
Originally, I accidentally posted this with my own name in the byline. That was an error on my part—Glenn wrote the post, and I edited it, transcribed the audio, formatted it, and posted it. Many apologies!

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Glenn is so correct. KH is unremarkable.

In this fraught period, one should hope for a Jefferson, Madison or Lincoln. Instead, our two political tribes raise up very polarizing candidates who will do little else than continue to stir antagonisms which will allow their respective parties to gain and maintain power.

It is truly sad.

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Here’s the real freaking deal….We cant get out of our own way…. The black community is getting in their own way because for the first time ever NOTHING WAS IN THE WAY…and corralling the community into the ways of productive behavior is hard… No one knows that better than Loury so when the freaking door gets back opened to blaming because of laziness and lack of taking responsibility upon one’s self is hard and no one feels like pushing through, the f’ing word RACISM gets pulled back out, the dust gets swept off it and shined up to look brand new and we get income equality, not more opportunity but old bs for hand outs reparations Suddenly the Indian girls joins a club of all the blacks to straddle the fence and take advantage of both “victims” add to that marrying a white man, not just any white a Jewish white Now she triages the victimization and suddenly the community doesn’t have to take RESPONSIBILITy and goes back to being VICTIMS bc it’s easier than pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and joining the only crowd worth anything the MERITORIOUS gang…. and making that cool.

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Short memory John McWhorter…..what do you have to say NOW


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Glenn and John are cowards.

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I enjoy the views of both of you on this subject. I am the son of an economist, so I totally follow Glenn and his thought processes. John, I found your insight in Woke Racism very accurate from the view I have had of life. I also really enjoyed the talk that you gave at Ole Miss a few years ago. I liked your explanation about why people like certain politicians is not because they are racist but rather often based on what matters to them.

For the record, before I get started, I am not a fan of Donald Trump. However, I am even less of a fan of so many of the policies of the Democrats, many of which seem to be spearheaded by the progressive left. I work in the inner city as a police officer and from what I have observed over the last 29 years, the results of those progressive policies are truly harmful to those who need the help and the protection the most.

What I find crazy about this election cycle is the continued dishonestly by the media. In the first election, they did not expose Biden at all. Now in this election, they have exposed him in a manner that I think was totally planned and perfectly orchestrated. They did not allow anyone to run against him. I may be wrong on this, but I believe that if someone like say Kennedy had run against him in a number of primaries like Haley did against Trump, Kennedy would have been the presumptive nominee going into the DNC when Biden backed out. Since no one ran against him, the unknown power brokers could orchestrate whomever they want to become the nominee.

The left says that Trump is a threat to democracy but even though I am not a fan, I don’t see it. When the Republican primaries started, there was quite a few opponents to Trump, who he began knocking off a few at a time. I believe a lot of donors were supporting Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, which is more than can be said for the democrats. I believe Nikki Haley was in around 14 primaries and even won in Vermont. You can say that Donald Trump is a lot of things, but he and his supporters did not undermine the democratic process like the left did. The right allowed people to run and compete, with Trump eventually crushing all of them. While the outcome is not what everyone might have wanted, you cannot deny that the process was actually allowed to happen. This was clearly was not the case with the Democrat party.

The unknown powers behind the quest for the presidency made sure that Biden was exposed and then these same powerful people finally allowed the left leaning media outlets to tell the real story. That is until they got rid of him and then they all lined back up in lockstep and began praising Kamala Harris in a manner that none of us really believe.

Many voters are behind her because they hate Trump, but they never would have voted for her. If I remember correctly she got about 2 or 3 percent of the vote when she ran in 2020. This time she did not have to get any votes. Doesn’t that bother anyone? Do you think it is right that the voters of this country had no say in the Democratic nominee? If we are being honest, I would say that this was planned from the beginning. The Republican pundits are acting like the Democrats must be scrambling on what to do next. I think this is exactly what they had planned and the Republicans are too stupid to have seen it. The Democrats are playing chess again.

In my opinion, the Republicans should have been attacking the Democrat policies, not the candidate. If they had done this it would not matter who the candidate was, because they all support the same ridiculous social policies. They would not have missed a stride, but now because Trump wants to make the unappealing choice to attack the individuals, I think he might be handing the election back to the left. Everyone wants to throw race into this election but if you put a qualified and capable candidate like Condoleezza Rice on the ballot, I would support her in a minute. To me this is about the character of the candidate and not the color of the candidate’s skin.

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Thank you for taking the time to say what you’ve said. I’ve had a bad tast in my mouth since John McWhorter said he wanted DJT to be assasinated just days before the act was carried out… But I love economics and think Glen’s understanding of the system is spot on. Though I’m a card carrying Dem since they’ve gone full blown on killing babies, chopping off body parts of children while letting 8 yr olds decide if they are a boy or a girl without their parents guidance it’s been a hard ticket to support for several cycles. The worst, well one of the worse comments was if you don’t vote for Biden you ain’t black …. And yet he and his colleagues continue to stoke fear…. There is so much more I could say but you said all the rest and I thank you for it

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"The Kamala Harris Conflict - Is It Her Time?" Of couse it is NO her time. RIDICULOUS. Only an uninformed ignoramus would think it is. We are talking about the leadership selection for the western world. Believe it or not, a percentage of African-Americans society is seriously navel-gazes about this insidious DEI pick. Like it or not neural pathways are HARD-WIRED, and without much 'G' to inform opinions, the Democrat Party comes up with KAMALA HARRIS. Give us a break. It is not hard to predict the future if the Democrat Party prevails at the ballat box. China, Russia and India will have their way with the stupid Democrats and then eat the USA lunch. Glenn's remark, that he feels strangely disloyal for not supporting Kamala Harris. This is a example of phenotypically African-American reversion to typecast. Causasions, generally speaking, voted for Barack Hussein Obama without reservations. Was it all down to their 'white guilt and prejudice'. Of course NOT. I am beginning to lose heart and wonder if there is any cure for jaundiced low IQ Democrat thinking?

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"I'm slightly embarrassed that I can't get excited"...by the prospect of a Harris presidency???


Why on earth would anyone be embarrassed that they 'can't get excitied' about the prospect of a 'eyeless, boneless, chickenless egg' of a clueless political twit who is ONLY a presidential candidate because her skin is certain color and her genitalia arranged in a certain way? Why would anyone ever even want to be excited about such a mediocrity? (And that's probably not fair to all the mediocrities out there who don't spend their days pretending to be something they quite obviously are not.)

She can't talk; she obviously can't think; she's done nothing. And the jobs she has been given she's consistently flubbed (which is really difficult to do if you have the entire political mechanism of the administration and the Democratic Party there to steer you gently in the right direction and tell you what to say & do.) The woman with the cackle is a sock-puppet, waiting for some designated 'hand' to lead her to the Oval Office.

Glenn tells us he finds nothing noteworthy about Kamala, save her race and gender. He's absolutely right....except for the fact that her race & gender aren't noteworthy either. We're past being noteworthy simply because we check a certain demographic box, aren't we? Shouldn't we be?

Jackie Robinson was noteworthy for his race because he was, indeed, the very first (the VERY FIRST) Black man to play on a major league baseball team....but he played because he was far more noteworthy for being one of the very best baseball players out there. He wouldn't have played otherwise. He wouldn't have even gotten close. But merit is easy to see & measure in sports; it evidently is impossible to measure in politics. The woman is an empty hat (and again, that's probably unfair to hats), but she's appropriately colored & genitally configured, so she's thrown out there on the mound for the first game of the world series when she can't even catch the ball (let alone throw it). Is that noteworthy?

We should resent her being foisted (and more importantly we should resent the men and women behind the curtain who did the foisting). We should resent her for being a Diversity/Affirmative Action/Prove your Progressive BonaFides Hire (for she was an equivalent nullity during the previous campaign). We should resent the corruption of the process which made Kamala (previously more famous for her Willie Brown engagements) the supposed 'heir apparent' to be leader of the Free World.

Somewhere along the way the powers that be decided that the actual quality of the candidate mattered not a whit. They realized, in fact, that the more qualified a candidate was, the more dangerous they were, because the harder they became to manipulate. Smart & competent people typically refuse to submit to active puppeteering. Far better the 'empty hat', they concluded,; far better the smiling, cackling sock puppet, the moderately attractive talking head that could read a teleprompter.

"There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the candidate. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make her louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make her softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. For the next 4 years, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: There is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... The Democratic Convention and the Accompanying Media Blitz.'

Say hello to Old Joe; say hello to Kamala!

Today we wait for her to be told what opinions she needs to hold, what positions she must abandon, what words she must say. It's no wonder she's not giving press conferences. Heck, it's hard to learn a how to sing and dance a whole new tune when you're tone-deaf and clueless.

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That’s funny every time I read it thank you

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Henyard is following her cackling leader….nowhere to be found….probably spending her millions…..this may do her in {with any luck)…. Though I will suggest this, make believe, just for a moment just a moment that you knew nothing about Kamala Harris then watch her speak w/her VP yesterday. It’s scary because the percentage of folks that do know anything may be a lot lower than we think…

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EMBARRASED!!!!???? You should be so proud of yourself that you are a thinking person… a stable person an insightful person someone who can’t be bamboozled by bullshit. You my friend are a hero to us all

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Once again John claims a black woman with an obviously limited and inferior mind is intelligent.


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Here’s the real freaking deal….We cant get out of our own way…. The black community is getting in their own way because for the first time ever NOTHING WAS IN THE WAY…and corralling the community into the ways of productive behavior is hard… No one knows that better than Loury so when the freaking door gets back opened to blaming because of laziness and lack of taking responsibility upon one’s self is hard and no one feels like pushing through, the f’ing word RACISM gets pulled back out, the dust gets swept off it and shined up to look brand new and we get income equality, not more opportunity but old bs for hand outs reparations Suddenly the Indian girls joins a club of all the blacks to straddle the fence and take advantage of both “victims” add to that marrying a white man, not just any white a Jewish white Now she triages the victimization and suddenly the community doesn’t have to take RESPONSIBILITy and goes back to being VICTIMS bc it’s easier than pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and joining the only crowd worth anything the MERITORIOUS gang…. and making that cool.

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Again John McWhorter continues to demonstrate his lack of experience when it comes to the political process. John McWhorter also referred to Fani Willis an another brilliant black woman being put down.

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I wonder if he'll be defending Tiffany Henyard next.

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Here’s the real freaking deal….We cant get out of our own way…. The black community is getting in their own way because for the first time ever NOTHING WAS IN THE WAY…and corralling the community into the ways of productive behavior is hard… No one knows that better than Loury so when the freaking door gets back opened to blaming because of laziness and lack of taking responsibility upon one’s self is hard and no one feels like pushing through, the f’ing word RACISM gets pulled back out, the dust gets swept off it and shined up to look brand new and we get income equality, not more opportunity but old bs for hand outs reparations Suddenly the Indian girls joins a club of all the blacks to straddle the fence and take advantage of both “victims” add to that marrying a white man, not just any white a Jewish white Now she triages the victimization and suddenly the community doesn’t have to take RESPONSIBILITy and goes back to being VICTIMS bc it’s easier than pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and joining the only crowd worth anything the MERITORIOUS gang…. and making that cool.

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Probably maybe he’s off with her spending the millions gone missing from her department

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Check this out I’m about to post it


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I'm afraid I boycott GooTube.

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Glenn, While I empathize with your regret, you might take consolation in that you shouldn’t be ashamed by your lack of enthusiasm for her. She should.

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Here’s the real freaking deal….We cant get out of our own way…. The black community is getting in their own way because for the first time ever NOTHING WAS IN THE WAY…and corralling the community into the ways of productive behavior is hard… No one knows that better than Loury so when the freaking door gets back opened to blaming because of laziness and lack of taking responsibility upon one’s self is hard and no one feels like pushing through, the f’ing word RACISM gets pulled back out, the dust gets swept off it and shined up to look brand new and we get income equality, not more opportunity but old bs for hand outs reparations Suddenly the Indian girls joins a club of all the blacks to straddle the fence and take advantage of both “victims” add to that marrying a white man, not just any white a Jewish white Now she triages the victimization and suddenly the community doesn’t have to take RESPONSIBILITy and goes back to being VICTIMS bc it’s easier than pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and joining the only crowd worth anything the MERITORIOUS gang…. and making that cool.

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Agreed ! How can you have regret for not wanting to vote for someone whose views are dyametrically opposed yours. As Will Keys said above Caucasian’s voted in larger margin for Obama bc of who they believed he was… Today no one has that same privilege with this candidate… it’s more pathetic than anything else

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I think both John and Glenn are off base here.

Kamala's current wave of popularity is not because she's black and female (though both those qualities probably help a bit). It's because she is not Donald Trump, and to a lesser extent not Joe Biden either.

Democrats (and mostly fellow travelers like me) desperately want to win this election. We consider it an embarrassment for our country that a person as unfit for the Presidency as Donald Trump was elected even once. The thought that it could happen again is deeply depressing and that was clearly the direction we were headed a month ago.

So when the debate happened and it became completely obvious that Biden had to drop out, it gave all of us a surge of hope and excitement. Whoever the Democratic nominee turned out to be was going to benefit from this surge, regardless of their race and gender. And while for some folks those qualities may mean a lot, for many folks like me it doesn't really matter.

And speaking for myself, while I had become a Kamala skeptic after initially supporting her in early 2019 (and wanted to see some kind of lightning primary where someone else could emerge), I'm happy to root her for now. While I don't think she matches up to either Bill Clinton or Barack Obama (both of whom I thought were extraordinary political figures in different ways), I think she certainly is as smart as Joe Biden, who proved that you don't have to be an extraordinary political figure to be a pretty good President. More importantly, she is certainly 10 times more fit to be President than her opponent.

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Here’s the real freaking deal….We cant get out of our own way…. The black community is getting in their own way because for the first time ever NOTHING WAS IN THE WAY…and corralling the community into the ways of productive behavior is hard… No one knows that better than Loury so when the freaking door gets back opened to blaming because of laziness and lack of taking responsibility upon one’s self is hard and no one feels like pushing through, the f’ing word RACISM gets pulled back out, the dust gets swept off it and shined up to look brand new and we get income equality, not more opportunity but old bs for hand outs reparations Suddenly the Indian girls joins a club of all the blacks to straddle the fence and take advantage of both “victims” add to that marrying a white man, not just any white a Jewish white Now she triages the victimization and suddenly the community doesn’t have to take RESPONSIBILITy and goes back to being VICTIMS bc it’s easier than pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and joining the only crowd worth anything the MERITORIOUS gang…. and making that cool.

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As a card carrying démocrat who would love to be excited about a brilliant candidate I’ve been relegated to doing as much homework to get beyond the TDS we facts. It would really be helpful for me to know what makes Trump so inadequate for the job from your perspective. Here’s what I learned about DJT after researching him what am I overlooking about him what have I missed to add to this list… I don’t want to give a list of the things Biden/Harris have done to put us all in the mess we find ourselves in from Prices to Killing off the black community through abortion to allowing boys to compete and beat of women athletes stealing their scholarships while allowing people in this country and taking care of them before they take care of the black community and I could go on… but not to mention stealing our vote for who we wanted to run for president seems like the largest threat to the democratic process ever done…. And it makes me think it will only get worse. But anyway here’s what I found out about Trump that’s made me wonder if he has been so grossly lied about. Do u think?


Serbia was talking to Kosovo

The Arabs were talking to Israel

Bahrain, it was thought that the UAE Oman and Sudan were being engaged in diplomacy with Israel

Didn’t get us into any major wars

against terrorist safe havens

Eliminated Isis

As well as eliminated the threat of Solemani and Al Bagdadi

Withdrew from the most dangerous deal America ever engaged in with Iran in 2015 which allowed them to continue building nuclear weapons He instead reinstated sanctions

Brought hostages home

Changed NAFTA to USMCA

TAX CUTS for companies from 35% the highest of any country in the world were reduced to 21% now in line with the rest of the world...the effects to mention a few is that companies focused on expansion in the US bringing their profits back to America ...as well as all the positive

implications of that

Including higher wages which pre COVID was documented by the Census Research adding on average $6,000 for average households

Eliminated the penalty for no insurance which had only helped double profits for Ins. Premiums which previously rose to $7000 per individual

“Right to Try” for terminally ill patients when it didn’t get done for 50 yrs.

Reversed that price tag by increasing competition which as a business person he understood unlike folks that never had a job in the real world but lived off taxpayers money…and quite well which is shocking. Mansions, 3 houses at least one by the lake one in the city one in dc Others with huge stock portfolios allowed to trade on government info This guy apparently never even took a salary while the Clinton’s left with the China from the Rose room

Lowest unemployment in US history

Lowest unemployment for blacks and Hispanics

Opportunity zones

Decided to consistently fund black colleges by committing funds overtime instead of making them come back groveling every year as has been done for decades

Increasing flexibility for school choice

Veterans —totally reformed their access to healthCare and rehabed Walter Reed

Built the military to its strongest ever which means other countries will think twice before messing with us

Restored property rights of people that Environmental policies took from families where the land had been for generations don’t get me started down that road. It’s so infuriating to think how easy it was to find out all this stuff while all I heard was Russia Russia Russia How stupid did we have to be to think this guy was a Russian agent??? The one thing about him was if he thought it he tweeted it…. He would have given himself away…

And about xenophobia …..first what I found in the clips was he didn’t want criminals like the MS 13 guys who raped tortured and killed 2 beautiful young girls a few towns from where I grew up savages that’s what I heard him saying. He wanted the nice hard work immigrants that makes sense. I don’t want savages. He just said it in a way that was easy to criticize… the other thing I discovered about him is he grew up in a church where the Pastor wrote a famous book on positive thinking…so between hard work and thinking positive this guy forged through life… and although Matt calls him Richie Rich I didn’t find that as an accurate picture. His father apparently was a tough guy. And sent him to military school which almost broke him but instead it make him work tirelessly to prove himself. And his father didn’t want him to go into the business he did in Manhattan and he was always having to prove himself. There’s just something I hadn’t seen in him bc o all that was being said about him. In fact there’s a list of

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An interesting perspective.

Certainly we must separate the instant which is the Present from the historical Past, all the twistings and turnings, which brought us here. But it is a mistake to think the Present, all the unrestrained glee, all the hosannahs, all the grinning media heads celebrating her anointing is in any significant way unrelated to Kamala's color and genitalia when it is those very qualities which brought us to today.

'She is as smart as Joe Biden'? You mean the Current Joe, the stumbling, mumbling, lost, and mistake-making Joe? You're probably right. I know several 3 year olds who are equally 'as smart as Current Joe Biden. As true as it is, that should frighten us, not reassure us.

Even more frightening: Ms. Harris' record....her own, personal, multi-decade history of non-achievement in the public sphere. Cackling Kamala has done nothing. She believes in nothing.

And when given a chance (maybe) to do something.... nothing always is the outcome. She says what she's told to say -- albeit somewhat incoherently -- and even now awaits to discover, learn, and perform what the 'Powers that Be' tell her to practice.

And even that would not be exactly horrible if it weren't for the content & substance of the tune 'Those who Elevated Her' will tell her to sing (if not quite explicitly during the next 80 days...then with much 'passionate intensity' if we are are foolish enough to elect her.):

* a freedom of speech right broken by the need to 'fight disinformation'.....

* a bloody embrace of the slow motion holocaust which has murdered 50M in an insanely inhuman attempt to justify a mother's right to kill her own children...

* a feckless, clueless, weak and wandering foreign policy that will abandon our allies (most especially Israel) if and when they become inconvenient to the rabidly anti-semitic Left which increasingly is the Democratic Party (did we see Kam when Netanyahu spoke? did we hear a whisper?).... and defer to our enemies

* the continuing sacrifice of the American economy upon the perverted altar of the Green New Deal (Let's make even more EV's....using even more rare earth metals....mined more ferociously in whatever wilderness needs to be destroyed.....to build inventories that no one is buying because the Car/the Concept as it now exists is extraordinarily inefficient & cost prohibitive (a cost lessened only by the State's continued tax-dollar funded subsidies).

* the mandated embrace of Transphilia: the insane belief that people are somehow created 'wrongly-sexed'...and that this 'mis-identification' can be corrected by drugs & the enthusiastic mutilation of healthy bodies (encouraged, professionally, in our public schools)

* And perhaps the root of all this evil, DIE....the terrible commitment to kill Quality, destroy Excellence, and eliminate all human difference as we seek to -- quite literally -- make all outcomes demographically equal. Read Vonnegut's 'Harrison Bergeron' and tell me what a fine idea that is.

No my friend, the Cackling Puppet which is Kamala is not 10 times more fit to be President than the obnoxious, bumptious, rude & crude Trump (even though Trump will never be invited to the Cool Kids Table) because the policies she spouts (or has spouted) the philosophies she (and the rest of the Democratic party) represents are 10,000 times worse.

How could there be any mistake?

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Well said.

Let it be repeated, that the main reason that those who hate Trump deem him unfit for the presidency is not because he's not a politician (Obama wasn't much of one himself) or because he was a reality show star.

It's the sting of Democrats losing the white house to the celebrity face of the 'birther' movement, and, more than that, sour grapes that the insane ideologies they support, many of which you listed, won't be implemented. "unqalified" is a convenient excuse to avoid explaining why they support what they do

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A significant factor in Obama's win in the primaries was that he wasn't Hillary. In the election itself, a factor of at least some significance was that John McCain (whom one could take seriously) chose as his running mate Sarah Palin (whom one couldn't). None of that had anything to do with race.

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This is all basically true. I would only add that Kamala is, at least so far, handling her strange ascendancy very well - much better than what we saw from her in 2019 or in the early per of her vice presidency.

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The complicit MSM makes it look as though shes’s handling it well. Imagine how great you’d look if Jeffrey Katzenberg (or whichever friend of Emhoff) were marketing your image.

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(I am not capable of any real enthusiasm for Kamala Harris as herself because David Dayen poisoned me against her over the foreclosure fraud settlement)

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Me too

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Wow, a second such person in this space

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Here’s the real freaking deal….We cant get out of our own way…. The black community is getting in their own way because for the first time ever NOTHING WAS IN THE WAY…and corralling the community into the ways of productive behavior is hard… No one knows that better than Loury so when the freaking door gets back opened to blaming because of laziness and lack of taking responsibility upon one’s self is hard and no one feels like pushing through, the f’ing word RACISM gets pulled back out, the dust gets swept off it and shined up to look brand new and we get income equality, not more opportunity but old bs for hand outs reparations Suddenly the Indian girls joins a club of all the blacks to straddle the fence and take advantage of both “victims” add to that marrying a white man, not just any white a Jewish white Now she triages the victimization and suddenly the community doesn’t have to take RESPONSIBILITy and goes back to being VICTIMS bc it’s easier than pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and joining the only crowd worth anything the MERITORIOUS gang…. and making that cool.

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If Kamala Harris supports reparations I missed it. Also 2 points about the convention:

I made a point of watching "the greatest roll call in history" (Taegan Goddard, Political Wire) a few hours ago. (I had to go to the grocery store for onions and missed it) Several of the people who had the mic were proud to be the first Black party chair in their state. Without some hard work to support the party those people are not even in the conversation to be named chair. Certainly state parties such as AL and SC were proud to be there doing the work so that there would be any Democratic party in the state at all. What was on the screen was a vision of what could be if liberalism does not have a problem with difference. (I officially finished "Scenes of Subjection":))

Harris and some of the speakers emphasized Harris's mother so that Harris could be said to have a classic immigrant story. Especially important is that Harris's mother would say that if you have a problem you should "DO SOMETHING" which had the crowd cheering. This is "getting into good trouble, necessary trouble" for the 21st century and can be applied to more concrete problems than the legacy of slavery

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The secret to getting Harris elected is browbeating the left progressive white women to vote several times each. The absentee ballots are rarely checked and a little time in jail will give the great street cred.

Next, fire up those black lives matter, mostly peaceful, riots again. Nothing like getting drug out of your car by an angry mob gives the non believers that "come to Jesus" moment of knowing who they better vote for.

I must take leave now to wet down my roof.

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Donald Trump, a convicted felon and sexual assaulter who had close a fraudulent university, and charity, is the other Presidential option. The majority of Trump’s former cabinet is not supporting him. Mike Pence, his former Vice President is not supporting him. Is Glenn arguing that we bring that individual back into the White House?

Joe Biden stepped down, endorsing Kamala Harris as he exited the race. Choosing a candidate at the Democratic convention would have been chaotic. Biden made the wisest choice. Republicans came out of the gate with a DEI attack. Republicans questioned Harris’ racial identity. They received their just desserts with Zoom calls organized by Black women, Black men, white women, and white men. Harris has union support.

Trump supports Project 2025. He chose the worse Vice Presidential candidate in history. Glenn says that all he sees in his emails supporting VP Harris. The rest of us see a media who will bring Donald Trump on for interviews and fail to point out his lies in real time. There were 20+ lies in his disastrous Elon Musk interview. As a result, many lost respect for mainstream media. Thus, VP Harris faces zero pressure to do a sit down interview with any reporter.

Many of us view the election as being between a prosecutor and a felon who wants to be a dictator. I don’t see Trump being able to correct that impression. Saying that we survived an insurrection once does not mean that we should give the felon a second chance.

Both Glenn and John seem to have no situational awareness.

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Also it’s interesting that Kamala Harris just got advice from the man to whom she had an affair suggesting Kamala continue not to take any firm policy positions bc in his view it’s working. Yikes…

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For some reason, you posted this several times. Tulsi Gabbard is not a reliable source


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Your kidding right Tulsi Gabbard may be the only credible woman when with the Democrat Party who should have rose her to the top. Have you looked at her resume Om goodness The reason she didn’t is because she can not be bought. Are kidding me… where in the name of integrity are u getting your information. I gave you a pass using CNN and Politico thinking you must be like most without time and energy to do the exhausting work of research… which takes a bit of training. But you open up with that I don’t have time toread the rest of your comment until I get the sense you are not parroting someone else’s crap work … plus responding so quickly there’s no way you did your homework on the BLS site… I don’t want to be rude though provoke so. Cheers

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Tulsi Gabbard is a grifter who can make more money by shifting right. She wants a place in a Trump administration.


I provided a response to her misinformation about VP Harris. I provided data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics pointing out the length of unemployment under 4% during the Biden administration.

Edit to add:

“More than 100% of net jobs have gone to migrants”-Donald Trump


CNN played what he actually said. LOL

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I have no interest in your responses. You have zero comprehension of who Tulsii Gabbard is and it’s shocking…. Actually it’s rather disgusting

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Tulsi Gabbard has been added to Trump’s debate prep ten. It is likely that she will target prosecutions conducted by VO Harris when she was a DA or State’s Attorney. This will be done in an attempt to decrease the number of Black males who will vote for Harris. The major problem the Trump team faces is his refusal to apologize for demanding the death penalty for the Exonerated Five, his refusal to rent apartments to Blacks when he was in business with his father, and the number of bigots who support Trump’s candidacy.

Take the recent appearance of Nancy Mace on a CNN panel. Mace took heat for mangling the name of Kamala Harris. Conservative arrogance is creating Democratic voters.

Gabbard is a joke.

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Hmmm the one thing you said that struck me was “ I don’t see Trump being able to correct that impression.” Well I need more than an “impression” As it looked like Biden was going to be the nominee again I had to real do some deep soul searching knowing the poor man had lost his mind. When I did, I was surprised by what I learned… Everyone said Trump wanted to be a dictator but what I learned was that Hillary and everyone in her clan lied about the Russia situation and that 51 intelligence officers signed a letter about Trump that was all lies.. then I found out that the J6 group was infiltrated by far left agitators including some older general man who ginned-up the crowd to storm the capital and he was working for the Démocrates His name I think was Ray Epps. Then I found out the Hunter Biden lap top was real but the truth was hidden from the American people of which 17% of Dems said they would not have voted for Biden had they known it was real. they’ve gone full blown on killing black babies by the 1000’s , chopping off body parts of children while letting 8 yr olds decide if they are a boy or a girl without their parents guidance it’s been a hard ticket to support for several cycles. The worst, well one of the worse comments was if you don’t vote for Biden you ain’t black …. And yet he and his colleagues continue to stoke fear…. Any way below was what I found out about Trumps time in office whereas

-Some of Trumps Accomplishments

Serbia was talking to Kosovo

The Arabs were talking to Israel

Bahrain, it was thought that the UAE Oman and Sudan were being engaged in diplomacy with Israel

Didn’t get us into any major wars

against terrorist safe havens

Eliminated Isis

As well as eliminated the threat of Solemani and Al Bagdadi

Withdrew from the most dangerous deal America ever engaged in with Iran in 2015 which allowed them to continue building nuclear weapons He instead reinstated sanctions

Brought hostages home

Changed NAFTA to USMCA

TAX CUTS for companies from 35% the highest of any country in the world were reduced to 21% now in line with the rest of the world...the effects to mention a few is that companies focused on expansion in the US bringing their profits back to America ...as well as all the positive

implications of that

Including higher wages which pre COVID was documented by the Census Research adding on average $6,000 for average households

Eliminated the penalty for no insurance which had only helped double profits for Ins. Premiums which previously rose to $7000 per individual

“Right to Try” for terminally ill patients when it didn’t get done for 50 yrs.

Reversed that price tag by increasing competition which as a business person he understood unlike folks that never had a job in the real world but lived off taxpayers money…and quite well which is shocking. Mansions, 3 houses at least one by the lake one in the city one in dc Others with huge stock portfolios allowed to trade on government info This guy apparently never even took a salary while the Clinton’s left with the China from the Rose room

Lowest unemployment in US history

Lowest unemployment for blacks and Hispanics

Opportunity zones

Decided to consistently fund black colleges by committing funds overtime instead of making them come back groveling every year as has been done for decades

Increasing flexibility for school choice

Veterans —totally reformed their access to healthCare and rehabed Walter Reed

Built the military to its strongest ever which means other countries will think twice before messing with us

Restored property rights of people that Environmental policies took from families where the land had been for generations don’t get me started down that road. It’s so infuriating to think how easy it was to find out all this stuff while all I heard was Russia Russia Russia How stupid did we have to be to think this guy was a Russian agent??? The one thing about him was if he thought it he tweeted it…. He would have given himself away…

And about xenophobia …..first what I found in the clips was he didn’t want criminals like the MS 13 guys who raped tortured and killed 2 beautiful young girls a few towns from where I grew up savages that’s what I heard him saying. He wanted the nice hard work immigrants that makes sense. I don’t want savages. He just said it in a way that was easy to criticize… the other thing I discovered about him is he grew up in a church where the Pastor wrote a famous book on positive thinking…so between hard work and thinking positive this guy forged through life… and although Matt calls him Richie Rich I didn’t find that as an accurate picture. His father apparently was a tough guy. And sent him to military school which almost broke him but instead it make him work tirelessly to prove himself. And his father didn’t want him to go into the business he did in Manhattan and he was always having to prove himself. There’s just something I hadn’t seen in him bc of all that was being said about him I found out was true they just madevup lies that’s scary

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Not going to pretend to be a policy wonk on foreign policy

The Black unemployment rate was decreasing under Obama. The decrease continued under Trump. Black unemployment was lower under Biden.


Trump did not save HBCUs


Opportunity Zones were a flop


Regarding wars, Trump has selective memory. Jimmy Carter was the 1st President to start no new wars since 1948.


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deletedAug 16
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Are you arguing that unemployment has not been under 4% for the longest stretch under Biden?

“Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the American economy added 303,000 jobs in March, and the unemployment rate ticked down to 3.8 percent. This report once again demonstrates steady growth and a strong labor market with a three-month average of 276,000 in job gains. The jobless rate has been below 4 percent for the 26th month in a row — the longest stretch in more than 50 years.


Trump is an authoritarian and bigot. I’m not going back to that crap.

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Questions about the lack of prosecution of priests came up when she was chosen as Vice President. There is justified criticism of her reluctance to directly criticize Netanyahu and the genocide in Gaza. Given that Trump is a convicted felon, sexual abuser, and supporter of Project 2025, my vote still goes to Kamala Harris.

Trump says he will release the January 6th terrorists and offer immunity to police officers who commit abuse or homicide. Trump is not a viable alternative for me.

Edit to add:

Republicans point out the flaws of Democrats but are oblivious to the freedoms Trump and Republicans demand we give up for their supposed guarantee of safety. A man who grabs women’s private parts gets to determine what women do with their bodies. A man who would not rent apartments to Black people gets to criticize DEI. No Thanks.

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Man....that is quite the screed.

And filled with A LOT of sheer bullshit.

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I’m laughing. You are locked in a cult. Trump is falling apart. Most of his cabinet and Mike Pence are not supporting him. His first Secretary of State calls Trump a moron. Like a typical Conservative, you have no logical rationale for supporting Trump, so you respond with profanity. Hilarious.

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I think for Democrats it is the other way around. The dread of Trump is so great that getting behind anyone who can match him in strength and vigor is such a great relief. I am mildly worried about the debate but Team Harris probably knows that they simply have to challenge Trump on all the lies he will tell and they will do fine.

At least according to the media accounts almost everyone who could have challenged Harris for the nomination endorsed her within about 3 days. Probably in the back of their minds was all the hard work and loyalty Black women had given to the party and how the last thing the party needed was a sitting vice president who is a Black woman and endorsed by the sitting president being pushed out because of fears about electability.

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I think a lot of people saying the Dems should have had an open process were expecting something like the DNC Chair or Pelosi or someone like that stepping forward and announcing a set of rules and deadlines and contests - something like a reality TV show.

What actually happened was that the moment Biden announced his withdrawal from the race Kamala got on the phone with nearly everyone in the Democratic Party whose endorsement would matter (reportedly spent 10 stright hours talking to ~100 key Democrats) to build support. Anyone else could have jumped in at that point and tried to do the same, and of somebody wanted it that badly *and thought they had a chance* they might have tried. Instead, Harris got the jump on anyone who might have considered a run against her.

As 2020 showed, the Democratic party will rally around an old white guy if that is who they think can win. Lots of women, multiple non-White candidates were in that race and the last 2 left standing were the septuagenarian and the octogenarian, both white men. And the voters who pushed Biden over the top when his campaign was flatllining and badly in need of the push were the Black voters of South Carolina.

I think the only thing the Democratic party needed to avoid here was the appearance that they (as in the party apparatus and party leaders, not the voters and delegates) were trying to shove Harris out of the way, which would have come across as slighting the Black woman. If Nancy Pelosi, say, had tried to elbow Harris off of the stage along with Biden, I think there would have been a backlash. If Gretchen Whitmer or Josh Shapiro had jumped into the race on July 22 and actually won, I think the Democrats would have united behind them.

That said, it was always going to be a longshot for anyone challening Harris. Black women are a huge constituency within the Democratic party and they are capable of throwing their weight around, so to speak. Despite her often-fraught tenure as VP, being the sitting VP and Biden's 2024 running made gave her enormous advantages over anyone else. Once she managed a smooth rollout on July 22 it was basically a foregone conclusion.

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Does anyone doubt that Harris will tack to the center during the campaign and then govern from the left if elected?

Does anyone expect better border security?

Broader economic growth?

Peace in Europe or the Middle East (or Asia, for that matter)?

Do you expect the First and Second Amendments to be vigorously defended?

Will the Supreme Court still be an independent branch?

Does anything else matter in the least?

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It’s all about winning truth be dammed

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Republicans killed Lankford’s border bill at the request of Donald Trump. Republicans lose when they talk about the border.

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That was a sieve bill, not a security bill. Almost a million people could cross the border in a year without triggering any tightening at the border.

NYC is spending billions housing illegals.

Logan Airport was overrun with illegals.

Denver is being swamped.

CA is spending $2 billion on health care for illegals.

None of this was going on four years ago, and everyone knows it.

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“Sieve bill” is a deliberate misrepresentation of what the bill did by Republicans who didn’t want the bill to pass for the reasons explicitly stated by Trump - he didn’t want the border probals solved under a Democratic Adminsutration.

The specific misrepresentation was this: disingenuous opponents of the bill claimed that everyone encountered by border patrol agents was allowed to stay.

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Border crossings decreased.


The bill was the best that was going to happen. The public saw Republican Senator James Lankford telling the media his Republican colleagues tanked the bill at the request of Donald Trump. Republicans allow Democrats to say they care more about border security compared to Republicans. The Democratic convention will mention this and make VP Harris the best option on border security.

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The headline of the article is, "Guess how much border crossing numbers plummeted after Biden put in a new policy."

The law didn't need to pass to improve border security-the article you cite proves my point.

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The bill would decrease the numbers even further. Are you now arguing no legislation is needed?

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