Heck, if a man can choose to be a woman, and a woman equally choose to be a man...and can indeed stand upon that choice even in the absence of drugs and mutilation, then why on earth isn't it possible for someone who is White, Brown, Yellow, Red, Green to choose to be Black, at whim? Surely skin color / ethnic / cultural identity shifting is much easier to accept than an impossible biological/physiological transformation that makes one, magically, oppositely sexed?

Or ... would we / should we insist that there must be, within the blood, a collection of requisite genetic markers in order for an individual to be truly considered Black (I'm talking to you Ms. Dolezal!). Would a skin tone actually have to sit somewhere on the darker end of the neutral spectrum before we deign to call the Wannabe real? But isn't there is a danger in this, in that such a requirement might wrongly reject the 'Blackness' of Blacks who are significantly more light-skinned?

This is more difficult than it seems.

The real question, of course, is how much racial / ethnic purity is required before the Black Identity Card can be comfortably (officially!) carried? This is a "tough, tough question," as John puts it.

Such issues of racial purity were, of course, critical to Hitler/Goebbels/Himmler who gloried in the whole notion of Racial Identity / Racial Struggle / Racial Justice. Millions of Nazi labor hour went into the task of researching & proving, conclusively, that one was Truly Aryan....if only because being Aryan in the 30's in Germany was as cool as being Black in America in the 2020's! (which would seem to be not just cool, but sexy given, per the video commentary)

Hitler, in a 1931 interview in a Leipzig paper put it thusly, "We do not judge (the principle of the blood) by merely artistic or military standards or even by purely scientific ones. We judge by the spiritual energy which a people is capable of putting forth." This was what -- or so he believed -- being truly Aryan was all about....this same cool & sexy spiritual energy would seem to be what Black culture is all about today. In both cases, though, there had to be a actual degree of bloodline purity to let one in the appropriate Culture Club. (Karma Chameleons need not apply)

But is this really what we, as a People, want? Is this the ethnically ghettoed world that we truly wish to build? Should we really spend our time worrying whether Kam's ethnic percentages allow her to say, "I'm Black!" And then invest another time sink in worrying exactly how she 'chooses to express that validated Blackness?

My God how trivial can we be! How divisive! How selfish! How silly! How racist! How wasteful!

(This is your brain, and this is your brain as it worries issues of racial purity!)

Shall we parse Kam's dancing....her 'Black-cent'... her word choice... the way she sways her hips at Black Gospel Church Hallelujahs....and then declare, she could have chosen otherwise? Obama could have married a Filipino woman? He could have -- as a Harvard Guy -- worked to keep the 'Black-cent' out of his voice?

(But of course de-accentuating one's Black ethnicity is not a politically wise thing to do, now, is it?!)

In the end.... Isn't this entire question of Ethnic Purity silly? Isn't it superficial? Doesn't it build barriers rather than lower them? Doesn't it segregate rather than integrate? Doesn't it push us that much further down the rabbit hole when we're otherwise trying like mad to climb back out?

We know better than this; we just need to act as though we know it.

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Let's remember that J.D. Vance is every bit as much a DEI pick as Kamala Harris: The right wing has its qualifications based on biology rather than merit too. There's *no way* Donald Trump would have picked a black man (like that ass-kisser a few months ago, can't remember his name) and his little toadstool would drop off if he picked a woman. His candidate absolutely had to be white, and a man, and straight. Vance appeals to the Christian right even if he doesn't, so far, espouse religion as much as they might want. I don't think he's the worst pick (and I'm a 'childless crazy cat lady', lol, but he's far from the best. But he in no way would have been picked had he been black. Trump will pick some Token Negro to be in his Cabinet just like he did Ben Carson (stereotypically slipped into the HUD role rather than HEW because, you know, those Negroes all grew up in the ghetto so they understand that urban stuff).

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Nah, not in the least.

Ask your local Diversity Czar whether a Poor White Guy from Middle America gives one Diversity credit? Ask her if including that same PWGuy from Ohio in any given group gives us credit for inclusivity? As for Equity.... heck, it's JD's outstanding board scores which demonstrate the very 'inequity' that DIE works to reverse.

There's no way, quite literally, that Vance would ever be considered a DIE pick in the same way Harris quite obviously is.

Certainly the selection of any running mate has always carried with it the concern: "What does this candidate bring with him? How will he help me become President?:" And yes, JD brings with him some portion of the electorate (debatable exactly how much). But that simple fact does not make his selection a 'diversity hire'.

As for whether Trump would have picked a Black Man...that's just an empty speculation: pointless and unprovable. I think he would have. So what? We might equally debate whether or not Tom Brady would have done as well if he played for Pittsburgh....or whether Robert deNiro would have been as big a star if he hadn't been in Taxi Driver. It might be a fun game to play but it means nothing and proves nothing....and is, in general a time sink.

And the 'token Negro' rant? What does that even mean? Do you believe that Black people all think and act alike? That they all hold the same Black opinions and express them in the same Black way? And if someone who is Black holds a different opinion (from the one you're sure All Black People hold) does that make them a 'token Negro' in your eyes?

That you characterize Carson in that way tells us nothing about Trump's perspective on Ben...but it, perhaps, tells us more than you realize about your own.

Blind assertions really tell us nothing.

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My whole rant was sarcasm. Not everyone understands it.

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To the base, everything is DEI. Conservatives insult every Black person. When tokens like Byron Donalds and Sage Steele showed up at an Atlanta cigar shop, they ran out because they couldn’t answer questions.


Conservatives are doing more to GOTV for Harris/Walz in Black communities than any other organization. Please, let them keep it up.

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Here we go again "FO SHIZZLE MY NIZZLE". Shizzle is a euthemism for 'shit' and 'nizzle' is Nigga 'N + - izzle'. A song by rapper Snoop Dogg and estensibly means "for sure my friend". Unintelligent. The Democrat Party select a POTUS candidate with 'show biz - skin-colour - gender' chiefly in mind. The Democrat Party has lost it's mind. John McWhorter admits that he is hard wired to think a certain way and cannot change his mind. Think of Germany, Japan after WW2. Cornel West also talks in this unintelligent jaundiced way and dresses it up in righteous terms. Their jaundiced neural pathways will lead them to self-destruction. The Democrat Party has lost its mind.

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"The Democrat Party select a POTUS candidate with 'show biz - skin-colour - gender' chiefly in mind. "

The GOP has done that for 3 strauight elections.

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Republicans support a man who was forced to close a university and a charity. He is a felon with 34 charges. He is convicted of sexual assault. Trump lied and said he escaped dealt because he did not board a helicopter that crashed in 1989 killing a Trump executive. The truth is that he never had plans to be on that helicopter. Today Trump says he was in a helicopter crash along with Willie Brown. The event never happened according to Gavin Newsome and Jerry Brown who were actually on the craft.

Trump survives as a candidate solely because he is a white male. Barack Obama would have been rejected by the voting public if he had committed half of the actions of DJ Trump. Regarding rap, Im reminded that Trump invited an anti-Semite rapper, Kanye West, along with Nick Fuentes, another anti-Semite to dinner at Mar-a-Lago.

Conservative attacks on Democrats boomerang and point out the character of the Republican Party.

Edit to add:

“Yo MTV Raps” Trump had two rappers indicted for murder on stage with him at a rally in the Bronx. Now that is really “FO SHIZZLE”

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Robert Redd's comments are false and maliciously so. The opinions he expresses are so deeply intrenched in falsity that they become 'hard wired' in neural pathways. Robert is obviously not unintelligent. "FO SHIZZLE MY NIZZLE".

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Yawn. Now show proof that Trump did not have to shut down a charity and university. Provide information that shows Trump was not convicted of 34 felony counts and a sexual assault charge. Walz is correct that Conservatives are creepy and weird.

According to Conservatives, if a door falls off a Boeing jet, it is because of DEI. Conservatives are a misinformed cult. Trump fabricates a helicopter crash and Conservatives see no mental issue. JD Vance wrote the forward to the guide for Project 2025 and Conservatives accept his story that he has no connection to the Heritage Foundation. Conservatives are so servile to Trump/Vance that they lose credibility. Harris/Waltz is rejoicing.

Please keep posting.

Edit to add:

I’m reminded that Trump had to pick a new VP candidate because Pence is not voting for Trump.

Trump associates did, will do, or are doing jail time.

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Dear Robert, logically a multi-billionaire would not flog a dead horse. If a well intended venture like a university cannot, in time stand on its own, then it must be closed down. Robert, you are a progressive Democrat, thus double entry bookkeeping will hurt your feelings. Let's move on.

The NYC 'star chambers', regardless of the number of misinformed, ill-informed and maliciously charges, will be thrown out of court. That is a FACT. SCOTUS and 99.9% of legitimate lawyers, will dismiss ALL the NYC fabrications. Enough said.

Advice to Robert: Take two aspirins and lie down.

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You offer opinion without doing research. Trump wanted to keep the university open. He tried to hide incriminating documents from the court.


Since you came with nonsense, I didn’t read the rest of your rant.

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Here we go again "FO SHIZZLE MY NIZZLE". Shizzle is a euthemism for 'shit' and 'nizzle' is Nigga 'N + - izzle'. A song by rapper Snoop Dogg. Unintelligent. The Democrat Party select a POTUS candidate with 'show biz - skin-colour - gender' chiefly in mind. The Democrat Party has lost it's mind. John McWhorter admits that he is hard wired to think a certain way and cannot change his mind. Think of Germany, Japan. What a tragedy.

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Wasn’t Joe Biden a DEI hire for Obama because he wanted a boring old white guy to neutralize his blackness? What about Tim Walz? Gretchen Whitmer and Pete were taken out of the VP pick because they didn’t want to run 2 women and Pete was gay, even though Gretchen was a popular swing state governor who didn’t have Josh Shapiro’s baggage. VPs are always selected to appeal to certain demographics, it it so stupid to call her “DEI”

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This is an interesting crowd. There are probably people in here who think that Donald Trump is qualified to be president but that Kamala Harris isn't.

Was everyone comfortable when we had two geriatrics running for office?

Hearing Glenn carry on about "if they didn't present Kamala Harris as a candidate, they would be admitting that she was a DEI hire, which she was."

I think "clearly an economics professor and not a professor of rhetoric, falling face first into a logical fallacy."

How about the converse? She was qualified to become the vice president. She was chosen as part of a strategy for the Democratic ticket. It worked. It is traditional that the vice president would be the party pick as the next presidential candidate. Experienced campaign people did a rapid pivot, picked a winner, and have left the unqualified blabbermouth candidate standing in his underpants out in a field babbling to the clouds about how he was robbed and how much he misses Joe Biden.

The woman is qualified. She is far more qualified than her opponent. The pejorative "DEI hire" has yet to be defined from last week. A white person, a rich person, a black person, an Asian person, an LGBTQ person, they can all be DEI hires. It's a strategy. The term is becoming meaningless, EXCEPT as a pejorative term.

Lately, it sounds like Glenn is working extra hard on trying to seem like a black "conservative" so much so that he pretends that the Republican convention was not something from a science fiction movie and that they actually have a qualified candidate. He's been so effusive about how Donald Trump was running a winning campaign that he really seems to want to be an authentic member of the MAGA clown-posse.

Thank God that John is part of the conversation.

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Why would there be any confusion about the meaning of 'DIE Hire'?

This meaning is simple, straightforward, and has not changed much over the last 50 years (even as that meaning pre-dates the invention of the acronym itself).

In the mid-60's it was called an Affirmative Action hire. Later it became a Diversity hire; and today DIE. Whatever the label, it meant exactly the same thing: an individual selected / hired /promoted NOT because of their qualifications or lists of stellar achievements//// but because they give the hiring organization a much-valued Diversity/AA credit in the HR Diversity Tally and the Progressive Media. How many Blacks? How many women? And more importantly, how many of each type in leadership positions? That's what counted; that's what still counts.

No one wants to be 'diversity-audited'....no one wants a discrimination lawsuit... no one wants a workforce that the EEOC or the OCR would highlight as being out of compliance. And especially no organization wants to read about themselves in the media as being the object of Racial / Feminist / LGBTQ+ protests and legal wars.

That's why most organizations, today, require that all hiring committees contain a representative from the Office of Diversity. That's why many employment applications require candidates to provide a written history of their efforts to promote 'diversity. That's why the NFL instated the Rooney Rule. That's why most managerial performance reviews & performance plans include specific 'diversity hire' targets that must be hit in order to receive an annual raise. [Hint: those targets are color & gender specific; they always have been. White people, rich people, Asian people, Gay people -- they're not part of the target. Neither are midwesterners. People from State Universities. Tall people. Short people. Fat people. Thin people. Beautiful people. Hire any of them and you miss the target.] And that's why Biden chose the failed Kamala (dropping out of the presidential race, in the face of massive indifference, before a single primary vote was cast) to be a heartbeat from a presidency that quite literally no one wanted her to be anywhere near. She ticked the right demographic boxes.

And that's why a DIE hire who's actually competent (let alone good) is worth their weight in gold. They're the proverbial unicorn.

DIE is the name for the practice (increasingly encouraged over the last 50 years) of valuing WHAT people are (from a demographic perspective) much higher than WHAT those same people have actually done or can do. DIE, quite simply, destroys Quality, crushes Excellence, eliminates Incentive, while shattering, step by step the ability of the organization to execute the mission. Witness the Democratic Presidential Race.

When lying in the Operating Room, waiting for the Cardiac Surgery Team to crack your chest and save your life, do you want to hear that you have the most DIVERSE, INCLUSIVE, AND EQUITABLE group possible....or do you want to hear that they are the very best at Cardiac Surgery. The answer would seem to be obvious... and yet, even now we push our Medical School programs to DIE even more.

If this is somehow confusing, ask anyone anywhere who has been a part of the hiring pr admissions process sometime over the last half-century. This poison has infected everything.

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LOL. Tommy Tuberville is a dunce. Marjorie Taylor Greene is on Homeland Security Committee. Lauren Bobert gets fondled in public. Those folks get a pass. The Black DA, State’s Attorney is a DEI hire. A door falls off a Boeing jet, there must be a Black pilot or Blacks failed to bolt the door.

Trump says he was in a helicopter crash, can’t tell the difference between Willie Brown and Jerry Brown and says his January 6th crowd was larger than the March on Washington ( or was it the Million Man March.

The nonsense is not combated here, but when they roll it to the public, it is rejected. Hulk Hogan spoke at their convention and told us what the Trumpamaniacs would do to us if they won.

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Anyone who is a natural born American, is over 35 and had resided in the country for at least 14 years is 'qualified' to be POTUS. Trump is qualified as is Kamala Harris. You two sound like Waspy bros after a few beers. Glenn, you are no doubt on some strong pain medications which have addled your otherwise brilliant mind. John? Oy!

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Does Rachael Dolezal deserve an apology?

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Harris has a Jamaican father and Indian mother. Dolezal has two white parents. Conservatives cannot tell the difference in the two situations. Conservatives will continue to spout their nonsense and more Independents will flock to Harris.

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Her father was from an upper class Jamsican family that owned slaves is half white. Her mother was a Brahman Tamil who like blacks.

Rachel Dolezal's parents where white like Kamala's mom amd even adppted black children. Somehow her choosing to be black is the WORST thing ever while Kamala whose relation to average Black American descendents of slavery is sbout the same, is completely legit.

Also I know her record as DA in SF. I had a friend whose 11 year old son was prosecuted by her (fined and put on six months probation) for a being a member of a bunch six graders whose friend was flirting with a girl when at the end the friend tapped the girl on her rear and said "nice ass*. The 11 year old kid who was the perpetrator was black and was put in juvie for two months. I believe they call it the "School to Prison" pipeline. In the 2020 presidential debate Tulsa Gabbard pointed out that this kid's punitive treatment was typical of her reign.

On the other hand, she did go easy on Willie Brown's friends.

If you actually cared sbout this you could read Lee Fang's substance where he details her sordidness

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LOL. Keep pushing your message and watch even more voters go for Harris. Trump is a convicted felon who had to close down a charity and university because of fraud. Trump called for the death penalty for innocent kids and won’t apologize even though they were exonerated. Trump’s people worked on Project 2025.

Trump says his January 6th crowd was larger than the March on Washington (250K), which his befuddled brain seems to be confusing with the Million Man March. He also claimed his inauguration crowd was larger than Obama’s.

Gabbard said Harris put people in jail for marijuana convictions. The folks who went to jail had felony convictions for other crimes. Gabbard did not tell the full story. She apologized for supporting a strict truancy policy.

You are doing the Democratic Party’s work for them. People will choose the prosecutor over the felon. Trump is not a viable option

Edit to add:

Dolezal committed welfare fraud while having $84K in her bank account. She received food and child care assistance.

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According to Hillary and liberals, conservations were all racist and sexist in 2016 and now the same people are voting for Kamala as President because of her race and sex. Can’t make this up!! 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Some people who voted in 2016 died. We are not dealing with the same population. There are Republicans Against Trump, Haley Voters for Harris, etc. Some Republicans put the Constitution above the authoritarianism promised by Trump and Project 2025.

To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, a dead white guy, those willing to give up a little freedom for a little safety deserve neither. Trump is a convicted felon. Several who served in his administration served jail terms. Trump was convicted of sexual assault. Republicans who vote for Trump are not taken serious when it comes to issues of law and order or morality.

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It is 2024, Trump’s “she suddenly became Black” schtick at the NABJ was a gift to Democrats. He is driving a higher percentage of Blacks to the Democrat Party. Harris went from a 23 point lead among Black voters to a 53 point lead. Vance staling Harris at a Wisconsin airfield helps create the “weird”. I’m hoping Trump and MAGA keep up the nonsense.

Michaela Montgomery, the Black single mom who replaced Diamond & Silk, is the butt of jokes. Her photo should have been the cover of Clay Cayne’s “The Gift” that details the depths to which some Black Republicans will go. We still have memories of the “Blacks for Trump” who would break into dance when cameras were aimed in their direction. We also remember the gold sneakers and the “I’ve been charged” t-shirts. Trump sees us as criminals. Please keep up the GOP outreach. Democrats love I.

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Hahaha she was the first “Indian senator” she’s whatever is convenient.

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As are we all. What's your beef?

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She has always acknowledged both sides of her heritage. I wonder why people see that as bad.

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Your reply fills me with delight. She attended Howard University, an HBCU. She joined the oldest Black sorority, AKA. She also celebrates her Indian heritage. On HBCUs and Black family reunions, Kamala would just be part of the family. Watching the Conservative meltdown is amusing. Conservatives tried to use a similar playbook against Barack Obama.

It was very telling that JD Vance’s wife received negative comments from Conservatives. I love it when Conservatives use the “ what race is she?” attack. The predictable DEI attack helped fuel the Zoom calls and donations. I hope Conservatives keep it up.

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Oh there’s no meltdown .. I could care less what she calls herself or celebrates. I’m a German American and a Native Indian American and a Texan..who TF cares what she is?? Leftist care and so does she but here again it’s Republicans who “care.” It’s Republicans who were racist and sexist too..and now hahaha leftist are voting for race and sex. The hypocrisy.

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You need to talk to Donald Trump and the Republicans who called Harris a DEI hire. Republicans gave a gift to Democrats. A door fell off a Boeing plane, a ship crashed into the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore, and the first words out of the mouths of Conservatives was DEI. Please keep it up.

“When did you become Black?” is a mocking response among Black people to Trump’s nonsense at NABJ.

I notice that Trump’s interview with Elon Musk begaon on “CP time”. karma for Trump’s insult at NABJ .

I understand that it will never sink in for you.

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Honest question; do Glenn or John ever get tired of everything being racialized in this country?

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Didn’t she spend her teen years in a well to do suburb of Montreal?

Regardless, let’s focus on her (and Walz’s!) radical policies and pronouncements.

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What is the point here? VP Harris was born in the United States. Harris moved to Montreal when her mother took a job at McGill University. Blacks make up 11.5% of the population of Montreal.

John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone. Ted Cruz was born in Calgary.

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Is the modern "choice" to be black not unlike a luxury belief? Several writers have noted that the sphere of DEI is dominated by agents with multi-racial heritage who already move comfortably in the "white" world, but leverage their color to wield power.

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Black people learn to move in the white world to achieve success. That does not automatically make the motion comfortable. VP Harris is living the Black experience.

For some reason, Conservatives feel more comfortable with Diamond & Silk, Michaela Montgomery, Candace Owens, Byron Donalds, etc. I wonder why?

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The main point of my comment was to highlight the distinction between those who have the choice and those do not.

With respect, what makes you an authority on the VP's life experience?

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You seem to be the expert on Black life and DEI.

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This is exactly what Mamala Kamala is doing….

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She was a DEI candidate.

She is a DEI candidate.

The leftover Obama power brokers are going to ring the last drip of sympathy and pity for black people out of the progressive left. They are going to put some lipstick on this pig and sell it as the anointed one, and everyone better get with the program, or suffer the consequences.

The problem is, over half the country knows she is uniquely unqualified for the position. Do you really want her to have the nuclear launch codes.

And look at the eunuch she chose as a running mate.

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It really does always boil down to the genitals I guess

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It certainly helps, especially when millions of people have been programed to make that a determining feature in a decision.

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John says Kamala (oh, sorry, Vice President Harris) is Black, not Asian. So let it be written, so let it be true!

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She has always identified with both sides of her heritage, has never sought to disavow either side.

1. Attended HBCU

2. Joined one of the 'Divine Nine" Black sororities

3. President of the Black students association at her law school

4. Member of Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Asian and Pacific American Caucus

Just for a few examples from various points in her career.

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