I have seen two definitions for mass shooting. One is 3 or more killed or injured. The second is 4 or more killed or injured including the shooter.
Here are the statistics I found.
White commit 54% of mass shootings. White is 65% of population.
Black commit 17% of mass shootings. Black is 13% of population.
Asian commit 6% of mass shootings. Asian is 3.6% of population.
What I could find of the Buffalo shooters manifesto was he was white supremacist and moderately left (on the left). My life experience tells me there are white supremacist on both the left and right ends of the political spectrums.
I quit watching any news network several years ago so haven't watched Tucker Carlson until I listened to this stream. I thought I would check out this great replacement theory of his. I went back through the titles of his shows for 3 months. Only one had replacement in the title. This doesn't mean he didn't discuss it as a secondary topic of a show but only one show had it as main topic. I watched to a few to see if it was a secondary topic in them. Of the few I watched, replacement theory was not a topic. In the one with replacement theory in title, he showed multiple clips of CNN, MSNBC, and even president Biden talking about changing the demographics of red states to people of color. Their conclusion was this would change red states to blue states them to blue. Tuckers conclusion was, if this was there plan, it isn't a good plan because people of color have a diversity of political values. They are not going to vote blue automatically.
Glenn: I don't know if you'll read this or not, but I'd like to ask a question. As an economist, I'm going to assume that you have a fundamental understanding of the demographic cliff and the challenges it poses to the economy of the US (and other industrialized nations). My question is: do you think restricting immigration is detrimental to the QoL of the average extant American citizen and to the wellbeing of the country as a whole? In my opinion, the answer is an unequivocal yes, but I'm a HS dropout with a GED. I would like your take because perhaps there are factors that I'm missing because I have no formal education in economics.
The US fertility rate fell off a cliff between 1960 and 1975. We have been under the replacement rate since the 70s which means that we should have already seen a negative economic impact. When people retire from the workforce, there should not be enough new workers entering the workforce to fill all those jobs. Of course, some jobs don't need to be filled due to automation and process improvements, but in general, we should have been seeing inflation as the savings of retirees flood into an economy with less workers to produce goods and services (basic econ, prices settle based on supply and demand, more money and less goods/services equals inflation). The reason we haven't, in my understanding, is that we've been padding our population with immigration for decades. The last few years, immigration has slowed to a trickle as Covid policies limited mobility. Of course, all real world problems are complex and have many causal factors, and in this case, disruption to production and supply chains from Covid policies as well as the war in Ukraine are certainly impacting our economy. But given the general desperate need for workers as well as the atrociously high inflation rate, I think the largest driving factor is that demographic cliff. As of the 1990 census, 12.5% of the population was 65+ (a good stand in for "retired"). In 2000, it was 12.4%, but in 2010 it jumped to 13.1% and in 2020 it was 13.9%. Current predictions have us hitting 20% by 2030. The glut of demand that's going to be generated by our top-heavy elder generation is going to fall on a class of producers that is smaller than ever, which is going to keep inflation high. Even if people started having tons of kids tomorrow, we'd need 2 decades before those new kids entered the workforce and started producing. Without a massive boost to immigration, I see no way around surging inflation and eventual economic collapse. So it seems to me that we should be practically begging people to come here, especially from cultures that are more fecund, as most developing nations are. We need the people to fill jobs and we need to bring the birth rate back up so that we don't collapse under the weight of a retired class that is not just outnumbering new workers, but are living longer than ever as well.
Again, perhaps there is something I'm just completely missing. But it seems to me that not only is there no real value in even clinging to existing immigration policies, we should be making it easier to immigrate here. I don't see any concern that is as compelling as the demographic cliff to counter that argument.
It is surprising to hear Dr. Loury seemingly unable to see how Mr. Carson plays to the far right. Mr. McWhorter nailed why Mr. Carlson covers the topics he does…….ratings = advertising money - big paydays.
John's thinking on these political topics is so self-contradictory and shallow that it's almost impossible to endure. He needs to turn off the NPR, step outside, and maybe even try watching some of the shows that he's been told by the New York Times are yucky, rather than reading op-ed hitpieces about them from places of institutional power.
He starts off this episode lamenting the Buffalo shooting, talks about how "maybe we would associate mass shootings with the Left if they were as common from Left-wingers as they are from Right-wingers," then admits as the conversations segues into Tucker Carlson that the Buffalo shooter DIDN'T watch Tucker Carlson, WASN'T Right-wing, and HATED Fox News. Of course we all know that "RIGHT WING DOMESTIC TERRORISM WHITE SUPREMACY" etc. etc. is what any NPR-listener is bombarded with day-in and day-out, but John literally defeats his own argument within the space of about thirty seconds.
What Right-wing terrorism? What Right-wing mass shootings? Name them, John. Name the Tucker Carlson viewers who have gone on rampages. Give me a list. Name the Tucker Carlson fanatic who, like the guy who shot Steve Scalise, spends all day ranting about how Democrats are destroying the country. Is it the kidnappers of Governor Whitmore? You mean the FBI agents who entrapped a bunch of LARPers? Those 'terrorists' were all acquitted, so you'd better try again. I can give you a list a mile long of black supremacists just in the last six months who've gone on killing sprees--one of whom was discussed last episode. Many of their ideas are MAINSTREAM in the corporate media. But you're going to sit there and tell me, "Well, maybe if Left-wingers went on rampages like Right-wingers, we'd make that same association!"
Cut me a break. John is a very smart man, but his critical thinking skills have been turned to mush by the echochamber of academia. Every time he gets into political discussions with Glenn he gets completely trampled. It's not just that I disagree with him--it's that when Glenn pushes back, he can hardly even defend himself. It's like he doesn't believe himself. He just goes quiet. The contrast with the depth of his thinking on issues of race and linguistics is stupendous.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyRNCGSrzU4&t=649s Loved this discussion of the great replacement theory. Could write scores of pages about the great replacement theory, but how about this proposed solution?:
---the USA offers to pay for the Mexican wall and Mexican border enforcement to protect Mexico and Mexicans from illegal immigrants and illegal imports
---prominent USA thought leaders defend Mexico and Mexicans 24 by 7 from woke attacks on Mexico being white supremacist and systemically racist for carefully controlling Mexican borders and limiting legal immigration into Mexico
---the USA massively expands FID over the next 50 years for the:
---the USA helps the Mexican armed forces and police go on the offensive against the three large organized crime families that run most of Mexico and greatly expand the writ of the Mexican state.
---the Mexican armed forces and police defend the US border and carefully control who can and who cannot enter the USA.
---help Mexico issue everyone inside Mexico and all Mexican nationals an ID card and help Mexico use BIG DATA to collect data on on international travelors and residents inside Mexico, that Mexico then shares with the USA. This would help the USA sort anyone trying to enter the USA from Mexico for criminal background and psychological health--and greatly aid the USA in fighting organized crime and ordinary crime. This would also protect Mexicans and Americans living inside the USA from violence or threats of violence from the three large Mexican organized crime families that rule much of Mexico, greatly influence west Africa and have growing global power
---the USA collaborates with Mexico to fight the dangerous global woke virus
---the USA faciliates a sharp improvement in the Mexican K-12 with massive USA foreign aid
---the USA does what it can to facilitate rapid productivity growth, gentrification, business development and physical infrastructure in the poorest parts of Mexico
---the USA greatly preferences Mexican unskilled and semi skilled and skilled legal immigration versus legal immigration from the rest of the world
---the USA offers a pathway towards legal documentation for MEXICAN NATIONALS ONLY
In case readers are not familar with Mexico, here is some background information:
In 2019, in Mexico 14,378 people disappeared. In addition, 44,576 people were murdered if we include manslaughter in 2019. About four times as many as were murdered a dozen years earlier in 2007. This is one of the highest per capita rates of murder in the world, higher than many countries at war. 19 of the 50 most violent per capita cities in the world for which data is available were in Mexico in 2019. Mexico has devolved into civil war as the Mexican government and Mexican police have lost control over much of Mexico and even outright withdrawn from much of Mexico.
Organized crime gives people electronic bracelets and electronic accounts to keep track of the taxes they owe and pay to organized crime. It is almost as regularized as the formal Mexican tax system.
Mexico is increasingly controlled by three organized crime families that also are very influential in West Africa and are growing in power globally. These organized crime families have capable air forces with smart bombs, armies (with artillery, IFVs, APCs), navies and have a larger GDP than many countries put together. One friend estimated that these three organized crime families were collectively possibly worth around $500 billion.
Mexico is not a poor country. Mexico is an upper middle income country with a vast middle class by global standards. What happened to Mexico over a short period of time can also happen to the USA. All the more reason for the USA to get her act together ASAP. And all the more reason to do all the USA to facilitate Mexico not deteriorating further.
I hate to be conspiratorial but how do we know the crazy teen killed a lot of black americans because he was anti-immigrant? They weren't immigrants. Doesn't make sense. What does make sense to me is that Tucker Carlson is the the most noted person against expanding the war in Ukraine. There are $45 billion worth of reasons why some people want to take him down and this is a good excuse to try to do it.
The characterization of Father Coughlin is incomplete. Coughlin preached a variety of views and changed allegiance over time. He was a strong supporter of FDR's New Deal for a while, then turned against FDR. He was against Communism, but was for some kind of socialism, advocating for government control of banks and corporations. He later attacked Jews and expressed a preference for fascism. https://www.thoughtco.com/father-coughlin-4707266
I don't think John said it explicitly, but he probably thought that comparing Carlson to Coughlin made sense because they're both conservatives. AFAICT, Coughlin was far from conservative and probably some kind of radical leftist. The organization he founded was called the "National Union for Social Justice." Both Carlson and Coughlin have used mass media to rile up their audiences. I'm not sure they have much in common beyond that.
Gentlemen, the media sibling to Tucker Carlson is Joy Reid. Reid is using the Carlson format. At least Maddow had a wide variety of guests, prob seen 100 new faces. Carlson Carlson has a stable of ~7 people.
Carlson’s formula is a little too toxic for my taste. Wish he presented ideas w/less venom. Reid has the same formula.
Let’s talk about the “Replacement Theory” who REALLY is pushing this? Not Tucker. Pack the court, Filibuster, state rights, federal abortion laws, ESG, Energy, math, gender, women sports no Title 9, parental rights is domestic terrorism, voting laws, school, police, guns, border control, entrance exams.. the left is replacing everything!! I’m sure I’ve missed something.
Why is “they” bad? Who provides social services? Tax payers. Have either of you been to Texas? I left my home in 2000, where I was born and raised. I go back from time to time. It’s now Mexico. Why is that bad? Taxes increases, free lunches, schools systems having to hire more teachers to teach Hispanics.. it all adds up. So now Uvalde happens.. was their school secure is the question. So the Mayor says they have lock downs in their town 3-4 times a week.. why? They have an illegal immigrant problem. They cause havoc to these towns around the borders. So did this school become complacent which allowed this monster to go in thru a side door because the lock downs happen so often?? You two live up north .. you are shielded from this reality. Not for long. So.. 100% the illegals are causing big problems. Now the last 4 mass shootings; all male, one white, one black, one hispanic, one asian. It’s either racism or gun control for the democrats. Some of these democrats have been around since Sandy Hook and have done NOTHing. Obama recognizes mourning The children murdered and his next sentence “let’s not forget George Floyd”.. same paragraph. It’s all unbelievable. So yes replacement.. which also means the black vote won’t matter before too long either. In the mean time, Chicago lost over 200
In trying to answer the question of how many whites are killed by blacks or others in racially motivated attacks, I found quite a few that I had never heard about. The reason is that these killings are ignored by the msm. Maybe we put Roland Fryer on this?
A time period would have to be established because obviously the killing of blacks by whites has a long sordid history.
It is an important question since claims made today are being used to vilify whites and that may or may not be justified.
Again, I find Glenn to be a very quick thinker on his feet, not easy when the subject is controversial. His responses and explanations are always clearly thought out and presented.
The more I listen to these sessions the more I realize why McWhorter is acceptable to the NYT and Loury is not.
Another underrated and under read black writer is John Edgar Wideman.
Behavioral science does not know the motive of an individual before an investigation. The only field with expertise in immediately knowing motive, is “Psychic Mind Reading”. I am referring to the Buffalo man who mass-murdered a number of people because they were Black.
Within public health, “behavioral health” is the place where behavioral science asserts its reason. Behavioral health is psychology and behavioral science. I retired in December, so I have no information on how public health is responding. Hopefully, public health would encourage the public to (a) Not jump to conclusions,(b) Be assured that this horrible hate crime comes from a place on the fringe, not mainstream.
Independent of crime details, the Buffalo hate-crimer/mass murderer and those who are adjacent are given a frequent message “Your race group is inherently pathological”. We all get the same message “White race is bad” from almost every institution. Our institutions are causing harm, independent of whatever turns out to be the Buffalo story. While the vast majority of us are not hate-crime adjacent, we need to be aware of their brainwash-vulnerability. Manipulation, misinformation and misguidance turn people into hate-crimers. Our job is to compete by selling a better story to would-be future hate crimers, so that that we steal the business from the competition. A better story is not “Your race is pathological”, but “You belong and we all belong”.
On mental illness; every time a major hate crime occurs, one side of debate says “Yes” and the other “No” for reasons that are political, not professional. As I was not the Buffalo hate-crimer’s therapist, I have no opinion.
This was an excellent conversation, both Glenn and John making great points!
To me the issue of “the other” or “people coming in who don’t share our values” was answered by John himself on that second quote. These people are coming in illegally which means they will bypass the assimilation part of the process. If they don’t assimilate then they DON’T and WON’T share our values, and that is the problem.
The fact that it has something to do with race because they’re Latino is coincidence, and this problem would be exactly the same if it was illegal immigrants coming in from Canada.
It’s a slap in the face to those who came here legally and assimilated, including a great many Latinos themselves who get a bad name by association.
Listen to Victor Davis Hanson on this topic; without a border you don’t have a country, and without assimilation you just have groups of people sharing land, you don’t have a nation of people sharing values.
As he expertly put it ‘you can move to Japan but you’ll never be Japanese, you can move to France but you’ll never be French, but you can move to America and become American’ because being American is about a set of values and laws that we share and all believe in.
Making this a racial issue is just a way of the democrats trying to misdirect the public again.
John I’m sorry to say is falling for it, and taking umbrage at Tucker pointing this out because you don’t like the ‘they’ or ‘other’ is focusing on the wrong thing.
Does anyone differentiate between a person who is racist [defined as a character trait or flaw, impervious to logical argument against] and an individual who occasionally expresses sentiments that can be interpreted as racist [but whose racist statement can be answered by counterfactuals leading to a change of opinion]? I don't see how we can have a intellectually rigorous discussion without awareness of that distinction.
Great episode. I love Glenn's take on Tucker Carlson. The truth about what's going on has to be reported. And there will always be an audience for it. The border situation is a hot topic that people overlook. And the double standard of the race debate is also overlooked. People are always going to be hungry for the truth. And this is why we love the Glenn and John connection. We receive honest conversations that we will not find from just any public intellectual.
Yes, another great episode, amply demonstrating why we love Glenn and John. And yes, the truth should be reported... which is precisely why Tucker Carlson is such a pernicious figure. He is more than happy to offer up lies to his viewers.
I wrote about this in a long post below, but for the sake of those who know it not, I've dug up the trailer to his "Patriot Purge" special. Oddly, it doesn't appear to be on YouTube, but you can still find it on Tucker's own Twitter feed:
Please watch that and then tell me that this is a man concerned with reporting the truth.
As a federal judge wrote while dismissing a defamation case against Carlson (in Macdougal v. Fox News Network), "Fox persuasively argues... that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statements he makes." (This is at the top of p.12 of the decision, which you can find here, if you want receipts: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/7216968/9-24-20-McDougal-v-Fox-Opinion.pdf)
Even Fox News acknowledges that a reasonable person should not take Tucker Carlson seriously.
Reporting the truth? 99% of what he reports is 100% more accurate than the MSM reporting. January 6th? What is Tucker to do -- what are any of us to explain since the government refuses access to hundreds of hours of tape/videos? That is not Tucker's fault.
Now it certainly is true that discussion of "2000 MULES" is not allowed on Fox. It is the mirrored response of the MSM's failure to deal with Hunter Biden's corruption and his laptop. Both cases are examples of ideological censorship.
I have seen two definitions for mass shooting. One is 3 or more killed or injured. The second is 4 or more killed or injured including the shooter.
Here are the statistics I found.
White commit 54% of mass shootings. White is 65% of population.
Black commit 17% of mass shootings. Black is 13% of population.
Asian commit 6% of mass shootings. Asian is 3.6% of population.
What I could find of the Buffalo shooters manifesto was he was white supremacist and moderately left (on the left). My life experience tells me there are white supremacist on both the left and right ends of the political spectrums.
I quit watching any news network several years ago so haven't watched Tucker Carlson until I listened to this stream. I thought I would check out this great replacement theory of his. I went back through the titles of his shows for 3 months. Only one had replacement in the title. This doesn't mean he didn't discuss it as a secondary topic of a show but only one show had it as main topic. I watched to a few to see if it was a secondary topic in them. Of the few I watched, replacement theory was not a topic. In the one with replacement theory in title, he showed multiple clips of CNN, MSNBC, and even president Biden talking about changing the demographics of red states to people of color. Their conclusion was this would change red states to blue states them to blue. Tuckers conclusion was, if this was there plan, it isn't a good plan because people of color have a diversity of political values. They are not going to vote blue automatically.
Glenn: I don't know if you'll read this or not, but I'd like to ask a question. As an economist, I'm going to assume that you have a fundamental understanding of the demographic cliff and the challenges it poses to the economy of the US (and other industrialized nations). My question is: do you think restricting immigration is detrimental to the QoL of the average extant American citizen and to the wellbeing of the country as a whole? In my opinion, the answer is an unequivocal yes, but I'm a HS dropout with a GED. I would like your take because perhaps there are factors that I'm missing because I have no formal education in economics.
The US fertility rate fell off a cliff between 1960 and 1975. We have been under the replacement rate since the 70s which means that we should have already seen a negative economic impact. When people retire from the workforce, there should not be enough new workers entering the workforce to fill all those jobs. Of course, some jobs don't need to be filled due to automation and process improvements, but in general, we should have been seeing inflation as the savings of retirees flood into an economy with less workers to produce goods and services (basic econ, prices settle based on supply and demand, more money and less goods/services equals inflation). The reason we haven't, in my understanding, is that we've been padding our population with immigration for decades. The last few years, immigration has slowed to a trickle as Covid policies limited mobility. Of course, all real world problems are complex and have many causal factors, and in this case, disruption to production and supply chains from Covid policies as well as the war in Ukraine are certainly impacting our economy. But given the general desperate need for workers as well as the atrociously high inflation rate, I think the largest driving factor is that demographic cliff. As of the 1990 census, 12.5% of the population was 65+ (a good stand in for "retired"). In 2000, it was 12.4%, but in 2010 it jumped to 13.1% and in 2020 it was 13.9%. Current predictions have us hitting 20% by 2030. The glut of demand that's going to be generated by our top-heavy elder generation is going to fall on a class of producers that is smaller than ever, which is going to keep inflation high. Even if people started having tons of kids tomorrow, we'd need 2 decades before those new kids entered the workforce and started producing. Without a massive boost to immigration, I see no way around surging inflation and eventual economic collapse. So it seems to me that we should be practically begging people to come here, especially from cultures that are more fecund, as most developing nations are. We need the people to fill jobs and we need to bring the birth rate back up so that we don't collapse under the weight of a retired class that is not just outnumbering new workers, but are living longer than ever as well.
Again, perhaps there is something I'm just completely missing. But it seems to me that not only is there no real value in even clinging to existing immigration policies, we should be making it easier to immigrate here. I don't see any concern that is as compelling as the demographic cliff to counter that argument.
It is surprising to hear Dr. Loury seemingly unable to see how Mr. Carson plays to the far right. Mr. McWhorter nailed why Mr. Carlson covers the topics he does…….ratings = advertising money - big paydays.
John's thinking on these political topics is so self-contradictory and shallow that it's almost impossible to endure. He needs to turn off the NPR, step outside, and maybe even try watching some of the shows that he's been told by the New York Times are yucky, rather than reading op-ed hitpieces about them from places of institutional power.
He starts off this episode lamenting the Buffalo shooting, talks about how "maybe we would associate mass shootings with the Left if they were as common from Left-wingers as they are from Right-wingers," then admits as the conversations segues into Tucker Carlson that the Buffalo shooter DIDN'T watch Tucker Carlson, WASN'T Right-wing, and HATED Fox News. Of course we all know that "RIGHT WING DOMESTIC TERRORISM WHITE SUPREMACY" etc. etc. is what any NPR-listener is bombarded with day-in and day-out, but John literally defeats his own argument within the space of about thirty seconds.
What Right-wing terrorism? What Right-wing mass shootings? Name them, John. Name the Tucker Carlson viewers who have gone on rampages. Give me a list. Name the Tucker Carlson fanatic who, like the guy who shot Steve Scalise, spends all day ranting about how Democrats are destroying the country. Is it the kidnappers of Governor Whitmore? You mean the FBI agents who entrapped a bunch of LARPers? Those 'terrorists' were all acquitted, so you'd better try again. I can give you a list a mile long of black supremacists just in the last six months who've gone on killing sprees--one of whom was discussed last episode. Many of their ideas are MAINSTREAM in the corporate media. But you're going to sit there and tell me, "Well, maybe if Left-wingers went on rampages like Right-wingers, we'd make that same association!"
Cut me a break. John is a very smart man, but his critical thinking skills have been turned to mush by the echochamber of academia. Every time he gets into political discussions with Glenn he gets completely trampled. It's not just that I disagree with him--it's that when Glenn pushes back, he can hardly even defend himself. It's like he doesn't believe himself. He just goes quiet. The contrast with the depth of his thinking on issues of race and linguistics is stupendous.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyRNCGSrzU4&t=649s Loved this discussion of the great replacement theory. Could write scores of pages about the great replacement theory, but how about this proposed solution?:
---the USA offers to pay for the Mexican wall and Mexican border enforcement to protect Mexico and Mexicans from illegal immigrants and illegal imports
---prominent USA thought leaders defend Mexico and Mexicans 24 by 7 from woke attacks on Mexico being white supremacist and systemically racist for carefully controlling Mexican borders and limiting legal immigration into Mexico
---the USA massively expands FID over the next 50 years for the:
------Mexican Army
------Mexican Air Force
------Mexican Navy
------Mexican Marines
------Coast Guard
------independent forces
------Mexian police
---the USA helps the Mexican armed forces and police go on the offensive against the three large organized crime families that run most of Mexico and greatly expand the writ of the Mexican state.
---the Mexican armed forces and police defend the US border and carefully control who can and who cannot enter the USA.
---help Mexico issue everyone inside Mexico and all Mexican nationals an ID card and help Mexico use BIG DATA to collect data on on international travelors and residents inside Mexico, that Mexico then shares with the USA. This would help the USA sort anyone trying to enter the USA from Mexico for criminal background and psychological health--and greatly aid the USA in fighting organized crime and ordinary crime. This would also protect Mexicans and Americans living inside the USA from violence or threats of violence from the three large Mexican organized crime families that rule much of Mexico, greatly influence west Africa and have growing global power
---the USA collaborates with Mexico to fight the dangerous global woke virus
---the USA faciliates a sharp improvement in the Mexican K-12 with massive USA foreign aid
---the USA does what it can to facilitate rapid productivity growth, gentrification, business development and physical infrastructure in the poorest parts of Mexico
---the USA greatly preferences Mexican unskilled and semi skilled and skilled legal immigration versus legal immigration from the rest of the world
---the USA offers a pathway towards legal documentation for MEXICAN NATIONALS ONLY
In case readers are not familar with Mexico, here is some background information:
In 2019, in Mexico 14,378 people disappeared. In addition, 44,576 people were murdered if we include manslaughter in 2019. About four times as many as were murdered a dozen years earlier in 2007. This is one of the highest per capita rates of murder in the world, higher than many countries at war. 19 of the 50 most violent per capita cities in the world for which data is available were in Mexico in 2019. Mexico has devolved into civil war as the Mexican government and Mexican police have lost control over much of Mexico and even outright withdrawn from much of Mexico.
Organized crime gives people electronic bracelets and electronic accounts to keep track of the taxes they owe and pay to organized crime. It is almost as regularized as the formal Mexican tax system.
Mexico is increasingly controlled by three organized crime families that also are very influential in West Africa and are growing in power globally. These organized crime families have capable air forces with smart bombs, armies (with artillery, IFVs, APCs), navies and have a larger GDP than many countries put together. One friend estimated that these three organized crime families were collectively possibly worth around $500 billion.
Mexico is not a poor country. Mexico is an upper middle income country with a vast middle class by global standards. What happened to Mexico over a short period of time can also happen to the USA. All the more reason for the USA to get her act together ASAP. And all the more reason to do all the USA to facilitate Mexico not deteriorating further.
I hate to be conspiratorial but how do we know the crazy teen killed a lot of black americans because he was anti-immigrant? They weren't immigrants. Doesn't make sense. What does make sense to me is that Tucker Carlson is the the most noted person against expanding the war in Ukraine. There are $45 billion worth of reasons why some people want to take him down and this is a good excuse to try to do it.
At least according to Wikipedia, "Coughlin" contains a hard "g" sound. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Coughlin
The characterization of Father Coughlin is incomplete. Coughlin preached a variety of views and changed allegiance over time. He was a strong supporter of FDR's New Deal for a while, then turned against FDR. He was against Communism, but was for some kind of socialism, advocating for government control of banks and corporations. He later attacked Jews and expressed a preference for fascism. https://www.thoughtco.com/father-coughlin-4707266
I don't think John said it explicitly, but he probably thought that comparing Carlson to Coughlin made sense because they're both conservatives. AFAICT, Coughlin was far from conservative and probably some kind of radical leftist. The organization he founded was called the "National Union for Social Justice." Both Carlson and Coughlin have used mass media to rile up their audiences. I'm not sure they have much in common beyond that.
Joy Reid used to be a good and interesting data analyst. I am thinking more $ in the TV personality bucket. Same for Carlson.
Gentlemen, the media sibling to Tucker Carlson is Joy Reid. Reid is using the Carlson format. At least Maddow had a wide variety of guests, prob seen 100 new faces. Carlson Carlson has a stable of ~7 people.
Carlson’s formula is a little too toxic for my taste. Wish he presented ideas w/less venom. Reid has the same formula.
Let’s talk about the “Replacement Theory” who REALLY is pushing this? Not Tucker. Pack the court, Filibuster, state rights, federal abortion laws, ESG, Energy, math, gender, women sports no Title 9, parental rights is domestic terrorism, voting laws, school, police, guns, border control, entrance exams.. the left is replacing everything!! I’m sure I’ve missed something.
Why is “they” bad? Who provides social services? Tax payers. Have either of you been to Texas? I left my home in 2000, where I was born and raised. I go back from time to time. It’s now Mexico. Why is that bad? Taxes increases, free lunches, schools systems having to hire more teachers to teach Hispanics.. it all adds up. So now Uvalde happens.. was their school secure is the question. So the Mayor says they have lock downs in their town 3-4 times a week.. why? They have an illegal immigrant problem. They cause havoc to these towns around the borders. So did this school become complacent which allowed this monster to go in thru a side door because the lock downs happen so often?? You two live up north .. you are shielded from this reality. Not for long. So.. 100% the illegals are causing big problems. Now the last 4 mass shootings; all male, one white, one black, one hispanic, one asian. It’s either racism or gun control for the democrats. Some of these democrats have been around since Sandy Hook and have done NOTHing. Obama recognizes mourning The children murdered and his next sentence “let’s not forget George Floyd”.. same paragraph. It’s all unbelievable. So yes replacement.. which also means the black vote won’t matter before too long either. In the mean time, Chicago lost over 200
Children to murder last year. It’s hypocrisy.
In trying to answer the question of how many whites are killed by blacks or others in racially motivated attacks, I found quite a few that I had never heard about. The reason is that these killings are ignored by the msm. Maybe we put Roland Fryer on this?
A time period would have to be established because obviously the killing of blacks by whites has a long sordid history.
It is an important question since claims made today are being used to vilify whites and that may or may not be justified.
Again, I find Glenn to be a very quick thinker on his feet, not easy when the subject is controversial. His responses and explanations are always clearly thought out and presented.
The more I listen to these sessions the more I realize why McWhorter is acceptable to the NYT and Loury is not.
Another underrated and under read black writer is John Edgar Wideman.
Behavioral science does not know the motive of an individual before an investigation. The only field with expertise in immediately knowing motive, is “Psychic Mind Reading”. I am referring to the Buffalo man who mass-murdered a number of people because they were Black.
Within public health, “behavioral health” is the place where behavioral science asserts its reason. Behavioral health is psychology and behavioral science. I retired in December, so I have no information on how public health is responding. Hopefully, public health would encourage the public to (a) Not jump to conclusions,(b) Be assured that this horrible hate crime comes from a place on the fringe, not mainstream.
Independent of crime details, the Buffalo hate-crimer/mass murderer and those who are adjacent are given a frequent message “Your race group is inherently pathological”. We all get the same message “White race is bad” from almost every institution. Our institutions are causing harm, independent of whatever turns out to be the Buffalo story. While the vast majority of us are not hate-crime adjacent, we need to be aware of their brainwash-vulnerability. Manipulation, misinformation and misguidance turn people into hate-crimers. Our job is to compete by selling a better story to would-be future hate crimers, so that that we steal the business from the competition. A better story is not “Your race is pathological”, but “You belong and we all belong”.
On mental illness; every time a major hate crime occurs, one side of debate says “Yes” and the other “No” for reasons that are political, not professional. As I was not the Buffalo hate-crimer’s therapist, I have no opinion.
This was an excellent conversation, both Glenn and John making great points!
To me the issue of “the other” or “people coming in who don’t share our values” was answered by John himself on that second quote. These people are coming in illegally which means they will bypass the assimilation part of the process. If they don’t assimilate then they DON’T and WON’T share our values, and that is the problem.
The fact that it has something to do with race because they’re Latino is coincidence, and this problem would be exactly the same if it was illegal immigrants coming in from Canada.
It’s a slap in the face to those who came here legally and assimilated, including a great many Latinos themselves who get a bad name by association.
Listen to Victor Davis Hanson on this topic; without a border you don’t have a country, and without assimilation you just have groups of people sharing land, you don’t have a nation of people sharing values.
As he expertly put it ‘you can move to Japan but you’ll never be Japanese, you can move to France but you’ll never be French, but you can move to America and become American’ because being American is about a set of values and laws that we share and all believe in.
Making this a racial issue is just a way of the democrats trying to misdirect the public again.
John I’m sorry to say is falling for it, and taking umbrage at Tucker pointing this out because you don’t like the ‘they’ or ‘other’ is focusing on the wrong thing.
Does anyone differentiate between a person who is racist [defined as a character trait or flaw, impervious to logical argument against] and an individual who occasionally expresses sentiments that can be interpreted as racist [but whose racist statement can be answered by counterfactuals leading to a change of opinion]? I don't see how we can have a intellectually rigorous discussion without awareness of that distinction.
Great episode. I love Glenn's take on Tucker Carlson. The truth about what's going on has to be reported. And there will always be an audience for it. The border situation is a hot topic that people overlook. And the double standard of the race debate is also overlooked. People are always going to be hungry for the truth. And this is why we love the Glenn and John connection. We receive honest conversations that we will not find from just any public intellectual.
Yes, another great episode, amply demonstrating why we love Glenn and John. And yes, the truth should be reported... which is precisely why Tucker Carlson is such a pernicious figure. He is more than happy to offer up lies to his viewers.
I wrote about this in a long post below, but for the sake of those who know it not, I've dug up the trailer to his "Patriot Purge" special. Oddly, it doesn't appear to be on YouTube, but you can still find it on Tucker's own Twitter feed:
Please watch that and then tell me that this is a man concerned with reporting the truth.
As a federal judge wrote while dismissing a defamation case against Carlson (in Macdougal v. Fox News Network), "Fox persuasively argues... that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statements he makes." (This is at the top of p.12 of the decision, which you can find here, if you want receipts: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/7216968/9-24-20-McDougal-v-Fox-Opinion.pdf)
Even Fox News acknowledges that a reasonable person should not take Tucker Carlson seriously.
Reporting the truth? 99% of what he reports is 100% more accurate than the MSM reporting. January 6th? What is Tucker to do -- what are any of us to explain since the government refuses access to hundreds of hours of tape/videos? That is not Tucker's fault.
Now it certainly is true that discussion of "2000 MULES" is not allowed on Fox. It is the mirrored response of the MSM's failure to deal with Hunter Biden's corruption and his laptop. Both cases are examples of ideological censorship.