To be honest, I was not very impressed by Richard Epstein's arguments, especially on the topic of "comity" and the Obama center stuff. I felt like he just had an ax to grind with the left "intelligence", which is fine. However, I expected more empirical reasoning. He seemed quite emotional and tribalistic if that makes sense.

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I was not interested in the Obama Presidential Center. I don't live in greater Chicago and might care more about it if I lived there.

I would have preferred a more in depth discussion of *EXACTLY* what CRT means; and how different scholars and schools of thought define it differently.

I would have asked him about how to fight "afro-pessimism", a de facto assumption by the woke and CRT that blacks in particular lack free will, power, intelligence, agency, empowerment. And that because of this freedom of art, thought, speech and action helps the powerful hurt or oppress the less powerful; and should be curtailed.

I would have also asked why use the legal system for CRT? Why not trust the goodness of ordinary people and allow a free market?

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what a great conversation/ is a follow-up possible?

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This is what I'd like to hear Richard Epstein dissect: https://www.city-journal.org/the-enablers-of-critical-race-theory

I admire Rufo's thinking, but it's hard to assess all the legalities. My hunches go against a ban--bans make bad things desirable. Maybe a legal solution isn't the right one. Maybe a Chris Rock? Maybe Tom Lehrer will come out of retirement for just this one issue? Another few moments with Bill Maher? Bring on the satirists? Or bring on the lawyers?

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Thank you Glenn. What an amazing interview. Mr. Epstein's facts and logic are exactly what American's are hungry for. The Truth will set us Free as long as we are able (allowed) to listen to the Truth. In the long run American's will see thru Neo-Marxist censorship and the cancel culture. The biggest mistake this neo-Marxist CRT movement made was "messing with our kids". These un-American movements always get "too big for their britches" and overreach.

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Couldn't agree more. I expect a backlash at some point, but I pray it's one of common sense and pragmatism and not a "trumpian" revolt (2016). There must be a competent RINO/DINO out there somewhere. Could this be a good time for a 3rd Independent Party?

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39:15 I assume that Richard meant to say that Churchill was pro-Israel, but out of power in 1945.

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on the 1619 +crt i heard nhj say that her point was to raise self esteem. we've been on that course for decades +its no longer taking us very far. we needed that coming out of much rougher eras but the approach seems to have run its course +we're hitting diminishing returns for some time. plus a journalists job is researching to uncover the news/ story not building self esteem, no? why? +from one of the whiter families in the country: is that an issue? many say its often is the lightest/ whitest black or the least oppressed colonial, or the least disabled disabled person. has anyone read: post modern poo?

parents of severely autistic children are rallying to protect their kids against attacks from self-diagnosed highly functioning spectrum kids who are bullying the officially diagnosed kids w more severe forms telling these kids they have no reason to live +offering violent ways to end their lives. i don't know if the parallel is obvious but the self diagnosed disabled seem to resent the more severely disabled for making the self diagnosed look abled. i see a parallel in victimhood of crt +others. those w the least to lose, who seem to suffer the least want to squeal the loudest +as shelby steele has said need to invent the racism bcoz there isnt enough of it. same in the disabled community where the law says: ask no questions.

if this is fuzzy let me know. you may notice from my writing that i've got lot cognitive decline but decided i too can be an idiot online. but i do challenge folx on twitter: you can ask me why i have a hang tag or license plate or whatever. the minute we cannot ask ppl why or ask ourselves why man o manischewitz count me out

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You are right about the minimally challenged vs truly challenged in many areas. it seems to have begun when "special ed" children got mainstreamed. Not that they should not have, but as they were given extra attention in front of those considered "normal" suddenly every parent wanted their kids to get attention. Check the rate of increase in IEP's. Any child who wasn't an A+ brain must have had a deficit that the schools needed to address taking the onus off parents to do their job in many cases, (proper diet for hyperactivity, discipline, homework assistance, etc.).

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yes its pervasive isnt it. +so many problems i blame on colleges of education too. given the classes i took for certification +the ed progs who told me i didn't need to come to class bcoz i was an english major +these classes were dumbed down bla bla bal. but yes parents want their kids to be special even if that means: challenged.

lord we once bragged abt our kids being the toughest best athletes or students now parents brag that their kids are the sickest patients, kids who need most special treatment for disabilites both physical +mental.

i think you're onto something w watching the attention given others +wanting it. mcwhorter talks abt the safety of victimhood. i think too many want to be graded on a curve for life. but i'd really add the jealousy factor: wanting that need. its bad. it wont lead to good. how does a country w 20% disabled survive? if nobody has a chance? good god

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Wow, as a Chicago resident, the Obama library/center seems very disturbing although I have not researched the other side. A $200M cost plus externalities? We some some of the highest real estate taxes in the country, an underfunded pension system, the need for investment in underserved neighborhoods, and Lightfoot wants to give this land away for free and pay for the renovations?

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yea seems time for virtual stuff? a virtual center where we could all go if anyone wanted. perhaps use the $$ for something else, altho i know $$ isnt a salve to solve our problems

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whew i was reluctant abt this dialogue but its good. its moving fast +i'm sure that everyone is like me listening on 1.5 speed to both glenn + richard. jesus

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Not a lotta time to stretch or even blink with Mr. Epstein, huh? =)

I need to slowly comb through this episode to determine how amazing he is or isn't.

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the comity part didn't hold up for me. trump's whole mssg/plan was to undo what obama did whether eo or not. thats not comity. lock her up isn't comity. i was with epstein until this part now i'm not so sure how honest of a broker he is. once someone goes a bridge too far its difficult to know what other of their arguments are emotionally/ideologically driven. my eyes heard him refer to another as doctrinaire but didn't snag until the comity discussion. but i must admit skepticism from the beginning having seen the breakdown of the cast +use of the word: comity

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Would appreciate having Mr. Epstein on again, that was one of the better

non-Johnny Mac guests I’ve watched on the Glenn show in a while. The dude rattled off cases and historical/precedent law in true maestro form. Solid, informative show Mr. Loury.

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This was an excellent discussion. I may be a bit biased since Epstein is kind of my doppelganger since we grew up in the same place at the same time with the same background. I don't have his IQ, but I learned a lot listening to him on the show. I particularly enjoyed his critique of the Biden administration and contrast with the Trump administration. He didn't have much good to say about B. H. Obama either.

It would be great for you to have more discussions with people like Epstein. I am in the middle of "The Parasitic Mind" by Gad Saad. Now that would be an interesting discussion. I just watched another of your Hoover Institute fellows, Victor Davis Hanson, on Triggernometry. He would make an interesting conversation mate.

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Fascinating discussion on the proposed Obama Presidential Center. In listening to Epstein’s statements, I noticed something disturbingly familiar to California and SF - which is the hindering of due process for political reasons. This is in effect, censorship and the privatization of the public sphere. On CRT, from a behavioral science perspective- CRT claims absolutely that behavior A causes outcome B (in the absence of physical evidence) across culture and across time, while dismissing the diversity of human behavior and events. If and when racism occurs at institution X, it is because John Doe did Y or spoke Y or typed Y on MM:DD:YY:HH:MM. If you go to the police to report a crime- their first is “What did the suspect actually do?”

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