. The show didn't go further than that workshop and should have, it was wonderful and challenging and true (based on the Loving case)--but actually in today's climate, it couldn't be produced--certainly the "N" word would have to be excised--even though the point was to show how horrible racism is. This is the weirdness of our time.