I think you should at least contemplate a bit on how cruel it would be to the people of Gaza if Hamas is allowed to continue and rule there. Does that weigh in your balance at all? A government that turns a mountain of cement for building purposes into hundreds of miles of tunnels to wage its war on the Jews.
I think you should at least contemplate a bit on how cruel it would be to the people of Gaza if Hamas is allowed to continue and rule there. Does that weigh in your balance at all? A government that turns a mountain of cement for building purposes into hundreds of miles of tunnels to wage its war on the Jews.
I think you should at least contemplate a bit on how cruel it would be to the people of Gaza if Hamas is allowed to continue and rule there. Does that weigh in your balance at all? A government that turns a mountain of cement for building purposes into hundreds of miles of tunnels to wage its war on the Jews.