I know you have it in you to be courageous Glenn

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Brilliant, Glenn! Kudos!

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Professor Loury, Please share/publish the syllabus. It's a valuable source of reading for knowledge for everyone.

Thank you!

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I suggest Glenn do an independent study with John McWhorter for a year before John is permitted to step out of his contained position as a linguist expert for the NYT”s. Perhaps you could invite David Sacks to the podcast for a while

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I enjoyed this talk. It was enlightening, progessive in the MAGA way, and stimulating. What a pleasure it must be to be taught by Prof. Glenn Loury.

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It appears that the syllabus includes “great texts”, which used to be the mainstay of colleges that were “classically liberal”. It is sad that such a syllabus would be considered unusual. But here we are.

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From Socrates to Clarence Thomas. I wouldn't have thought one could have made that up. I did recently agree with one of Thomas' opinions in defense of Native American children. It was excellent, and it was featured by George Will. I've always agreed with him on affirmative action, in part because we wouldn't otherwise have had to suffer his equal opportunity hiring. Anita Hill was never prosecuted for perjury. Gullible fools like me believe her to this day. Even without the influence of MSNBC, I might have given Kant, Nietzsche or Mandela (for example) the edge for inclusion in the syllabus.

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How about someone address the white slavery issue as well…Who did the white man and woman become after horrific centuries of bondage and slavery….Why are white people so ignorant of their own heritage of enslavement along the Mediterraean, Barbary Coast and Italy as only three examples of the brutality at the hands of slave master’s in the Middle East …Anyone??? Start with Ohio Professor Emeritus ….whose research shows victims from Holland Spain Great Britain the Americas France far outnumbering the statistics of other races entrapped in human bondage…Anyone???

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Glenn, is there anywhere I could find the syllabus on-line? I would like to read it.

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I’d like to read the syllabus too. I’d like to use it as a reading list.

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Would be nice if your podcast partner embraced truth in the same way you do!

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Perhaps Glenn will do an independent study with McWhorter before John unleashes anymore vitriol on the public domaine…

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