Perhaps one of your finest / bravest moments.

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About that free speech thing, an ABC reporter asked the then nominee for Speaker of the House why he voted against certifying the 2020 elections. The free speech Republicans standing next to the then nominee shouted “Shut Up” and laughed at her. This man is the new Speaker. Free speech for me, but not for thee.

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As usual, fascinating and nuanced, Glenn. The Q&A was, indeed, particularly refreshing with regard to no one apparently being "afraid" to ask questions on both sides of an issue. The first commenter made some strong points, and yet, his central premise, "that America exists because of Black people" is itself an apparent confrontation of what should be the ideal. That ideal is, or (maybe) should be, focused on all of us, versus "this group" or "that group" vying for superiority, regardless of metric--oppression, excellence, etc. Another questioner used an interesting term, "racial essentialism." with which I was unfamiliar, but which almost immediately hit a nerve. It has always struck me that race was, basically, a made-up descriptor, something that historically has no "real" predictive or otherwise value. And yet, it is (and has been, at least in many parts of the West) focused upon vigorously. I am not a person who believes we will approach a "post-racial society." And yet, when I deal with a person, I want them to focus on me, not my blackness, my tallness, my slimness, or the fact that I like to wear a nice hat. At the same time, contra the old saw, a book is often, and frankly, sometimes accurately, judgable by its cover. On the other hand--and I use that phraseology despite not being an economist--sometimes, sometimes, the cover doesn't (and shouldn't) mean that much. "Content of my character..." and all that. I love the point-of-view, "hopeful about evolving in that direction."

Edited to ad: To my great shock, I disagree, violently with Glenn when he asserts that mass incarceration does not have an element of racism. I think the subject, like many, contains some complexity, but if the US incarcerates way more people per capita than does any other Western nation--which it does--one has to ask if there cannot also be other factors at work. Race could easily be one.

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(Banned)Oct 24, 2023·edited Oct 24, 2023

Dr. Loury has a tendency to talk out of both sides of his mouth. Glenn came back to the conservative side because he felt very lonely (per his past comments). He tried to mix it up with black moderates, but they didn't trust him because of his past ultra-conservative lunacy (black-white supremacy). Conservatism is unequivocally anti-black, and Glenn is a double agent for white supremacy. It's so masochistic to continue crawling across the charred glass to appease white supremacy. It's very undignified.

Racism is a competitive relationship between groups for ownership and control of limited resources for wealth and power. Whites got the head start with genocide, black chattel slavery, colonization, and psychological warfare. I've extensively traveled around the world, where blacks are at the bottom of the European manufactured color caste system.

Blacks in Latin America, the second-largest black population after Africa, are treated like shit in Brazil. Those blacks who advocate for equity and equality in Brazil have been eliminated by white right-wing hit squads and silenced.

Whites have had their 500-year-old reign of terror, and the chickens are slowly coming home to roost. Empires come and go according to history, and America is in decay. What's Glenn Loury afraid of? Lol!

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Thank you, Glenn!

You continue to give me hope.

Can I suggest that you get bigger classrooms so you don't have to turn any students away? They need to hear what you have to say and to learn how to discuss sensitive topics without needing PTSD counseling.

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Great conversation, Glenn.

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Daily Kos Elections (which submitted 2 maps in this endeavor since the public was allowed to do so) did the best job of explaining the Alabama redistricting that I saw. Birmingham was always going to be in the 2nd District but the Alabama legislature wanted the 2nd District to include rural areas north of the "Black Belt" and near the border with Florida. The judge took those out and gave the 2nd District most of Mobile. So the resulting district is much more of a real community of interest because the rural voters haven't been used to dilute Democratic political power. These same shenanigans were done with the Nebraska 2nd which was a gettable electoral vote for Democrats. Glenn is being very idealistic in assuming that these very partisan (mostly Republican) state legislatures would create actual swing districts even if race was not a factor. The NC legislature was successful in creating every last Republican district they could last week (11-3 partisan lean in a purple state) and Missouri was one of the last to finish the original round of redistricting because some people in the legislature wanted to see if they could take Emanuel Cleaver's district in KC away leaving only 1 Democratic district in the entire state. (This did not happen.)

I am sure whatever Glenn & Co. said about Israel was fine but American politics is a very welcome distraction, and I think also for spouse who listened patiently to many stories about the speakership FUBAR.

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Things are changing largely because we have a Supreme Court packed with Conservatives. The packing was aided by a Senate leader who obstructed a Democratic President from placing a nominee on the court.

There are active attempts by states no longer bound by pre-clearance to suppress Black and Latino votes.

Edit to add:

Republicans appear to believe in race. Republicans in multiple states are targeting majority minority voting districts to suppress votes. Hopefully, Glenn’s desire will not come true.

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"I could be on another planet. I might as well be an alien." That's the way I feel a lot of the time -- like a "thought criminal" in George Orwell's novel "1984". The fact that your ideas are considered outrageous by much of the "establishment" does not mean they're incorrect.

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Delegitimizing the university as the repository of human knowledge is the only choice. Everything that is presently destroying our culture has originated in the university. They will not be backed up, or bend, return to a better time, their arrogance is astonishing. Witness the academics applauding Hamas. First, the value of a university education needs to be exposed for what it is.

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