Kara Dansky - a radical feminist lawyer with high level visible in international human rights and respected legislative advocacy in USA went on Tucker Carlson. Formerly of the NYC mayor’s office (or something like that). Tucker’s show is more diverse than some people realize.

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Bret Weinstein was on Tucker Carlson; so was Jordan Peterson, medical people who we're among the first to be honest about the origins of the Covid-19 virus, the hoax about Jeffrey Smollett's supposed attackers, the views of women athletes who see women's sports being eroded by having to include biological men and many others who were never invited to CNN and MSNBC, and who don't follow the dominant Democratic Party line, people who have been censored or excluded from almost all mainstream media. There's a reason why you have not been welcome to appear on those shows. It reflects poorly on CNN and MSNBC, NOT on you. Take being given a platform on a station that does have people.. I have many friends who are regular listener of Tucker Carlson, friends who are Black, friends who identify on the left, etc., people who did not vote for Trump and do not support all the positions put forward on Fox -- but are aware it allows more different views to be represented, and has become a source of information on stories that other mainstream media have censored completely or distorted. You WILL ONLY GAIN FANS. I would not cater to the cancel culture people who would never welcome you and are only propaganda machines. I wouldn't fear being cancelled by people who already cancel you, call you a bad name already when you haven't been on the show. You will be rejected by those who already reject you. It's important for you Glenn to get your message out to the widest possible office! We need you on thee air. I wouldn't worry about the people who are already dismissive of you. Then they win if you cancel yourself. DON'T CANCEL YOURSELF AND FEAR YOUR AUDIENCEE! You can also plug your book and make many more new fans. Don't stereotype the people who watch Fox News -- they are intelligent people. Again -- the people who reject you -- reject you for your independent and thoughtful views -- you will NOT lose anything by appearing on the show -- but will GAIN a wider audience. These are my honest views. I say GO FOR IT! You're a person of courage and integrity -- so I hope you don't get convinced to make your decision based on fear. You have not lived your life that way up to now so I wouldn't start now. People respect you for your independent views, honesty and courage! I'm greatly looking forward to reading your biographical book.

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Unironically: YES.

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Bigger tent the better, you will have an impact on Tucker's large and varied audience. John's points were valid, but you have the gravitas and forcefulness to get your message across and not let Tucker dominate.

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As expected, Prof. Loury's thoughts were informative and inspirational. On the other hand, Mr. Carlson's decision to react/speak at all was thoroughly misguided. His ill-timed chuckles and silly attempts to concur with the prof were a distraction and counter-productive. I just finished watching a couple of Marc Lamont Hill videos, and had exactly the same reaction. The hosts' out-sized egos are UNhelpful to either of their 'causes'...these shills have nothing to teach me, and they should simply STFU (please excuse this grandmother's poor manners) and let their guests do the talking.

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John, if you can go on your terms, then do it. If not, skip it. Narratives drive most of what goes on, so is part of your narrative or someone else's?

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Glenn - I started reading John's work after seeing him on Fox years ago. He has certainly expanded my worldview. If I hadn't found John, I wouldn't have found you.

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I think Tucker deserves your time and consideration Dr. Loury; since his days as a bow-tied neocon warhawk he has proven himself capable of change and considered reflection in light of the problems facing our nation. However if you shun ideologue/ talking head Laura Ingraham I will not hold it against you in the slightest!

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Glenn - Tucker is someone I enjoy listening to but he has his angles and often asks leading questions. You aren't the average run of the mill person. If you think Tucker is trying to push a narrative you will push back. Why not tell Tucker that if you agree to go on his long form show that you first discuss your dilemma about the choice of even coming on his show. Perhaps it would be educational for him to hear that if he would acknowledge that he comes off that way maybe he would make a small change to his approach. The other side is bring him on your show first and get to know him. People need to hear your nuance message about disparities, race, where you think our country is heading. The one thing I'm not worried about is you handling yourself on his show. Tucker on the other hand (and I generally like him) isn't much of a match.

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I love John's takes. He's so thoughtful. Thanks for sharing this conversation.

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I'd go on Tucker. I do agree that many of Tucker's audience already largely agrees with you. However, I think it is best to exposes those viewers of mainstream media to long form alternative platforms where nuance occurs.

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In an effort to gain insight on how others perceive you and your viewpoints, nothing is more useful than exposing yourself to an audience of strangers in a book store or a lecture hall. However, television is an acting medium. As long as you feel savvy enough to make sure they do not manipulate it for an agenda I have always been a fan of Hitchens perspective on debate as he would typically seek out the people that disagreed with him the most. Which is why his debates are still interesting and fun to watch, including the one with you. Argument and debate with those who disagree with you helps sharpen the knife as he used to write and one definitely has to be up to the challenge with knowledge and perspective, which you obviously are. You have to do what feels right for you. Everyone posting on this forum will always be behind you.

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No harm in at least trying for CNN, BBC and certainly Maher. John McWhorter had a great few minutes on Maher!

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A couple of considerations:

1. CNN and MSNBC probably are never going to have Glenn on in any event. He has little to lose along that dimension from going on Fox.

2. Some commentators have suggested Glenn go on Maher, etc. instead of Fox. He should certainly go on those as well, and that should blunt attempts to write him off as a "conservative." I think he should do both. Maybe order matters (Maher before Fox might be better), but we are at a crucial moment in this country and we can't delay speaking out.

3. Going on Fox would not merely be preaching to the choir. Very importantly, I think Glenn would provide the Fox audience with deeper insights and arguments that they could use when confronting the woke--for example, parents confronting woke school boards about incorporating CRT into curriculum. This would be a very valuable outcome that Glenn could achieve by going on Fox.

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I concur with John in that Glenn will be preaching to the choir and I still think Glenn should go on Tucker. His show has the largest audience of any "news" program in the US right now. He is a little off the rails sometimes, but for Tucker to show it being normal to have conversations with people of all colors and views goes farther towards unifying our country and shifting opinion than anything politicians are doing.

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I saw a clip of John McWhorter on Fox News Primetime just a few weeks ago...maybe he was so bored by that interview that he changed his mind about going on the network. I can see John's point about preaching to the choir, so to speak, but can't the same be said of the guests that are interviewed on CNN, MSNBC, etc? Unfortunately, this is the sad divided reality that we live in. Beyond possibly a one-on-one basis, how does someone reach the "other side"?? The criticism of Tucker would be more valid if it weren't also true (possibly to an even greater extent) with left-wing journalists and media outlets. So Glenn can choose to never be invited on left-wing networks because they don't want to hear what he has to say or Glenn can choose to go on Tucker's long format show and have an in-depth discussion that will be seen by many many people...some of whom may have never heard his ideas. Left-wing outlets may use that as an excuse not to book him on their shows, but it would only be an excuse. I haven't been watching as much news lately, but when I do watch, I watch Tucker. I've seen his long format show and there have been some interesting interviews.

Glenn, a description of the beginning and evolution of critical race theory, and other societies/cultures where it has been applied, would be helpful in allowing people to intelligently dispute this ideology. Wilfred Reilly was on Tucker's long-format show...maybe ask him about his experience. It was a good episode.

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