Jun 1Edited

The question on my mind is how American black conservatives are going to react to the Anti-Trump law-fair which has recently culminated in his conviction after a Totalitarian show trial. To remain silent is now impossible given that the black vote is critical to Biden and that the crisis will now deepen and metastasize and could easily end in civil war. It has not escaped anyone’s notice that the much public media now consists in nothing but a Orwellian propaganda effort to instigate inter ethnic Pogroms, aiming to poison race and create ethnic hatred in America. Who benefits if we thereby paralyze our government and democracy and instigate actual civil conflict? Who benefits when we fight among ourselves and break the traditional rules of our ideal of a government based on an elected representative elite? What say my Gurus, Glenn and John?? Is the game rigged? If so, by who?

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A little too much navel gazing for my liking.

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"I’m not going to apologize for changing my mind when new information comes to light or when I discover an error in my prior thinking."

I JUST HOWLED when I read that. Loury once called my writing “brilliant," was "honored by it" and “blown away” by my site signed up. I guess I'm golden with you and your followers as long as I don’t challenge you to live up to the principles you preach when it comes at a price.

Alas, Loury wasn’t too keen on the truth when I took his hero to task (and neither is anyone in his audience). When you see a sentence like “Not a trace of Thomas Sowell’s 'follow the facts' claim to fame can be found on the most world-altering topic of our time": "I have no idea what you’re talking about" -- is not the mark of an intellectual giant (or an intellectual on any level).

What part of “WMD,” “biggest and most costly lie in modern history,” and “most world-altering topic of our time” — do you not understand? Perhaps an inquiry or two for clarification was in order?

My words: Out of 31 tubes in subsequent testing, only one was successfully spun to 90,000 RPM for 65 minutes — which the CIA. seized on as evidence in their favor. . . . DOE’s standard is to spin a tube at 20% above 90,000 RPM before failure — so 48,000 short is a pretty loose definition of “rough indication.”

Sowell's words: “People who talk glibly about ‘intelligence failure’ act as if intelligence agencies that are doing their job right would know everything.”

Between Sowell’s words and mine, which ones strike you as glib? But you're all so busy blindly defending your beloved Sowell -- that you won't even pause for a second to consider that question (or anything else that challenges your calcified "convictions"). Just what would it take -- for you to do what you say you do?

On evidence involving artillery rockets and material properties of centrifuge rotors — the apostles of Sowell smugly cite his books on economics, race, and whatnot: Anything to glorify him as they abandon any notion of accountability: Butchering his bedrock beliefs as they dance in delight behind their force field of fallacy. These people do nothing but question my motives, mock my site, and assault my character — then proudly post quotes of Sowell looking stately as he condemns the very thing they’re doing.

For over 3 years, I've been practically spit on by people promoting principles I followed to find he didn't. So steadfast in your "beliefs" -- you all run away so you can sling his slogans another day (never having to answer for your asinine assertions and unconscionable excuses): All of which flies in the face of the principles upon which you put him on a pedestal. Sowell's a well-mannered guy and his followers act like animals to "honor" him.

And while Loury didn't go that far in his outright dismissal on matters he knows absolutely nothing (which is prejudice by definition) -- his reply is hardly the mark of the person you heap praise upon:

"Sowell is a great man because of his books. I stand by that. you want to refute his books — go ahead. I’m listening." -- Glenn Loury.

No, you're not! You confine his record to a box of beliefs that suit you — and stand by that. How noble of you! Sowell sold out to sell those books you stand by. And I wrote “Water is Not Wet — And I Stand by That” with the likes of Loury in mind.

I'm not out to "DESTROY" Sowell -- quite the country! If you're just stop talking and start listening -- you'd see I have a higher purpose in mind for Sowell (on an idea that could turn the tide). But none of your crowd will allow for even one dimension of this conversation to take place (let along the larger conversation I'm out to have). Never mind that this larger conversation serves your interests in ways your approach never will.

Since assuming bad motives is in breach of the standards Sowell espouses, how come virtually 100% of his followers instantly do exactly that and far worse? And for all these people worshipping someone who wrote, “Politeness and consideration for others is like investing pennies and getting dollars back”: Why haven't I seen a hint of anything of the kind? I've been in the trenches battling hermetically sealed minds for decades -- and I've never seen anything like the savagery I've seen from Sowell's crowd.

What gives? Not you -- not ever!

"So you found one small crack in Sowell’s character where he defended Iraq having WMD, does that hurt his credibility?" -- Typical Tweeter tapping earth-shattering insight

This man muddied the waters of debate to serve himself: On a little matter of war in the Middle East in the aftermath of 9/11. On top of unconscionably ignoring irrefutable evidence of mathematical certainty (the manipulation of which started a war that shaped everything you see today): He has a habit of toeing the party line. Not only did Sowell flagrantly fail to follow the facts on all-things Iraq — he brazenly ignored the debauchery in his own party to "politely" pounce on the other.

In light of his history being wildly out of sync with his sanctimonious claims: That “one small crack” is a wide-open window into his character and credibility.

I wouldn’t care if Sowell cured cancer: You don’t get a pass for basking in baseless beliefs that cripple the country — and have the bottomless nerve to preach responsibility & accountability to boot. That is a cancer of its own. The poison he pumped into the atmosphere helped destroy the internal organs of America. So we have very different standards as to what qualifies as a “National Treasure.”

Sowell lied about a war that shaped everything you see today — and got off scot-free (as did both parties). Lemme save you some time: The first word that doesn't reflect someone seeking in-depth discussion — will be the last word I read. Thank you 🙏

You think I just came up with this title out of thin air?

What Happened to All This Jazz? Sowell’s Army of Mindless Slogan Slingers:


But this is the larger story I'm out to tell -- and Sowell is simply a conduit through which to tell it.

From the Earth to the Moon to “WUT”: https://onevoicebecametwo.life/2024/04/24/from-the-earth-to-the-moon-to-wut/

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Self-criticism and willingness to change your perspective demonstrates:

- Open-mindedness

- Respect for others even if their opinions are different than yours (if you changed your opinion then there's a pretty good chance you were influenced by one or more people that you previously disagreed with)

- Humility

- Personal responsibility -- you're committed to making yourself a better person

But, then, isn't everybody like that (at least, that's what they think about themselves)? The answer is no -- most people are not like that.

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The only thing wrong with your comment is that it's not "most people" -- as there's only an infinitesimal fraction of people who deliver on their claims. If you consider my words and my record, it's crystal clear where I fit in (which is why I don't fit in -- and don't want to).

As stated on my site:


I have no desire to believe I’m right about anything in which I am not. Acknowledging error is liberating and leads to enlightenment. And I would know . . . many times over. From the article "Why We Believe -- Long After We Shouldn't":

"'Why, thank you! I had no idea!' Why would people prefer to justify mistaken beliefs, behavior, and practices rather than change them for better ones?"

From a lifetime of practice, “Why, thank you! I had no idea!” is protocol for me. I love to be corrected — even if it stings a bit at first. I’d rather feel foolish for 5 minutes than be a fool for a lifetime. I find changing my mind to be magical — that you can think one thing, take new information into account, and think another. It’s fantastic!

I happily belong to an infinitesimal minority that feels we’re not informed enough to have all the answers to every controversial issue in America. We don’t have a monopoly on virtue — and don’t want one. We’re not only willing to change our minds, we welcome it and appreciate those who correct us.

I don’t know how people find the path of least resistance so satisfying — as I love the demands of difficulty and discernment. To not step up my game in the midst of opportunity or challenge: Would be tantamount to treason upon my very existence. . . .

When it comes to ascertaining the truth, I don’t care what your cause is, who’s in the White House, who controls Congress or the courts. I learned early on in life that what you want gets in the way of what you see. There is no amount of gain you could give me to believe something to be true that is false. When warranted, I will defend those I despise and call out those I like. I call a spade a spade, period. I love moments of truth that put my principles to the test. One of my favorites is the Florida election fiasco of 2000. I just wanted the right thing to be done — whether it served my interests or not was irrelevant.

That sense of fairness is so foreign I might as well be speaking another language.


If you're interested in serious-minded discussion about what can be done about a country that's lost its mind and no longer has any sense of itself -- please see my other comment.

Thank you for your time!

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