Whenever I contemplate the category errors applied to individuals during discriminatory selection processes, I reflect on Caplan's theory of irrationality.

There is also the practical matter of selection criteria; inclusion within a hierarchy will be dependent on an appraisal of willingness to subordinate. This is not a trivial factor. Absent direct and open coercion, a particular array of circumstance selects.

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One benefit of humility is the avoidance of the hubris that motivates totalizing narratives, and worse, totalizing Utopian programs of action. One example would be the progressive vision for America.

It would be better to recognize that the story is always going to be incomplete, thus leaving some things to be created and discovered by the humans who will live after us.

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I almost gagged when Rohini referred to diversity of opinion in academia. It doesn’t exist. Look elsewhere to acquire ( not simply inherit)the intellectual wherewithal to achieve your goals.

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"Read widely and deeply.'


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