How refreshing that you shy away from image management and advertising -- if you wanted to do that, you could just join the clowns in Congress who refuse to look back at legislation which is providing disincentives to succeed. Like the scientific method the truth business is grounded in data and empirical research; it's a lot harder but eventually you will come up with solutions that work...

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Condolezza Rice gets the message down just about perfectly and delivers it in less than a minute and a half while looking the woke panel on "The View" square in the eye.


Maybe that's one of many reasons she is the Director of The Hoover Institution.

Jason Riley pulls it all together nicely here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/republicans-could-take-democrats-to-school-education-election-parents-11635280933?mod=opinion_major_pos7

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Oct 27, 2021Liked by Glenn Loury

Glenn: The student’s question—doesn’t your development message tend to demean African Americans—was one you faced squarely: it has to be said.

I recognize that some of the language you use in describing developmental disparities—“damning,” “shameful”—comes from your passion for the subject, but use of more neutral language may reduce resistance to the message among some.

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Sorry for multiple comments, but Loury reminds me of Phyllis Chesler in some ways. She's an old-school feminist who has written super-accurate books about how effectively women can and do destroy other women using the tools of patriarchy, and how no feminists will touch the issue compared to the ways in which women suffer violence at the hands of men (which we do, any cursory examination of CDC statistics will show you that). But women can be and often are also viciously, perversely destructive to one another. Sexism is an incredibly potent weapon for any woman to use against female competition, and too many women aren't shy about using it.

And Chesler is radioactive in progressive (and many liberal) spaces because of it. Now part of it is that she's also caustic as hell, but caustic or not, she's right.

I mean, if we don't wash dirty linen in public, it's never going to get washed at all, and the problems are never getting solved. Oh, I'm SURE that'll improve things. Denial always solves the problem, right? *sigh*

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When I read this article, you were the first person I thought of:


This is horrifying. The author of this piece has carefully managed to avoid saying what exact neighborhood this is -- thereby making ME the "racist" for assuming what is probably the case: this is a majority Black neighborhood where law-abiding people who want to work with law enforcement to safeguard themselves and their families are being SHOT AT by other people in the same neighborhood. Holy cr*p, they are shooting at mothers who are trying to improve things such that their kids can focus on schoolwork and grow up safe, healthy, and happy and able to play in the street and run around outside like any child should be able to do.

Where the eff is the nationwide protest over this? Where are the politicians who say that Black lives matter unless it's another Black person snuffing it out? Honestly, I know where they are -- avoiding the hell out of this issue because if any politician, particularly a white one, were to go near it, they'd be pilloried.

So these families keep fearing for themselves, keep cowering despite wanting to work with law enforcement to find real solutions so their kids can grow up and achieve. Holy sh*t, this is insanity. And it's not racist to point it out -- of COURSE most Black people are not violent! Clearly, the vast majority of Black people in this neighborhood are cowering in fear! A small minority is holding them hostage! Who is telling them that all lives are sacred, including Black lives?

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This is exactly what drives me crazy about the media reporting on an attack of any kind. If the assailant is white, they make sure to include that. If it's not mentioned, it's easy to assume the assailant is black, not because of anything other than the fact that the media wouldn't say. This is wrong, and they need to just stop it.

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You're absolutely right, and we all need to be honest. We should not lie about facts. As a country, we used to be honest. Media used to be more or less honest, just report on the facts.

When I went to college 10-15 years ago, we always received notifications about muggings (which were frequent!), rapes and other crimes. They always reported the appearance of the suspect, including what suspect was wearing, skin color, hair color, gender, tattoos, piercings, location, any identifying characteristics.

I agree with you that we should be honest about everything and not shy away from the truth.

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Suppose you were an individual, facing off against a lack of integrity regarding one's own values and wellbeing. Would not honesty regarding your shortcomings be potential tools for your enemies and competitors to use against you? Does that suggest you should not be forthright about such things? The fact that others will use your vices against you does not mean you shouldn't be open about articulating and confronting those vices: the point is to BE better, not just look better, and you'll be hard pressed to find a more reliable friend in such a pursuit than honesty and the truth. Regardless, people who hate you will always find an excuse to do so -those who have better intentions can only appreciate an honesty regarding one's shortcomings, as a community or as an individual.

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