It's all about the 3 B's: Boobs (Women), Babes(Children) and Blacks(don't be fooled by the POC rhetoric). You could replace the "R" in CRT with "W"(omen) and get pretty much the same result along with the rise of the "Mommie State" (Socialism/Social Justice) since the Great Depression. Now we have at least 2 if not 3 generations of people raised on "victimization, blamelessness, and inability to cope with the word NO".
BTW Gay, white males are now only marginally above white, heterosexual males & females in the hierarchy.
Not sure how converting to Islam fits the narrative. Islam like most of the major religions encourage men to be responsible for their families and practice kindness, it is patriarchal and hardly tolerant of the things "wokeness and social justice" espouse.
What is with the democrat party's sick, perverted obsession with sex and race?!
It's all about the 3 B's: Boobs (Women), Babes(Children) and Blacks(don't be fooled by the POC rhetoric). You could replace the "R" in CRT with "W"(omen) and get pretty much the same result along with the rise of the "Mommie State" (Socialism/Social Justice) since the Great Depression. Now we have at least 2 if not 3 generations of people raised on "victimization, blamelessness, and inability to cope with the word NO".
BTW Gay, white males are now only marginally above white, heterosexual males & females in the hierarchy.
Not sure how converting to Islam fits the narrative. Islam like most of the major religions encourage men to be responsible for their families and practice kindness, it is patriarchal and hardly tolerant of the things "wokeness and social justice" espouse.
Aren't pedophiles "victims" of mental illness?
Sorry, was just being facetious. I mean isn't everyone who's not "woke" mentally ill?