If I didn’t know it was a fantasy, I’d swear we were living through Tolkien’s Mordor spreading its darkness across the west to subdue and demoralize us all.

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This all sounds wonderful. Glenn, you and John are like beacon of reason and sanity out there in a world that is becoming increasingly shrouded in the darkness of woke/CRT ideology.

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Bravo to the new order here. Like so many others, I have been following the Black Guys for a number of years because the conversation is rich, substantive, intellectually stimulating and challenging to my preconceived notions, and above all civil. I need this, and so do many others like me. Bless you!

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Sometimes I think I'm losing my sanity because I'm a high school teacher and the Social Justice/Woke philosophy is imposed on us all. I feel it like a heavy weight on my shoulders I cannot shake off. The Glenn Show is my point of reference FOR REALITY. It's like a medicine for my mind. :-)

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At first I thought the email address said "thewoke"@glennshow but I guess that is my mind playing tricks on me! Look forward to the discord channel

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