The documentary "The Rise of America's Most Powerful Teacher's Union" is worth a watch for 57 mins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbQ81mGucvs

There has been a battle for power between democrats in Chicago for some time now. Conservatives don't make an appearance at all in the film, this is democrat vs. democrat in their own words. It doesn't explain "mob actions" specifically, but it's all part of the puzzle. If there is an absence of fathers and/or faith/clergy, it's more important than ever that politicians, teachers, police, etc. provide the right message for these kids.

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Certainly the absence of the “father of five” (perhaps by three different mothers of five), the breakdown of the patriarchal structure of the Black family that began with the Great Migration (from circa 1916 to approximately 1970) of Black laboring classes from the rural South to the Industrial North, as described by Daniel Patrick Moynihan in the so-termed ‘Monihan report’ of 1965, has been of critical importance to the rise of militant alienation of Black youth. Large numbers of Black males, of successive generations, have had inadequate male role models or have lacked the perceived necessity of parenthood within the nuclear family as integral to the concept of manhood. It may be pointed out that this phenomenon is not peculiar to Black culture but is a drift in norms across society. It is however pronounced in communities of predominantly lower socioeconomic status, of which Blacks are disproportionately represented.

Young people, especially young men, will seek ‘heroic’ expression of enthusiasm and inclusion in group dynamics. Lacking attachment to the ethos of the reigning society they will seek alternative outlets. Lacking positive role models supportive of social norms or positive alternatives to a system seen as pejorative to their interest, they will express themselves in negative opposition to the status quo, will build identities consistent with anti-establishmentarian premises. This tendency is weaponized by those in positions of influence and authority who seek their own advantage and is abetted by well-intentioned progressives by the promotion of the cult of victimhood and portrayal of our polyglot, pluralistic society as irredeemably racist and inimical to Black youths’ ambitions for pride of place. While vitally important, it is not sufficient for communities to build ladders to the middle class in absence of the desire of individuals to employ those ladders, but who seek fulfillment in solidarity of opposition to the very concept of integration within the larger society.

The necessary and proper response of social institutions to criminality, or “mobs” of any stripe is intolerance of such behavior, rather than apologetic encouragement from politicians peddling pablum to constituencies seeking absolution by way of self-immolation, visiting on themselves retribution for the sin of not being under-privileged; and of law abiding Blacks who support the party line as sympathetic to their tribe, when in reality said politicians and apologists are incompatible with their interest of security, of the right to raise a family in a wholesome community.

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I feel great about Black culture. There was initial support for rapist Bill Cosby. There used to be support for rapist R Kelly. There was some support for the guy who shot Megan Thee Stallion. The Black community no longer supports these thugs.

On the other hand, degenerative Conservative culture still supports sex offender, conman Donald Trump. All Hail Black culture!

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Yes it is lack of married fathers, because slut-jerk guys enjoy sex without marriage and without accepting the responsibilities of being a married father. And the sluts prefer sex without commitment, without love, rather than no sex before marriage.

Vocabulary.com says it’s an insult and wrong to shame such women for their private sex lives, since it’s no else’s business. But the raising of kids by sluts is why it’s Black boys without fathers, OR male teachers, who have such criminal behavior-aka bastards.

The AA brain-drain of all the most admirable Black men out of.Black majority school districts has made it worse, as has many govt programs.

Love=sex+commitment. Not just orgasm.

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Discussion of culture and parental responsibility is not and has not been permitted in Chicago. To everyone's detriment, especially the kids'. https://www.npr.org/2021/11/09/1053882701/mcdonalds-ceo-chris-kempczinski-text-message-chicago-mayor-lori-lightfoot

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The Chicago schools are inferior. Furthermore, 80% of the teachers are white females. Black kids need strong black role models. Notably, strong black male principles in Chicago are under attack. Under desegregation, the best black teachers were removed from black schools and transferred to predominantly white schools. These teachers were replaced with inferior white teachers who didn't give a rat's ass about black kids. These same white teachers are fabricating against black Chicago principles who have held them accountable. Black children should be taught by black teachers for many reasons.

https://ww.phillytrib.com/news/across_america/black-principals-call-for-investigation-of-chicago-school-district-after-they-were-fired-from-their jobs

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Chicago's teachers are 52% white, 21% black, 19% latino, and 4% Asian. Students are 11% white, 36% black, 47% latino, most of the rest Asian. Chicago spends on average over $25k per student. Chicago teachers are well paid. The teachers union is not a big fan of teacher evaluations so few bad ones ever get fired. The schools do too often suck. But once again there is a significant cultural component as part of the explanation.

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BTW, "Thug" is a code word for nigger. The word thug was created by the British when they occupied India. It specifically referred to those Indians who rose up against their oppressor. Therefore, the colonists who rose up against the British were thugs. Anti-woke is anti-black.

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Just great, make an anti-Imperialist antihero out of violent common criminals. And you wonder where BLM comes up with it from!

"Thuggee (UK: /θʌˈɡiː/, US: /ˈθʌɡi/) are actions and crimes carried out by Thugs, historically, organised gangs of professional robbers and murderers in India. The English word thug traces its roots to the Hindi ठग (ṭhag), which means 'swindler' or 'deceiver'. "


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From a psychological angle, you probably, more than likely, automatically associate thugs with niggers. When white Johnny kills several black folks because of hate, he has mental problems per media. The white media will also show his baby and family portraits. But if Ray-Ray kills whites, he's a thug. Media will find the worst photos depicting Ray-Ray. Whites own and control most of the media, having great power in manipulating narratives. The European historical narrative: White is good and black is evil.

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I was an employer in the skilled trades for nearly four decades, before I retired. My business was in a mixed city. For all those years, it was excruciatingly difficult to find employees who would show up for work every day and follow basic directions. Finding a truly skilled tradesperson was like looking for a needle in a haystack. It matters not who is black or White; it is the rare employee who consciously tried to make sure he earned the paycheck that he was getting.

All of the above is just preamble to saying that anyone who will show up every day on time and take their job seriously can get a job, and fairly quickly advance in that job. It is a cultural lie to state that "blacks can't get ahead in a White man's world." Yes, they certainly can. But it requires showing up for work every day and giving a damn. Do that, and you can have a very successful life, regardless of race.

I served on a board of a local high school's steering committee. Its purpose was to coordinate between students, teachers, administrators and neighborhood residents. The school is nearly entirely black. The board was about half black. One of the black members, a minister, talked of the lack of opportunity for blacks. I told him that the trades were screaming for good help and didn't care about anybody's race. I remember well how surprised he was to hear this. It's no secret. Why don't people know?

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fordham has done a lot of work interviewing and documenting black stories in the bronx including people who lived in some of the fest projects. many of them say drugs is what turned safe communities into nightmares .

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An unheralded great event occurred somewhere at some time around 2005. It became acceptable to look for reasons beyond white racism for disparities in life outcomes between whites and blacks. Yes, there was the Moynihan Report, but graduate students in sociology began looking for statistics that would confirm the prophecy.

In cases where there was a significant gap - such as incarceration - it was found that most of the differences could be explained by number of parents in the infant-toddler-youngster-teenagers' homes. Those with two parental figures did much better in that category plus education, employment, lifespan and most other outcomes. Mohnihan's prophecy had been borne out,

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Winding up the weekend in Chicago we have 22 shot and 5 killed.

On a cheery note. When Wal-Mart reopens their store on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. next May in Atlanta. The one that was burnt to the ground by the indigenous scholars. It will have a something quite unique for your shopping experience. A police substation inside the store!!!

This whole thing is reminding me of the Comanches raiding towns in Texas in years gone by.

Somehow the Texans were able to convince the Comanches to see the error of their ways without therapists, counseling or EBT cards.

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On another MLK Blvd. - this one in Portland - the Nike store is closing due to crime and theft. MLK Blvd was trying to spruce up with new low apartments available and a few stores moving into the ones that emptied out during Covid. Nike was a huge block long building that was an anchor in the neighborhood for years only two blocks from a very nice neighborhood where I lived. The new library was built just half a block away - a major bus stop was located on MLK - one that I often took to and from and passed the Nike store on my way home. Nike had even locked their doors two years ago when I still lived there with only a designated number of customers allowed in .

Nike's corporate headquarters are located on a huge campus in the suburbs where even walkers are not allowed in the gates and once Portland - which had defunded the police after the GFloyd riots - - refused to supply more protection, Nike evidently decided that even they could not absorb the thievery, so MLK lost the store and I expect many of the new attempts to spruce up the Blvd. will also fail.

One theory making the rounds before I moved 18 months ago, was that Portland needed to totally fail before the progressive powers that be that have ruled Portland for years woke up to where their policies had gotten them. Portland is just about at the bottom now. It has to be seen if minds can be changed.

One added note, after much discussion that homeless people should not be housed in what used to be a prison, it was renovated thanks to a wealthy donor and opened a year or so ago. I read there is no money designated to run the place even though a sizeable amount sits in the city's coffers. So over 100 people will be back on the street

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Interesting side note. Blacks represent 5.6% of the Portland population and 74% of the shooting victims.

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If the shit hits the fan in this country, what's McWorther's backup plan? Refuge at his 2nd home in New Zealand? Lol!

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John McWhorter is on the payroll of the Manhattan Institute, a mostly ultra-conservative white organization that was created during the same time the Heritage Foundation was formed. The issues in the inner cities are very complex. Chicago has a long history of discrimination, systemic racism, redlining, segregation, whites initiating race riots, corruption, etc.

There is lots of hopelessness living in very impoverished black areas. Many are convicted felons who have problems finding decent employment. Policies have been set up to bar them from government programs to assist them. Studies have shown that white felons have done better than non-black felons in securing a descent jobs. I personally conversed with a white ex-con who bragged about selling drugs in black communities and how he set up a successful business. Another one bragged about the same thing and related he worked for his father's business.

John grew up in a bubble, never worrying about getting food in his stomach and experiencing fighting off rats while trying to sleep. His parents had more than enough resources to give him a very protective life growing up. My parents couldn't afford to send me to private schools or give me a head start in other areas. I worked 48 hours a week to put myself through college. John?

I grow tired of hearing these negative narratives about black folks. I can put together a historical horror show about white mob violence. Not too long ago, we had a large white mob stormed the Capitol building. People were killed and seriously injured. Numerous police officers were forever psychologically damaged and committed suicide. Shit was smeared in the building, and most likely, the black janitorial staff cleaned up the filth. These scumbags probably came mostly from two-parent households and we're probably once considered pillars of their communities.

At the end of the day, there are black activists on the streets fighting gangs and trying to minimize the self-black hate. I grew up with friends who had single-family households, and most became productive citizens. John's children are a product of a failed marriage. 50% of marriages do not last. PEW did a study showing black men, despite not being in the household, spend more time with their children than other groups.

On my prison caseload, I had a disproportionate number of white fathers molesting their children with moms looking the other way, not believing the victim.

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Monty - years ago when I was a radical leftist, I also blamed white conservatives for every problem in the black communities,and indeed in the world at large, I would have agreed with your assessment. But I have lived a very long time in Chicago,Seattle, Portland and SF all run by progressives - not a conservative in sight. They are all a mess and I didn't see Obama and his Harvard friends do anything but move to Martha's Vineyard away from their "tribe". I think they are as deeply into their bubbles as you accuse McWhorter of being. .

I also think your interpretation of January 6 = people killed, shit, etc. has been disproven a number of times but if it proves your narrative . let it be.

I am not sure what your solution would be - perhaps getting rid of all white people?

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I see nothing in this comment that explains why lack of opportunity justifies gang violence. Most poor people DON'T form gangs and tear things up. That is rationalization on steroids. Ultimately, it is enabling. Here's a suggestion: Instead of accepting racism as an excuse for your "client's" lawlessness, try telling them it is NOT an excuse. That's what John is getting at. Blaming John for any of this, blaming Jan 6 rioters (who killed NO ONE and used NO lethal weapons) is just rationalizing and it does HARM to you clients. It's exactly what they DON'T need to hear. Try telling individual clients that their life is their responsibility and what they make of their life is up to them.

And who would locate a business in neighborhoods where the business is likely to be destroyed? In a neighborhood where reliable employees are hard to come by? Your bias is perpetuating the problem, not solving it.

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"I am not sure what your solution would be - perhaps getting rid of all white"

They are no comments on this platform in which I recommended getting of white people. You are playing deadly games. My paternal grandfather was half Scot-Irish. My daughter-in-law is a white educator with two biracial kids. I live in a predominately white, conservative neighborhood, with 75% identifying as Republicans. I identify as black and independent.

I'm not a Democrat or Republican. Both today are two wings on the same trifling bird. In numerous ways, white liberals policies have been as injurious to blacks as those of conservatives. Neither the liberals nor the conservatives have offered any programs or resources for the overall socioeconomic condition of blacks. White conservatives have consistently sought to sink the black ship. Liberals have rearranged the deck chairs on the sinking ship, so that blacks will be more comfortable.

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You haven't addressed a word of what I said.

Examine the bigotry in what you've just said. Now, consider how toxic that bigotry is to the people you endeavor to counsel. You are very nearly ENCOURAGING them to be street thugs.

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I spent 34 years of my professional life working tediously, making sure super predators did not breach critical perimeters to rob and rape you and your loved ones. I have worked with at-risk kids. Furthermore, I have participated in my charity to raise scholarship money to assist first year black med students. More black doctors are needed in black communities. What have you done proactively besides being absorbed by your visceral white supremacist propaganda?

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Regrettably racial violence has been a distinct part of American history since 1660. While that violence has impacted almost every ethnic and racial group in the United States, it has had a particularly horrific effect on African American life. Listed below are some of the major incidents of racial violence profiled on BlackPast.org. They range from revolts of the enslaved to more recent urban uprisings such as the Rodney King Riot in Los Angeles in 1992. This page does not cover violence affecting a single individual such as lynchings or police shootings. Please look for those incidents elsewhere on the website. We are constantly updating this list but if you think other incidents should be included please send their names and a brief description to suggestions@blackpast.org. We especially invite you to write entries for this page.

Revolts of the Enslaved:

San Miguel de Gualdape Slave Rebellion, 1526

Gloucester County Conspiracy, 1663

Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676

New York City Slave Uprising, 1712

The Stono Rebellion, 1739

New York City Slave Conspiracy, 1741

Gabriel Prosser Revolt, 1800

Igbo Landing Mass Suicide, 1803

Andry’s Rebellion, 1811

Denmark Vesey Conspiracy, 1822

Nat Turner Revolt, 1831

Amistad Mutiny, 1839

Creole Case, 1841

Slave Revolt in the Cherokee Nation, 1842

Antebellum Urban Violence

Cincinnati Riots, 1829

Anti-Abolition Riots, 1834

Cincinnati Race Riots, 1836

The Pennsylvania Hall Fire, 1838

Christina (Pennsylvania) Riot, 1851

Civil War, Reconstruction, and Post-Reconstruction Era Violence

Detroit Race Riot, 1863

New York City Draft Riots, 1863

Memphis Riot, 1866

New Orleans Massacre, 1866

Pulaski Race Riot, 1868

Camilla Massacre, 1868

Opelousas Massacre, 1868

The Meridian Race Riot, 1871

Chicot County Race War, 1871

The Colfax Massacre, 1873

Clinton (Mississippi) Riot, 1875

Hamburg Massacre, 1876

Carroll County Courthouse Massacre, 1886

Thibodaux Massacre, 1887

New Orleans Dockworkers’ Riot, 1894-1895

Virden, Illinois Race Riot, 1898

Wilmington Race Riot, 1898

Newburg, New York Race Riot, 1899

Race Riots, 1900-1960

Robert Charles Riot (New Orleans), 1900

New York City Race Riot, 1900

Atlanta Race Riot, 1906

Springfield, Illinois Race Riot, 1908

The Slocum Massacre, 1910

East St. Louis Race Riot, 1917

Chester, Pennsylvania Race Riot, 1917

Houston Mutiny and Race Riot, 1917

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Race Riot, 1918

Charleston (South Carolina) Riot, 1919

Longview Race Riot, 1919

Washington, D.C. Riot, 1919

Chicago Race Riot, 1919

Knoxville Race Riot, 1919

Elaine, Arkansas Riot, 1919

Tulsa Race Massacre, 1921

Rosewood Massacre, 1923

Harlem Race Riot, 1935

Beaumont Race Riot, 1943

Detroit Race Riot, 1943

Columbia Race Riot, 1946

Peekskill Riot, 1949

The Cicero Riot of 1951

Urban Uprisings, 1960-2000

Cambridge, Maryland Riot, 1963

The Harlem Race Riot, 1964

Rochester Rebellion, 1964

Jersey City Uprising, 1964

Paterson, New Jersey Uprising, 1964

Elizabeth, New Jersey Uprising, 1964

Chicago (Dixmoor) Riots, 1964

Philadelphia Race Riot, 1964

Watts Rebellion (Los Angeles), 1965

Cleveland’s Hough Riots, 1966

Chicago, Illinois Uprising, 1966

The Dayton, Ohio Uprising, 1966

Hunter’s Point, San Francisco Uprising, 1966

The Nashville Race Riot, 1967

Tampa Bay Race Riot, 1967

Newark Race Riot, 1967

Plainfield, New Jersey Riot, 1967

Detroit Race Riot, 1967

Flint, Michigan Riot, 1967

Tucson Race Riot, 1967

Grand Rapids, Michigan Uprising, 1967

The King Assassination Riots, 1968

Hartford, Connecticut Riot, 1969

Asbury Park Race Riot, 1970

Camden, New Jersey Riots, 1969 and 1971

Miami (Liberty City) Riot, 1980

Overtown-Liberty City (Miami) Riot, 1989

Crown Heights (Brooklyn) New York Riot, 1991

Rodney King Riot, 1992

West Las Vegas Riot, 1992

St. Petersburg, Florida Riot, 1996

College Campus Violence

University of Georgia Desegregation Riot, 1961

Ole Miss Riot, 1962

Houston (Texas Southern University) Riot, 1967

Orangeburg Massacre, 1968

Jackson State Killings, 1970

The Southern University Shooting, 1972

21st Century Racial Violence

Cincinnati Riot, 2001

Oscar Grant Oakland Protests, 2009-2011

Ferguson Riot and Ferguson Unrest, 2014-2015

Baltimore Protests and Riots, 2015

Charleston Church Massacre, 2015

Milwaukee Riot, 2016

Charlotte Riot, 2016

Jacksonville massacre 2023

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That sounds about conservatively white—the insurrectionists at the Capitol on January 6 were just tourists in your mindset? At the prisons where I worked, guards would shoot inmates who attempted to breach critical perimeters illegally, in order to prevent the threat and safeguard the public from harm. White insurrectionists at the Capital on January 6 related, 'Hang Mike Pence!' Are white rioters/mobs exempted from agency? This discussion about black mob violence is a major distraction from the more urgent problems occurring in this country. Your boy Donald Trump is a serious threat (whether he is elected as president).

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There was no insurrection on Jan 6. A riot, yes. Insurrection, no. They killed no one, in spite of your previous suggestion that they did. As for cops shooting rioters, how many rioters were shot by police in the summer of 2020, when "progressives" destroyed downtown Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis? Thats right, they shot no one, even though the rioters burned buildings, dragged people from their cars and beat them, destroyed police cars, and burned down a police station. Jan 6 doesn't even come CLOSE to any of that. Yet you think the Jan 6 rioters are scum, while apparently having no concern for what happened for the entire summer of 2020.


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These Are the People Who Died in Connection With the Capitol Riot

A bipartisan Senate report found that at least seven people had lost their lives in connection with the Jan. 6 attack.

Kevin D. Greeson died of a heart attack, collapsing on the sidewalk west of the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Rosanne Boyland appeared to have been crushed in a stampede of fellow rioters as they surged against the police.

Benjamin Philips, the founder of a pro-Trump website called Trumparoo, died of a stroke.

Mr. Greeson and Mr. Philips died of natural causes, the Washington medical examiner said in April. He added that Ms. Boyland’s death was caused by an accidental overdose.

In the days and weeks after the riot, five police officers who had served at the Capitol on Jan. 6 died.

Officer Brian D. Sicknick of the Capitol Police, who was attacked by the mob, died on Jan. 7.


GAO says 114 Capitol Police officers reported injuries on Jan. 6


Edit to add:

Officer Fanone


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I said the rioters killed no one. THAT'S what I said. I didn't say the police killed no one. Somehow, in spite of your efforts to find dead people, you missed Ashli Babbit, the only person shot on that day. She was murdered by Capitol police.

Rosane Boyland is shown in videos, being beaten by Capitol police. The crowd implored the cops to stop beating on her and tried to get her medical help. Long after the fact, the police got around to trying to get her medical attention.

I can sate with little fear of contradiction that at least 100 people in DC died that day. Because, you know, people die. Car accidents. Heart attacks. Strokes. But if you limit the deaths to people KILLED by any of the rioters, the count comes up to ZERO.

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Yes a thug died attempting to prevent the members of Congress from certifying an election

You said NO lethal weapons were used

In the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, a popular narrative has emerged: that because rioters did not fire guns that day, they were not really "armed."

But a review of the federal charges against the alleged rioters shows that they did come armed, and with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs. An additional suspect also allegedly planted pipe bombs by the headquarters of the Democratic and Republican parties the night before the riot and remains at large.


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No need for me to contradict you. You're doing a fine job of contradicting yourself. You've gone form the rioters murdered people to they might have had guns that they never used.

You are referring to things that people routinely carry, which violate no law, as "weapons". I can walk down any street in DC any time I want to, carrying pepper spray, a baseball bat, and a flagpole. Theya aren't weapons. If they are used as weapons, then it's the assault and battery that counts. So, who was hit with a baseball bat? Who was hit with a flagpole? No one? Then why bring it up? Yes, pepper spray was used. Basically, you're claiming that a well-organized mob of insurrectionists attempted to overthrow the government of the USA with a can of pepper spray. And you think you're the smart one.

As for pipe bombs, since no one know how they got there and they were never used, they prove nothing.

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You are making a fool of yourself. Did the police injure themselves. Your nonsense demonstrates that rational people have to vote to counter people like you. Thanks.

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I lived in Chicago if the late 60's early 70's and my walk to work took me close to Cabrini Greens which even then was a ghetto in the worse sense of the word. I talked to some older black people who told me how nice it was when they first moved in some years before but even then it had deteriorated to the point that it was totally unlivable. As a white person, I couldn't figure out why the men AND women who lived there didn't get together and keep the place up themselves without waiting for the government to do it for them. Why did they allow their children to vandalize and destroy the place they lived. It was the 60's and so I too decided it was poverty and slavery and no jobs and it was the government's job to fix it all . The government didn't of course and CG came down and I think has been replaced by luxury condos but that may be false information - I have been gone a long time. BUt Chicago has only gotten worse

I now live in Mexico where there is a great deal of poverty but the streets are clean - everyone is working at something and most of the men at really hard labor - - people are picking up trash - washing windows -washing cars, sweeping the streets etc. Some entrepreneurs even entertain on the buses or direct traffic since traffic lights are few and traffic is terrible. I don't want to make Mexico seen like nirvana - the cartels thrive and I hear from the older Mexicans that young people are changing and not for the better. But there is a cultural difference. Religion here is still VERY important and children through teens are involved in the many religious rites that are ubiquitous. I don't have the answer but something is very wrong in the urban Black community and there is a strong need for community leadership which alas, doesn't seem to be there. The Rev. Sharpton isn't the answer.

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So me and a friend often argue over what caused gender ideology. This is a trans man, who transitioned in the early 2000s. He says the answer is obviously feminism. The philosophical view that the sexes are absolutely equal, and the only differences between gender are patriarchal stereotypes opens the door to angel headed spectrums and complete relativism regarding gender. We have to hold this in the same hand as female empowerment, and citizenship, which is hard to argue as a bad thing. Can’t simply say it’s bad or evil.

Is it too simple to say this reading could be applied to race regarding civil rights? This is a view I have heard on this show before.

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Hate to be that guy but, this is as good as it gets.

Those of you out there that think you can really change this, might I suggest you go to the local animal shelter and take home a feral cat and see what it is like to try to domesticate it.

These acts of mob violence, looting, random shootings, along with the scholastic scores in their schools might explain why some areas hung on to segregation for as long as they did. Now that would be a hell of a discussion.

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Whites were the first rioters & looters. Many prosperous Black communities were destroyed by whites. Numerous Blacks were murdered in cold blood with impunity. The American Justice System didn't work for Black folks then, and and is broken now.

Race riots were not born in the 1960s; they were born in the 1870s. The Meridian, Mississippi race riot of 1871, the Colfax massacre in Louisiana in April 1873, the New Orleans riot of July 1866, the Memphis, Tennessee riot of May 1866, the Charleston, South Carolina riot of September 1876, and the Willington, South Carolina race riot of 1898, to name a few, occurred under the passive and sometimes direct hand of the police. In the Willington race riots, racist whites overturned a democratic election and replaced the officials with racist crackers. Donald Trump's attempt to delegitimize black voters in particular states with his unadulterated bullshit?

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thank you for covering a topic that most don't want to address. They pretend it isn't an issue. But common sense tells you it is. Bless you. Keep it coming

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