when i try to upgrade to paid your site dies. There appears to be an input for email address, doesn't take input. There is a button below for 'upgrade', changes from red to faded red and does nothing. Fire your website support staff.
Prior to the the transatlantic slave trade and colonization, Europe was in very bad shape: diseases ( bubonic plaque and syphilis) wiping out half it's population, extensive poverty and crime, stagnant mercantile economies, lack of natural resources, and debauchery (priests raping children). The southern antebellum "CRACKER CUTURE" emanated from the old cracture culture in certain parts of North England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland - high level of violence, sexual promiscuity, high illiteracy, etc. Castration was a practice among these people which was inflicted upon Black males during slavery and Jim Crow. Syphilis and smallpox from Europe wiped out indigenous people around the world. There are many extinct Indian tribes throughout the Americas. You're a played out pseudo scientific racist wanting to use this nonsense for half baked social policies. Racism is an economic relationship between groups. It doesn't take a genius to become a millionaire that can hire nerds like you.
Hey Glenn! Tell Mr. Gates, I enjoyed him as your guest. I think he’s reasonable and makes some valid points. As an opponent of “woke,” I do see merit in some of his arguments and think we could find some common ground.
you and the good professor expressed the opinion that money spent on schools influenced IQ test scores. If that were the case, the IQ test would be invalidated wrt its primary purpose. If you question that assumption you will quickly find studies that contradict that, finding that investment in schools doesn't much affect students' problem solving ability. You have also often fallen into the fallacy that poverty causes crime. Have you ever examined that? My Appalachian county has the same median income as Harlem but we don't have nearly the problem. Being broke doesn't require gun violence. That's the result of low integrity.
I have to say to Glenn - I've been taking engineering and STEM courses on and off for 16 years. I'm in one now, a course on concrete mix design. I have taken courses with students of African descent but not one of them that I can remember was of legacy African-American heritage. I've taken courses at UC Denver, Colorado State - Fort Collins, University of Nebraska (Lincoln and Omaha), and Colorado State - Pueblo. I've sat next to folks from Sudan, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. The closest I've come to sharing a class with a American of legacy black heritage was a young man from Maryland, whose parents had immigrated from Ghana (to pursue PhD's!).
In all these years, and all of the classes, and not one legacy African-American wanted to be an engineer? What the heck is wrong with this picture? And to be clear, there have been folks of Hispanic, Turkish, Chinese, Iranian, Ukrainian, Indian, Brazilian, German, and other, descent, and men and women, so it's not that my coursework has lacked in diversity. Far from it.
Hispanic Americans, both men and women, are 50% of my courses at the moment. They're usually citizens but there is sometimes a recent immigrant or two. One young man back in 2009-2010 was from Chihuahua and recalled being in a drug cartel raid on a night club and losing a cousin to cartel violence. A young man who didn't let the trauma of the past get in the way of his future.
So I ask Glenn, and John Mac. for that matter - what is wrong with this country that folks of the legacy black population do not seek careers in science and math and engineering in numbers anything like every other demographic group?
Hey Dan, the reason you see almost no black Americans there is because for the Democratic Party has been seeking the ruin of blacks since the Civil War. They now do it by enslaving blacks to be completely dependent on the state through welfare, food stamps, failed public schools and Affirmative Action policies that reward race and gender over merit. So that is it Dan; the last 60 years of Democratic Party enslavement has rendered most American black men completely unprepared for STEM. Factor in how many get shot by other blacks and that’s another reason more aren’t there. It’s tragic but they’re enslaved and it’s tough to bite the hand that feeds you; even when it’s the hand of a slaver.
ETCG is a complete moron who totally screwed up just about everything he ever wrenched on. Broken this, stripped that, oops have to get another one of those from the factory, etc., etc., etc. Schrodinger was OK, but I found his manner of speech grating and the pace of his repairs somewhat too slow and plodding. I also didn't like his extensive (unproductive) interviews with the vehicle owners. What the hell is some woman gonna tell an experienced mechanic about what's wrong with a car? Eric O.'s got it right—customer "stories" are either lies, misinformation, or superstition. Act like you're listening, then ignore it, and get busy finding and fixing the problem—after all, you're the mechanic.
Blacks only control and own less than 2% of the wealth in this country, which hasn't changed since the eve of the American Civil War, wherein there were 4 hundred thousand freed Black slaves and 4 million Black slaves. The original constitution was a white supremacist document excluding Africans. It codified Blacks as property like horses, hogs, chickens, or inanimate objects. Blacks could be murdered by whites without repercussions. Black slave women could be raped by white men with impunity. Thomas Jeffersin raped a 16-year-old slave girl and fathered a number of children with her. My great grandmother was brutally raped by a Scott-Irishman with impunity. Due to the 250 years of Black Chattel slavery plus 100 years of Jim Crow, African Americans fell far behind in accumulating wealth and power (several years of opportunity lost due to being restricted from being able to fully participate in capitalism). Europeans came here for free stuff. What's your excuse for lagging behind considering the 400-year white headstart program? The Native American population was almost entirely wiped out through genocide, small pox (some intentional biological warfare), syphilis, etc. Solution to fight white racism: Blacks redirecting most of their 98% spending (2 trillion dollars) from non Black owned buisneeses to Black owned buisnesses (creating a solid Black economic infrastructure and a black political bloc operatiing on quid pto quo basis for black interests). Social integration isn't measurable; it can't be deposited into the bank. Diversity is diverting money to people with unearned benefits (undocumented immigrants). Undocumented immigrants aren't in the bests of blacks, especially at the lower socioeconomic level. My late fad, a construction worker, would have had problems earning a livable wage today as a result of illegals who are payed non-union wages. Nevertheless, note the success of Asian towns, Arab towns, Mexican towns, and Jew Towns. There used to be more Black towns before desegregation: more Black owned businesses and farms. The best and brightest Black teachers were sent white schools at the start of desegregation. Black schools then received incompetent white teachers who didn't give a damn about Black kids.
"The original constitution was a white supremacist document excluding Africans."
Note that Thomas Jefferson and his colleagues actually based their model for the new government on the model the Iroquois Nation was using. The Iroquois Nation was a coalition of tribes who wanted to maintain some of their status as independent states. The central government was accordingly relatively weak (much weaker than our present federal structure), while the powers and rights of the constituent tribes remained strong. The Iroquois Nation has not received the credit it should have received all along for providing the only model Jefferson could find for a system of government balancing powers between the central authority and the coalition of states.
If you switched the label blacks with slave or bottom of the caste or bottom rung of society in any country during the 1800s and earlier, your statement rings true. Every single nation/state in this earth practiced slavery and still practices class prejudice . We're one of the first countries that allowed people to move up in class by their own determination. Read Sowell. Class warfare is behind all of this. And it is ruthlessly practiced in homogenous nations
Class warfare in Scandinavian countries, in post-Revolutionary France, in Italy (beyond the traditional north-south divide)? I can see England before its recent mass immigration, but the others...really?
You're leaving out the great debate between Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois.
Washington saw the way out of black underdevelopment after slavery as learning and working to establish expertise and secure employment and support family and community growth—separate from but adjacent to whites. Washington believed that black competency alone would prove to whites the value of accepting blacks rather than external imposition of legal or governmental actions.
Du Bois, on the other hand, believed the initially small number of educated and highly able blacks were owed immediate autonomy and acceptance into white professional and social circles. From those positions of influence and power, black leaders ("The Talented Tenth") would be able to bring the benefits of their intelligence and resources to help the mass of black people to develop and integrate into the larger society over time.
One man's vision won out, the other's was thrown on the ash heap of history. Shame.
Eric O. (all around), Ivan (diagnostics), John of FarmCraft101 (incredible farm mechanic), FordTechMakuloco (Ford issues and fixes), Marty T. in NZ (best "off-grid" DIY ever), Matt of Diesel Creek (how NOT to do things), Car Care Nut for factory procedures on all things Toyota and Lexus, Eric Gonzalez at Advanced Level Auto (good diags and wrenching), and Rainman Ray (the undisputed champion of what NOT to do). Let me know if you have any others I should know about.
I'll do do my best to tone it down - be more cognitive of the adjectives I use. James Baldwin related that a conscious Black man is always in a rage. My anecdotal fighting experience working in a very ruthless past environment (prison setting) has had an impact in me. My PTSD working in a very negative environment for 34 yesrs? I'll sort it out. I like this platform to share my perspectives.
Monty, please restrain yourself. It would truly be a shame if you managed to get yourself banned from this comment forum. You have unique and illuminating takes on the racial issues of the day—ones that are not routinely encountered by the kind of folks who frequent this sort of discussion group.
As well, your banishment would likely cause a dumpster fire here over the issue of free speech and what adults in voluntary conversation are allowed (by Mr. Sussman) to say to one another. I wish desperately to avoid the latter even at the cost of putting up with the former.
Imagine how much more fun we could all have if you, Monty and Bobby all purchased a subscription. Not only would you guys be supporting Black empowerment, but you’d also be able to join us in the monthly Q&As and weekly Monday YouTube video drops.
As I recall, gift subscriptions are available for the well-heeled such as yourself to extend to po' folks like me (cost of golf balls is breaking me), Monty (despite his MANY remonstrations to the contrary), and Bobby (Jamaican ganja—need I say more). Feel free to send all that extra fun our way ASAP. We won't say no...
Personally, I found some of Professor Gates’ comments on STEM and standardized testing to be slightly glib, although I certainly appreciated hearing his perspective on the matter. As Clifton Roscoe argues, you can’t have creativity without a baseline threshold of technical competency, either in music or the sciences.
As I noted in a prior comment, Black Americans have a long way to go before we can expect anything even remotely close to parity in the sciences, especially in quantitative fields such as physics. Recent data from the Brookings Institute suggests that a slightly larger percentage of Asian Americans score a 700 on the SAT math than Blacks score a 500 on the SAT math. This basically translates to a 2 SD difference in mean performance between the two groups and implies that only about 2% of Black test takers score at least above the Asian American mean on the math portion of the SAT.
In my opinion, this is the root cause of most of the group disparities we see in STEM and only when Black Americans are able to attain the same core quantitative competencies as other ethnic groups will we start to see group representation trend towards greater parity. I could be wrong here, but it seems to me that you can’t really do modern physics if you aren’t proficient at math.
The I.Q. types will laugh, and the black power types will frown, but at the end of the day, it comes down to one thng. Culture.
People love to bring up foolishness about "acting white", but moSt of the youth today are screen slaves. Most barely ever lift a pen, much less practice from Schaum's. There is whole videogame culture that has youth on feedback loop, because they have nothing to do and nowhere to go when Mom is at work.
The only.way at this time to fix the problem you do accurately describe is discipline. I mean Josef Stalin 1931 Speech Managers discipline. Not reparations, not abolish the police - discipline.
So, can you (and Ladyhawk), understand somewhat, why I "resent" Loury?
The problem has been known since the late 60s, and has gotten worse over time. So that also means, that the solution is pretty easy to understand, maybe not implement.
Then why is he spending time with Amy Wax and Charles Murray, instead of working with con-servatives yo,.oh, I don't know work on solutions to truancy and helping students get to the Olympiad, in spite of their circumstances?
Most of what he does is talk to about hypotheticals that appeal to white conservatives. But why not try to get the Joe Budden , Dr. Umar crowd?
If he is do concerned.about black youth, why is his show based on talking about woke academics that white conservatives more about that black people? Or.to wayward black people, instead of talking to them? I know they don't click on the $150 subscription as much, but he could do it every know and then?
Bobby, I can understand your points in general but not fully because I don’t follow John or Glenn that closely. I do get your point and frustration that people with a platform are not making optimal use of it and appear to be catering to an audience that can only marginally help as compared to the primary stakeholders (eg parents, local leaders). Now I will ask you to understand me more; I am sick and tired of being cast as an oppressor and vilified because of the color of my skin. I grew up very poor and am 9th of 10 kids. Half of us went in the military to get the GI Bill to attend college after our tour. We got advanced degrees and worked 6 days a week. And now even people on this chat call us white privileged. It’s offensive. Anyway, I do see and agree with your points on the above comment. Take care.
As I recall, Bill Cosby directly addressed some of the very issues you raise. His "Pull Up Your Pants" campaign crashed and burned under the vicious reaction of mostly black leftists like Cornel West (white leftists were loath to criticize ANY black public figure). Michael Eric Dyson, in particular, was especially cruel and cutting in his book and in many TV and live appearances castigating Cosby for "blaming the victim" (a typical leftist ploy). "Luckily" (for the left), the sexual dirt gathered on Cosby from decades ago was deftly and effectively used to destroy his reputation and stop his public appeals for black agency, development, and responsibility. And here we are...
Although I don't necessarily agree with your prescriptions to address the problem, it is refreshing to see you (where are the others?!) acknowledge what the data clearly shows and demand SOMETHING be done about it.
When the "anti-racist black activists" say anything, the grift is afoot. Their livelihoods depend on blaming anything negative that happens to any black person as a sure sign of racism. How convenient. What excuse do non-blacks have when things do not go their way? And no one bothers to consider how the "activists" managed a level of success if the deck is so stacked against them.
Racializing everything worked horribly the first time. You'd think people would want to avoid doing that again, but it seems that race is all we talk about. Well, race and the insistence among some crazy people who argue that women are not the only humans who get pregnant.
My personal livelihood didn't depend on platforms to denigrate African Americans in order to appease whites with disingenuous apologies. Europeans created the social construct of race (rac-ism) to justify their enslavement of Africans into mal-distributing massive generational wealth and power to themselves. Blacks never imposed the horrors upon Whites as Whites imposed imposed upon Blacks. Your logical fallacy?
Looks like you're unfamiliar with the history behind "The White Man's Burden." You should get into it and carefully consider its ramifications both then and now. Look as well into England's "Colonial Office" and its publications. The modern suppositions and gossamer hopes of those like you desperately imagining a glorious past are broken to bits by pen put to paper over many decades by the dedicated officers and gentlemen serving the British Empire.
when i try to upgrade to paid your site dies. There appears to be an input for email address, doesn't take input. There is a button below for 'upgrade', changes from red to faded red and does nothing. Fire your website support staff.
Prior to the the transatlantic slave trade and colonization, Europe was in very bad shape: diseases ( bubonic plaque and syphilis) wiping out half it's population, extensive poverty and crime, stagnant mercantile economies, lack of natural resources, and debauchery (priests raping children). The southern antebellum "CRACKER CUTURE" emanated from the old cracture culture in certain parts of North England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland - high level of violence, sexual promiscuity, high illiteracy, etc. Castration was a practice among these people which was inflicted upon Black males during slavery and Jim Crow. Syphilis and smallpox from Europe wiped out indigenous people around the world. There are many extinct Indian tribes throughout the Americas. You're a played out pseudo scientific racist wanting to use this nonsense for half baked social policies. Racism is an economic relationship between groups. It doesn't take a genius to become a millionaire that can hire nerds like you.
Hey Glenn! Tell Mr. Gates, I enjoyed him as your guest. I think he’s reasonable and makes some valid points. As an opponent of “woke,” I do see merit in some of his arguments and think we could find some common ground.
you and the good professor expressed the opinion that money spent on schools influenced IQ test scores. If that were the case, the IQ test would be invalidated wrt its primary purpose. If you question that assumption you will quickly find studies that contradict that, finding that investment in schools doesn't much affect students' problem solving ability. You have also often fallen into the fallacy that poverty causes crime. Have you ever examined that? My Appalachian county has the same median income as Harlem but we don't have nearly the problem. Being broke doesn't require gun violence. That's the result of low integrity.
I have to say to Glenn - I've been taking engineering and STEM courses on and off for 16 years. I'm in one now, a course on concrete mix design. I have taken courses with students of African descent but not one of them that I can remember was of legacy African-American heritage. I've taken courses at UC Denver, Colorado State - Fort Collins, University of Nebraska (Lincoln and Omaha), and Colorado State - Pueblo. I've sat next to folks from Sudan, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. The closest I've come to sharing a class with a American of legacy black heritage was a young man from Maryland, whose parents had immigrated from Ghana (to pursue PhD's!).
In all these years, and all of the classes, and not one legacy African-American wanted to be an engineer? What the heck is wrong with this picture? And to be clear, there have been folks of Hispanic, Turkish, Chinese, Iranian, Ukrainian, Indian, Brazilian, German, and other, descent, and men and women, so it's not that my coursework has lacked in diversity. Far from it.
Hispanic Americans, both men and women, are 50% of my courses at the moment. They're usually citizens but there is sometimes a recent immigrant or two. One young man back in 2009-2010 was from Chihuahua and recalled being in a drug cartel raid on a night club and losing a cousin to cartel violence. A young man who didn't let the trauma of the past get in the way of his future.
So I ask Glenn, and John Mac. for that matter - what is wrong with this country that folks of the legacy black population do not seek careers in science and math and engineering in numbers anything like every other demographic group?
Hey Dan, the reason you see almost no black Americans there is because for the Democratic Party has been seeking the ruin of blacks since the Civil War. They now do it by enslaving blacks to be completely dependent on the state through welfare, food stamps, failed public schools and Affirmative Action policies that reward race and gender over merit. So that is it Dan; the last 60 years of Democratic Party enslavement has rendered most American black men completely unprepared for STEM. Factor in how many get shot by other blacks and that’s another reason more aren’t there. It’s tragic but they’re enslaved and it’s tough to bite the hand that feeds you; even when it’s the hand of a slaver.
Eric the car guy but I'm not sure what's going on w him now, and Schrodinger's Box.
ETCG is a complete moron who totally screwed up just about everything he ever wrenched on. Broken this, stripped that, oops have to get another one of those from the factory, etc., etc., etc. Schrodinger was OK, but I found his manner of speech grating and the pace of his repairs somewhat too slow and plodding. I also didn't like his extensive (unproductive) interviews with the vehicle owners. What the hell is some woman gonna tell an experienced mechanic about what's wrong with a car? Eric O.'s got it right—customer "stories" are either lies, misinformation, or superstition. Act like you're listening, then ignore it, and get busy finding and fixing the problem—after all, you're the mechanic.
Blacks only control and own less than 2% of the wealth in this country, which hasn't changed since the eve of the American Civil War, wherein there were 4 hundred thousand freed Black slaves and 4 million Black slaves. The original constitution was a white supremacist document excluding Africans. It codified Blacks as property like horses, hogs, chickens, or inanimate objects. Blacks could be murdered by whites without repercussions. Black slave women could be raped by white men with impunity. Thomas Jeffersin raped a 16-year-old slave girl and fathered a number of children with her. My great grandmother was brutally raped by a Scott-Irishman with impunity. Due to the 250 years of Black Chattel slavery plus 100 years of Jim Crow, African Americans fell far behind in accumulating wealth and power (several years of opportunity lost due to being restricted from being able to fully participate in capitalism). Europeans came here for free stuff. What's your excuse for lagging behind considering the 400-year white headstart program? The Native American population was almost entirely wiped out through genocide, small pox (some intentional biological warfare), syphilis, etc. Solution to fight white racism: Blacks redirecting most of their 98% spending (2 trillion dollars) from non Black owned buisneeses to Black owned buisnesses (creating a solid Black economic infrastructure and a black political bloc operatiing on quid pto quo basis for black interests). Social integration isn't measurable; it can't be deposited into the bank. Diversity is diverting money to people with unearned benefits (undocumented immigrants). Undocumented immigrants aren't in the bests of blacks, especially at the lower socioeconomic level. My late fad, a construction worker, would have had problems earning a livable wage today as a result of illegals who are payed non-union wages. Nevertheless, note the success of Asian towns, Arab towns, Mexican towns, and Jew Towns. There used to be more Black towns before desegregation: more Black owned businesses and farms. The best and brightest Black teachers were sent white schools at the start of desegregation. Black schools then received incompetent white teachers who didn't give a damn about Black kids.
"The original constitution was a white supremacist document excluding Africans."
Note that Thomas Jefferson and his colleagues actually based their model for the new government on the model the Iroquois Nation was using. The Iroquois Nation was a coalition of tribes who wanted to maintain some of their status as independent states. The central government was accordingly relatively weak (much weaker than our present federal structure), while the powers and rights of the constituent tribes remained strong. The Iroquois Nation has not received the credit it should have received all along for providing the only model Jefferson could find for a system of government balancing powers between the central authority and the coalition of states.
If you switched the label blacks with slave or bottom of the caste or bottom rung of society in any country during the 1800s and earlier, your statement rings true. Every single nation/state in this earth practiced slavery and still practices class prejudice . We're one of the first countries that allowed people to move up in class by their own determination. Read Sowell. Class warfare is behind all of this. And it is ruthlessly practiced in homogenous nations
Class warfare in Scandinavian countries, in post-Revolutionary France, in Italy (beyond the traditional north-south divide)? I can see England before its recent mass immigration, but the others...really?
I guess we'll be keeping in touch. Hear from me soon.
You're leaving out the great debate between Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois.
Washington saw the way out of black underdevelopment after slavery as learning and working to establish expertise and secure employment and support family and community growth—separate from but adjacent to whites. Washington believed that black competency alone would prove to whites the value of accepting blacks rather than external imposition of legal or governmental actions.
Du Bois, on the other hand, believed the initially small number of educated and highly able blacks were owed immediate autonomy and acceptance into white professional and social circles. From those positions of influence and power, black leaders ("The Talented Tenth") would be able to bring the benefits of their intelligence and resources to help the mass of black people to develop and integrate into the larger society over time.
One man's vision won out, the other's was thrown on the ash heap of history. Shame.
Thanks! I am quite sane. I'm not your typical lantern yard boy. 😂🤣😅😆😁😄😃🙂
You must watch the same auto channels I do. 😀
Eric O. (all around), Ivan (diagnostics), John of FarmCraft101 (incredible farm mechanic), FordTechMakuloco (Ford issues and fixes), Marty T. in NZ (best "off-grid" DIY ever), Matt of Diesel Creek (how NOT to do things), Car Care Nut for factory procedures on all things Toyota and Lexus, Eric Gonzalez at Advanced Level Auto (good diags and wrenching), and Rainman Ray (the undisputed champion of what NOT to do). Let me know if you have any others I should know about.
I'll do do my best to tone it down - be more cognitive of the adjectives I use. James Baldwin related that a conscious Black man is always in a rage. My anecdotal fighting experience working in a very ruthless past environment (prison setting) has had an impact in me. My PTSD working in a very negative environment for 34 yesrs? I'll sort it out. I like this platform to share my perspectives.
How did I specifically offend Glenn Loury? Your responses are as vague and ambiguous as the U.S. constitution.
Your the voice of sanity!
Monty, please restrain yourself. It would truly be a shame if you managed to get yourself banned from this comment forum. You have unique and illuminating takes on the racial issues of the day—ones that are not routinely encountered by the kind of folks who frequent this sort of discussion group.
As well, your banishment would likely cause a dumpster fire here over the issue of free speech and what adults in voluntary conversation are allowed (by Mr. Sussman) to say to one another. I wish desperately to avoid the latter even at the cost of putting up with the former.
Imagine how much more fun we could all have if you, Monty and Bobby all purchased a subscription. Not only would you guys be supporting Black empowerment, but you’d also be able to join us in the monthly Q&As and weekly Monday YouTube video drops.
I don't think there is anything that I could add.
I'm seriously considering purchasing a subscription. Thanks!
As I recall, gift subscriptions are available for the well-heeled such as yourself to extend to po' folks like me (cost of golf balls is breaking me), Monty (despite his MANY remonstrations to the contrary), and Bobby (Jamaican ganja—need I say more). Feel free to send all that extra fun our way ASAP. We won't say no...
I'm definitely not a lawn lantern boy for ultra conservatives. Lol!
Personally, I found some of Professor Gates’ comments on STEM and standardized testing to be slightly glib, although I certainly appreciated hearing his perspective on the matter. As Clifton Roscoe argues, you can’t have creativity without a baseline threshold of technical competency, either in music or the sciences.
As I noted in a prior comment, Black Americans have a long way to go before we can expect anything even remotely close to parity in the sciences, especially in quantitative fields such as physics. Recent data from the Brookings Institute suggests that a slightly larger percentage of Asian Americans score a 700 on the SAT math than Blacks score a 500 on the SAT math. This basically translates to a 2 SD difference in mean performance between the two groups and implies that only about 2% of Black test takers score at least above the Asian American mean on the math portion of the SAT.
In my opinion, this is the root cause of most of the group disparities we see in STEM and only when Black Americans are able to attain the same core quantitative competencies as other ethnic groups will we start to see group representation trend towards greater parity. I could be wrong here, but it seems to me that you can’t really do modern physics if you aren’t proficient at math.
Some of the results I see are absolutely amazing. For example
It takes genuine effort to be this fucking dunce.
The I.Q. types will laugh, and the black power types will frown, but at the end of the day, it comes down to one thng. Culture.
People love to bring up foolishness about "acting white", but moSt of the youth today are screen slaves. Most barely ever lift a pen, much less practice from Schaum's. There is whole videogame culture that has youth on feedback loop, because they have nothing to do and nowhere to go when Mom is at work.
The only.way at this time to fix the problem you do accurately describe is discipline. I mean Josef Stalin 1931 Speech Managers discipline. Not reparations, not abolish the police - discipline.
Good points, Bobby. I agree with them.
So, can you (and Ladyhawk), understand somewhat, why I "resent" Loury?
The problem has been known since the late 60s, and has gotten worse over time. So that also means, that the solution is pretty easy to understand, maybe not implement.
Then why is he spending time with Amy Wax and Charles Murray, instead of working with con-servatives yo,.oh, I don't know work on solutions to truancy and helping students get to the Olympiad, in spite of their circumstances?
Most of what he does is talk to about hypotheticals that appeal to white conservatives. But why not try to get the Joe Budden , Dr. Umar crowd?
If he is do concerned.about black youth, why is his show based on talking about woke academics that white conservatives more about that black people? Or.to wayward black people, instead of talking to them? I know they don't click on the $150 subscription as much, but he could do it every know and then?
Bobby, I can understand your points in general but not fully because I don’t follow John or Glenn that closely. I do get your point and frustration that people with a platform are not making optimal use of it and appear to be catering to an audience that can only marginally help as compared to the primary stakeholders (eg parents, local leaders). Now I will ask you to understand me more; I am sick and tired of being cast as an oppressor and vilified because of the color of my skin. I grew up very poor and am 9th of 10 kids. Half of us went in the military to get the GI Bill to attend college after our tour. We got advanced degrees and worked 6 days a week. And now even people on this chat call us white privileged. It’s offensive. Anyway, I do see and agree with your points on the above comment. Take care.
Same to you.
As I recall, Bill Cosby directly addressed some of the very issues you raise. His "Pull Up Your Pants" campaign crashed and burned under the vicious reaction of mostly black leftists like Cornel West (white leftists were loath to criticize ANY black public figure). Michael Eric Dyson, in particular, was especially cruel and cutting in his book and in many TV and live appearances castigating Cosby for "blaming the victim" (a typical leftist ploy). "Luckily" (for the left), the sexual dirt gathered on Cosby from decades ago was deftly and effectively used to destroy his reputation and stop his public appeals for black agency, development, and responsibility. And here we are...
Although I don't necessarily agree with your prescriptions to address the problem, it is refreshing to see you (where are the others?!) acknowledge what the data clearly shows and demand SOMETHING be done about it.
When the "anti-racist black activists" say anything, the grift is afoot. Their livelihoods depend on blaming anything negative that happens to any black person as a sure sign of racism. How convenient. What excuse do non-blacks have when things do not go their way? And no one bothers to consider how the "activists" managed a level of success if the deck is so stacked against them.
Racializing everything worked horribly the first time. You'd think people would want to avoid doing that again, but it seems that race is all we talk about. Well, race and the insistence among some crazy people who argue that women are not the only humans who get pregnant.
My personal livelihood didn't depend on platforms to denigrate African Americans in order to appease whites with disingenuous apologies. Europeans created the social construct of race (rac-ism) to justify their enslavement of Africans into mal-distributing massive generational wealth and power to themselves. Blacks never imposed the horrors upon Whites as Whites imposed imposed upon Blacks. Your logical fallacy?
Looks like you're unfamiliar with the history behind "The White Man's Burden." You should get into it and carefully consider its ramifications both then and now. Look as well into England's "Colonial Office" and its publications. The modern suppositions and gossamer hopes of those like you desperately imagining a glorious past are broken to bits by pen put to paper over many decades by the dedicated officers and gentlemen serving the British Empire.