Thank you Glenn. This repaid my subscription a hundred times over.

I had an uneasy feeling about the Constitution and initially thought its weakness was the ability of Congress and the Executive to grow an unaccountable bureaucracy.

Then I began to realize that another Achille's Heel was the judiciary and its power over the Congress and President.

You posting here adds something much more insidious. The judiciary's immunity. Quis Custodiet ipsos Custodes. Who watches the watcher. The Constitution does not provide an answer.

I once supported the death penalty. No more. Thank goodness for the Innocence Project.

Minorities have been the greatest victims, and I mean victims, of the justice system. Compounded by "How much justice can you afford?"

Heaven help us.

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Interesting podcast. Mr. Martens needs some work on his Hebrew of pickup a better translation of the Torah. Looking at a couple different translations and the actual Hebrew for Leviticus 19:18 it does not talk about justice it talks about not taking revenge. The quote is "Thou shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against their children love your neighbor as yourself.

My Hebrew is very rusty but you can have Mr. McWhorter check me if you're so inclined.

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This is why "religious and moral" is such a critical concept in a free society. We are certaily feeling the lack thereof.

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As usual, Glenn is totally right.

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That’s insanity… prosecutors are immune?? that must be at the federal level

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