I agree that racism exists, that some people act in racist ways, etc. etc., and IMO that's because our society has been marinated in the belief that race, as a concept, is somehow a useful idea... so habits and IMO misplaced beliefs perpetuate racism.

I am exploring the notion that race, as a concept, has no more intellectual basis than does astrology; consider this phrase: "There goes a Capricorn woman". Most people would agree that is complete nonsense. But substitute a color code word of complexion for the word Capricorn and nobody would bat an eye. That's the effect of all that marinating I mentioned.

For myself, I have stopped using the color code word of complexion in the belief it is too closely tied to slavery and the bogus concept of race. I admit it can be difficult but I try hard not to use them in conversation.

If the conversation swings into appearance I find myself depending more on Ancestry than complexion. Everybody has ancestors and when speaking of them you are not directly speaking of the descendant who is the subject of the conversation. Yes, it feels awkward to speak of "all those people of European Ancestry" but I do.

I don't have any idea how to expunge racism from a society... but I think I know how to not to bring words of race into a conversation where they are verbal reminders of a belief in a bogus concept. I am probably alone in this but I think I'm on the right track.

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The Democrats anointing Harris reminds me of when Caligula proposed his horse, Incitatus, to the council of Rome. And no one said anything, fearing the repercussions.

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If Gunnar Myrdal came back today, he would be carjacked and beaten to death while trying to make his observations on how far we have come.

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My perscription: (1) Merit and only merit, must reign paramount in all public policies, including institutions that get government assistance. (2) Absolutely no DEI etc etc. (3) The John Rawls philosophy regarding taxation should continued, but strictly limited to government assistance to those who have fallen through the cracks, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN. (4) All judicial appointments, SCOTUS excluded, by an 'independent' Commission. (5) All junior school students must be educated and inculcated in 'civics'.

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Blacks do not sit around looking for racism. They do pay attention to news events. This weekend, a SF 49ers player was shot in a robbery attempt in SF. Violent crime is down in SF. I suspect many whitepeople read articles about the shooting. Even though police arrived in less than one minute, there will be calls for better security and policing. If Blacks hear about a police beating or shooting and call for investigation, they are told they are pathologic.

The usual way Blacks encounter racism is via knowledge from social media. Personal encounters are generally taken as a one off. A Boeing plane loses a door. Every one from Fox News to Elon Musk to Charlie Kirk were yelling DEI. A ship hit the Francis Scott Key Bridge, and there was more whining about DEI. We hear the whistles. John and Glenn have to be deaf. The site focuses on the deficits of Black behavior but consoles whites with “Myrdal would be proud”.

Fortunately, John and Glenn are not in charge of things like health care. There are physicians and epidemiologists working to correct the higher Black mortality rate in pregnancy. Even with health insurance, mortality rates are higher


Others are working to change guidelines that include racial guidelines that negatively impact Black patients. The bottom line is that Republicans and Republican legislators will not make these issues a priority. Part of the joy at the DNC was the possibility that Republicans who “don’t see race” can be voted out.


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Heaven forbid that blacks will take responsibility for their own healthcare and do something for themselves, rather than beg the government or the public at large. With all the wealth generated in their community of overpaid sports figures and entertainers, how many hospitals have they established?

The Democrats come out every 4 years and whistle for the blacks, and like Pavlov's dog they come running.

Everyone is getting played by both sides of the political system.

If you really want to curtail racism, cut your crime rate down to the rate of Hispanics, that's half of yours, and have one standard, merit, for all people.

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Typical nonsensical response. The issue with Black maternal mortality includes simple concepts like listening to the mother. Serena Williams, a former tennis star almost died from a pulmonary embolism because her physician ignored her postpartum complaints of chest pain.

The guidelines under discussion added fudge factors that skewed the interpretation of laboratory tests to decrease the severity of illness in Black patients. Examples included tests of renal function that multiplied the value obtained in the lab by a mythical number that increased the final value for African American. This higher value resulted in fewer Black people being referred for life saving renal transplants. A similar error occurred in pulmonary disease tests. The guidelines negatively impact Black health.

Blacks make charitable contributions to hospitals, but usually it occurs without big fanfare. Keep in mind charitable contributions have nothing to do with healthcare received.


You help confirm that Conservatives are not going to be any part of the solution. Like Trump, you see Blacks as criminals. Shiny high to tennis and mugshot t-shirts. Your response is truly laughable. You only have jokes and venom. I feel sorry for you.

The joy expressed at tge DNC included the realization that there are millions of us working to keep people like you from having any control over our lives. If we are unsuccessful this time, we will keep working. We are not going back to the life you want us to live.

Give Byron Donalds, a rub on the head the next time you see him.

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You think "The Party" is going to save you. Good luck.

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The Democrats will serve as a buffer from Republicans. Republicans do not care about Black people. In fact Republicans go out of their way to do Tulsa Massacre 2.0. Female Black entrepreneurs created a fund for beginning Black female entrepreneurs and Republicans destroy it.

Trump lies and says he increased funding to HBCUs. Trump is a liar. Trump signed a bill crafted by a Black female legislator. Biden/Harris increased HBCU funding.

Trump is a felon who can’t decide where he stands on abortion.Republicans have no moral authority to talk about crime in the Black community. The discussion was about health care and you yammer about Black crime when Black violent crime is decreasing. Your argument is a joke.

Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, John McCain’s son who has a military background and a host of other ex-Republicans realize the damage Trump s doing to Conservatives and are voting for Harris (typo corrected).

Republicans have Robert F Kennedy Jr, a man who left a bear cub carcass in Central Park wasting the time of park officials and police. Kennedy also cut the head off a beached whale, put the blood streaming remains on the roof of his vehicle and drove down the highway. Kennedy wanted a place in the Harris administration, but did not get a a call back. He is now best buddies with Trump.

No rational person is taking any advice from Republicans. Sam Brownbeck bankrupted Kansas. The stock market reached historic highs under Biden/Harris.

Do not dare to speak about the Black community until you heal the GOP.

Edit to add:

I subscribed in an attempt to understand the Conservative mind. I found anger and tolerance for bigotry. Regarding solutions, people quote scholars but abandon principle to follow an authoritarian. The emperor has no clothes.

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You're rambling.

There isn't much difference between the 2 political parties. The Democrats are the party of the Confederates, slave holders, KKK, and the guys who enforced Jim Crow laws. They are playing you for a fool.

There is a Tulsa Massacre every weekend for black people. Check out HeyJackass.com for the Chicago statistics.

The stock market is up because this government printed so much money, people had to put it somewhere. This is like feeding your kids sugar instead of real food.

Check out FBI statistics for crime by race, and tell us how you intend to fix this.

This is as good as it gets.

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Homicides last year were the lowest they’ve been in Tulsa in recent history.

48 people were killed in the city in 2023, compared to 67 in 2022, 58 in 2021 and 76 in 2020.

Only two homicides remain unsolved from 2023.

Even with the improvement, Tulsa police Captain Richard Meulenberg wants to keep things in perspective.


Chicago crime is decreasing


This is not as good as it can be. Crime rates can be lower. In addition the country does not have to elect a felon who wants to be a dictator. I’ll go with the candidate who looks to improve things. You choose depression.

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I guess some beliefs are metabeliefs about race and also beliefs about race. "The antiracist (TM) program is not the best thing to help Black people" is a belief about Black people and a belief about antiracism (TM).

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