I hope someday that yourself, John, and Coleman are his three guests. America needs this!

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I need to check it out asap.

And even though I haven't seen it yet, Dr. G., please ignore anyone telling you to turn up or turn down your energy. You just keep doin' you and let the chips fall. We have more than enough "performers" out here bobbing for viral moments.

Frankly, that's a large part of the problem.

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I saw it and… perhaps you can shed light on this if you catch my drift - you seemed very low key, keeping most of your stuff in the bag. Is it bc Maher, despite his politically incorrect tone & bits, is very pro Democrat, ditto his audience? Do you defer to that? It’s like you kept yourself back so as not to be known too much… as you. (Or who I’ve seen you show as you most often over the years)

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Cute opening on “soulmates” and Daniel lost me on his response to SpaceX - typical government first response as if NASA has demonstrated any capacity to speed things along over the past 40 years - let’s face it - we r launching successfully only because of SpaceX as much as Elon haters hate to admit

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As the mature man of letters you could have been both brilliant and arrogant. You chose to be brilliant and generous. What a role model. You are the cat’s meow sir.

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Glenn, you did a great job on Bill’s show.

It must have been difficult to sit next to Bessner and listen to him stumble over his worldview.

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Yes you did! And you nailed it! My God the other guest was, and I have to say it: A goddamned idiot. He sounded like a 25-year-old fresh out of grad school. His repeatedly blaming everything on ‘capitalism’ and ‘the system’ was just dumb on so many levels. This is where theoretical woke ideology clashes with Real Life. This past weekend 11 people died from gunshot wounds in Chicago; 26 were injured by gunfire. This is an emergency. Can’t anyone see how saying that young black men can’t be held to account because of their ‘environment’ is racist and profoundly reductive? How does the left not see this? Are black youth in urban ghettos just puppets? But the left thinks black people are stupid, otherwise they wouldn’t dismantle the SATs and lower achievement standards, etc. the Chicago bullshit reminds of another white asshole, Chesa Boudine in SF. Man: liberals really lost their minds when Trump came to power.

Michael Mohr

‘Sincere American Writing’


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Glenn, your comments are as always thoughtful and beautifully articulated, but I have to respond to the bit about the Texas injunction. Every law student learns that the most powerful person in this country is a federal district court judge, precisely because he has the ability to issue nationwide injunctions. It’s how the system works, not some sort of arbitrary Lone Ranger move. Remember the applause for the judge who enjoined Trump’s temporary visa restrictions (the so-called Muslim ban).

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Weird that Bessner asserted that historically the federal government was needed to organize and fund projects like space exploration, when the federal government assisted US railroad construction only with land grants, or, in some cases, not at all.

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

Something I've noticed with your Real Time appearances, you seem a lot more reserved and cautious... perhaps a little nervous. I can certainly understand that, and I get that the format of a talk show can be a bit restrictive in terms of the time you have to make a point. But man, I would really love to see some of the passion and full articulation of your points that you have on your podcast. I want to see a true Glenn Rant! :)

At any rate, loved seeing you on the show.

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Glenn, you gave them same kind of thoughtfully reasoned consideration that you deliver to us. What a great gift to share with the world! John's last appearance was really impressive, too. Intellectualism is alive and well!

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Thank you!

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

Dr. Loury, I watched you and you were extraordinary courteous and patient with Dr. Bessner as he went on and aimlessly on about "structures".

You actually saved hime when Bill Maher asked him to walk him, detail by detail, how increasing funding ties in with crime reduction, etc. You saved him by stepping in and commenting on Maher's question. But it would have been fascinating to see how someone such as he, evasive again and again, would have dealt with a question of specifics.

Oh, and I guess it's totally knee-jerk automatic to say that capitalism, exploitation, and slavery are all joined at their various hips. Never dealing with why it is that it was under capitalism that slavery waned, and also, under capitalism that both feminism and gay rights have flourished.

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More evidence of Bill Maher's wisdom in guests. Congratulations Glenn!

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Apr 27, 2023·edited Apr 27, 2023

You were great Glenn, I just wish they'd paired you up with someone else. Bessner simply parroted, for the most part; the liberal academic line on every position you talked about.

I was disappointed that nobody brought up, what I consider to be, the most significant contributor to nearly all of the issues facing Black Americans; Nearly 75% of urban youths are raised in single parent households. They start school behind children raised in two parent households, spend more unsupervised time on the streets, and aren't mentored by a strong male (in most cases) role model.

A cultural change is required, and no amount of government spending (Bessner's solution) or white liberal guilt can change it. All of those Black athletes and entertainers that consider themselves 'community activists' (because they employ someone to tweet woke doctrine on their account) need to start spending their time in these cities helping to change the culture.

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Glenn, you were great! I loved how calmly you made your points. Instead of saying that it is crazy for Bessner to say you can't do anything about youth violence without changing the entire capitalist system, you said that you can't expect voters to agree to the reforms Bessner says are necessary if they don't feel physically safe. I loved, loved, loved how you handled that interview!

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