Good people on both sides? Could you point one out? I don't know about you but all I saw was Nazis carrying torches singing Blood And Soil, Jews Will Not Replace Us. And ultimately committing vehicular homicide. The statue was just the vehicle for "Unite The White". If you think it was all about a statue then you are pretty fucking stupid.
Good people on both sides? Could you point one out? I don't know about you but all I saw was Nazis carrying torches singing Blood And Soil, Jews Will Not Replace Us. And ultimately committing vehicular homicide. The statue was just the vehicle for "Unite The White". If you think it was all about a statue then you are pretty fucking stupid.
Good people on both sides? Could you point one out? I don't know about you but all I saw was Nazis carrying torches singing Blood And Soil, Jews Will Not Replace Us. And ultimately committing vehicular homicide. The statue was just the vehicle for "Unite The White". If you think it was all about a statue then you are pretty fucking stupid.
Scot Adams interviewed attendees who where there to support the statues as history (as Glenn suggested). Not everyone there was a bigot.
Scott Adams also thinks "J6" was a peaceful protest of a stolen election. And no doubt has "interviews" with "peaceful J6 protesters" as well.
Your non-sequiturs make me wonder whether the moniker you choose for yourself is meant ironically or literally.