I lived in that neighborhood and is was -22 degrees wind chill. Anyone who lived in Chicago knows 10 minutes in that wind is seriously dangerous. Never a plausible story.

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Glenn, respectfully, the only reason this story is unbelievable is because many people are so immersed in the narrative they're being spoon-fed by formerly credible cable news outlets and the academy generally, that they are either unaware of, or unwilling to consider that this is not an outlier occurrence. I recommend, for vastly more insight on the subject in detail, Wilfred Reilly's book, Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left Is Selling a Fake Race War. To anyone that's been following the increasing velocity with which the country seems to be descending into a troubling detachment from reality, and the relationship between postmodern principles and said descent, Wilfred's book will only serve as a confirmation of suspicions well-founded. To others, it may be an eye opener.

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Interesting that not a single commentator anywhere mentions Smollett's jewish background. Where is the ADL? Aren't they always immediately on the scene when "hate" is directed at anyone jewish? Why were they laying conspicuously low January to February 2019? I have my suspicions -- anyone else want to weigh in?

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He should do Jail Time & he should be Cancelled.

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Hey...go easy on Juicy. The $3500 check bounced...making Juicy the only American who has ever successfully scammed a Nigerian.

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Fake, but accurate. The elite/ Elect lie to themselves, so well they believe it is actually true in a metaphysical religious way, even if not really on earth.

Look at Dan Rather - hoax against Bush.

Duke lacrosse - hoax against white (mostly? all?) college jocks

UVA gang rape - hoax against mostly white frat boys

They get their fame, more than 15 minutes, but thru lies.


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I wonder if Jussie has by now realized that:

The ONLY way 3 people can keep a secret is if 2 of them are dead.

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I think Jussie should go to prison. Besides staging a fake hate crime, he lied on the witness stand. You shouldn't get to do that and only get parole. Either we take the integrity of the court seriously or we should suffer the full consequences of lying under oath.

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I’ll offer a potential caveat- and John and Glenn alluded to this perspective: he should if he continues the “I’m innocent” charade. Prison destroys people, and as mentioned, I don’t think that Mr. Smolette has a criminal record otherwise. It would be a shame to strip him of the opportunity to admit error, and for people in opposition not to have an opportunity to exhibit grace and forgiveness. However, if he continues with the obvious LIES, then yes, a society interested in curbing hate crime hoaxes, which damage justice prospects for victims of real hate crimes, should apply a punitive consequence. This is just my opinion though.

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Grace and forgiveness are your area, not Justice's. Justice's job is to determine the crime and the recompense for it. Prison changed Robert Downey's life and many others. It is Jussie's choice as to what he takes away from a prison sentence. Jussie attempted and got caught starting a race war in Chicago and then he perjured himself under oath. He needs to pay for what he did and some time in the slammer may teach him he is accountable for his actions.

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Leniency can work, for people willing to express remorse, and is absolutely in the toolbox of justice. Judges across the nation utilize it and have for decades. But, your sentiment is well-taken, and as things stand now, with his utter unwillingness to express culpability, I’m inclined to agree that he should serve time, and I expressed as much in my original response.

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He has to do jail time . This was politically and racially/sexualy motivated and we can not condone that behavior.

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A couple things:

1) I'm mostly with you. The context of this story make Smollett's claims absurd. But the absurdity comes mostly from the time of night and the temperature outside. Ahmaud Arbery could tell you - if he were still alive - that we haven't entirely eliminated racist attacks in this country; and

2) Your characterization of this part of Chicago at the time is wrong. I lived there when this happened. I know exactly where it happened. I went to law school in the neighborhood and lived there for years. I didn't live too far away in January 2019 when the alleged attack happened. This was pre-pandemic and pre-George Floyd and the ensuing riots. I've walked around Streeterville (what the area is called) day and night a million times in complete safety. It's less safe now than it was then (though nowhere near the war zone the media makes out) but in January 2019 two white guys in MAGA hats (however unlikely that is) could have walked that area in almost complete safety.

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he should do 3 months in jail. Things happen to a mind inside jail and admitting you are responsible for your situation would be a good first step for Juicy.

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It would be easier to accept some measure of leniency for Smollett, were he to have shown some remorse or contrition. But he and his lawyer are still out there denying any wrongdoing and continuing to stir the pot of racial strife. He is not helping himself or doing society any favors, so I wouldn't consider it an overreach of justice to lock him up for a little while.

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This is a very old story...one where Booker T Washington had them peg over 100 years ago!!

“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

― Booker T. Washington

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The Democrat Party needs & wants racism to increase, to get votes. It is their only weapon to get votes. Most people of color are socially conservative & not woke, so the only way Dem Party gets people of color to vote for them is to accuse ALL Republicans of being racist. Its the same old trick.

Racism has been steadily decreasing over the years, so they have been working harder & harder to cook it up & manufacture it! They are now going to extremes to manufacture racism & accuse any little nonsense thing of being racist! It's their career, their mission, their money maker.

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I think a little jail time would be appropriate. His intention was to worsen racial tension for his personal aggrandizement. He did it hoping his semi-celebrity status would be enough to make the incident, and himself, a national story; and he succeeded. He also sucked the steam out of legitimate racial beefs, perjured himself and treated the whole country as a huge slow-witted imbecile.

A month in the Cook County jail seems about right.

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The prisoners in every prison are awaiting Mr. Smollett. The non-blacks he defamed, the truly discriminated against whose cause he set back, the liberal slobs he exposed all must twirl, dance and fake contrition because he exposed their racist condition.

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Smollett’s former music manager, Brandon Moore, was not making any money from Smollett’s TV deal with Fox. He paid the brothers to stage the attack in order to raise Smollett’s profile. And kept Jussie in the dark. Why did the brothers go immediately to Nigeria? To collect their payment from Moore without it being traced back to Smollet.

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