Glenn, what is up with blaming feminists? I am a proud feminist (I believe women should have economic and social equality with men) and have for over 15 years been a married, stay at home mother (of three). I would have gone back sooner, but COVID happened. I went to college (studied engineering), bought a starter home, and saved for …
Glenn, what is up with blaming feminists? I am a proud feminist (I believe women should have economic and social equality with men) and have for over 15 years been a married, stay at home mother (of three). I would have gone back sooner, but COVID happened. I went to college (studied engineering), bought a starter home, and saved for retirement before I met my husband. We are far more comfortable because of it. Feminism gave us our (including the kids) comfortable life.
My grandmother was forced to stay married to and support her free-loading husband before feminism fought for her to have some semblance of economic equality. It was a rough life for all involved.
I had a boss that argued the Civil Rights Act ruined society. I think that was equally wrong to argue. People should have equality. People should also have values. But the rights don’t take away values, they just reveal more clearly what those values are.
Feminism does not proscribe what a woman should do with her life, just that she should be able to choose. Some feminists may not value traditional families, but from my experience, most do. In fact, the only single parents I know of are conservative, anti-abortion women or married women who have divorced. If your problem is, as I think it is, that children are growing up without fathers please blame that phenomenon, not women having some measure of rights and economic autonomy. Thanks.
Sure there are traditional gender/sex roles. I don’t believe people need to be limited to them though. Certainly, based on anatomy, caring for babies is most easily done by their birth mother — but I know a few stay at home fathers, and their kids are no worse off for it. My dad is a much better cook (and enjoys it more) than my mother. I am better at fixing stuff around the house than my husband. So what?
I’m not sure what a male or female value would be. Individuals can have values about family, religion, money, work,… priorities about how to organize life. For example, a wife wants to stay home to raise kids but the husband wants her to go back to work so they’ll have more money. That is a difference in values (she prioritizes family, he money) that is completely unrelated to sex or gender. It could go the other way too (he could prioritize family, she money), still it is a difference in personal values. If I centered religion as my value, it maybe would tell me something about how I as a gendered/sexed person had to order my life… if that is what you are referring to..?
I’m not sure what you are talking about. I went to college, studied engineering, bought a house on my own. Those are not traditional for a female. I benefited from those opportunities, as did my family. If I had done what was my expected role, I would have skipped college, married the first decent guy my dad liked, and spent my life providing this husband comfort and children. Sounds like a good life for the husband, not so much for me. As it was I *chose* my life and still have options and some rights (I can for example have my own money and spend it as I wish, I can divorce if my husband mistreats or abuses me). I’m not sure how I’m “fighting” to get rid of those roles. I’m arguing that feminism is about self-determination, autonomy and rights — not values.
No idea. A bunch of stereotypes and personal preferences for female behavior and dress? I have heard it is being quiet and submissive, or chatty and charming. Or big boobs and hips or slim and delicate. Or wearing makeup, high heels and dresses or not. Men can be described as feminine. What do you think it is?
Well, as I said In my initial post, feminism is the belief in social, economic, (and legal) equality between the men and women. Equal rights, equal pay, equal opportunity. In the past women in America couldn’t as a rule vote, hold office, work in many fields, own property, choose to wear pants, control whether and when they had children, etc. some places in the world women still do not have those rights. It is better now in America, but still not equal. Other countries have more equality, mostly in western and Northern Europe.
I believe in the inherent worth and dignity of all people and that you should not have fewer rights and opportunities because of the body you were born into. If you think this is true on the basis of sex (and not just race, etc) then that is feminist.
Glenn, what is up with blaming feminists? I am a proud feminist (I believe women should have economic and social equality with men) and have for over 15 years been a married, stay at home mother (of three). I would have gone back sooner, but COVID happened. I went to college (studied engineering), bought a starter home, and saved for retirement before I met my husband. We are far more comfortable because of it. Feminism gave us our (including the kids) comfortable life.
My grandmother was forced to stay married to and support her free-loading husband before feminism fought for her to have some semblance of economic equality. It was a rough life for all involved.
I had a boss that argued the Civil Rights Act ruined society. I think that was equally wrong to argue. People should have equality. People should also have values. But the rights don’t take away values, they just reveal more clearly what those values are.
Feminism does not proscribe what a woman should do with her life, just that she should be able to choose. Some feminists may not value traditional families, but from my experience, most do. In fact, the only single parents I know of are conservative, anti-abortion women or married women who have divorced. If your problem is, as I think it is, that children are growing up without fathers please blame that phenomenon, not women having some measure of rights and economic autonomy. Thanks.
Sure there are traditional gender/sex roles. I don’t believe people need to be limited to them though. Certainly, based on anatomy, caring for babies is most easily done by their birth mother — but I know a few stay at home fathers, and their kids are no worse off for it. My dad is a much better cook (and enjoys it more) than my mother. I am better at fixing stuff around the house than my husband. So what?
I’m not sure what a male or female value would be. Individuals can have values about family, religion, money, work,… priorities about how to organize life. For example, a wife wants to stay home to raise kids but the husband wants her to go back to work so they’ll have more money. That is a difference in values (she prioritizes family, he money) that is completely unrelated to sex or gender. It could go the other way too (he could prioritize family, she money), still it is a difference in personal values. If I centered religion as my value, it maybe would tell me something about how I as a gendered/sexed person had to order my life… if that is what you are referring to..?
I’m not sure what you are talking about. I went to college, studied engineering, bought a house on my own. Those are not traditional for a female. I benefited from those opportunities, as did my family. If I had done what was my expected role, I would have skipped college, married the first decent guy my dad liked, and spent my life providing this husband comfort and children. Sounds like a good life for the husband, not so much for me. As it was I *chose* my life and still have options and some rights (I can for example have my own money and spend it as I wish, I can divorce if my husband mistreats or abuses me). I’m not sure how I’m “fighting” to get rid of those roles. I’m arguing that feminism is about self-determination, autonomy and rights — not values.
Um… what? Most women have never and will never be treated as “a pinnacle of beauty and adoration”. That is for sure not the traditional role!
No idea. A bunch of stereotypes and personal preferences for female behavior and dress? I have heard it is being quiet and submissive, or chatty and charming. Or big boobs and hips or slim and delicate. Or wearing makeup, high heels and dresses or not. Men can be described as feminine. What do you think it is?
Well, as I said In my initial post, feminism is the belief in social, economic, (and legal) equality between the men and women. Equal rights, equal pay, equal opportunity. In the past women in America couldn’t as a rule vote, hold office, work in many fields, own property, choose to wear pants, control whether and when they had children, etc. some places in the world women still do not have those rights. It is better now in America, but still not equal. Other countries have more equality, mostly in western and Northern Europe.
I believe in the inherent worth and dignity of all people and that you should not have fewer rights and opportunities because of the body you were born into. If you think this is true on the basis of sex (and not just race, etc) then that is feminist.