Let's stop for a moment and think. Communist, totalitarian governments that control every aspect of their economy, invariably fail to maintain a robust. economy. It's been tried. It's failed every time. But policy wonks, like drug addicts, keep going back to what makes them feel good, instead of doing what is best.

We have people in Washington making decisions that affect all of us, who are essentially clueless about real life in the real world. At the risk of being denounced for being rational, consider the two presidential candidates. Which one has lived their entire life in the real world, and which one is a clueless party hack who has never had a real job? Before you address that question, consider whether you will address it form your head or from your heart.

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My head says Truth Social stock is crashing, and Black unemployment fell to historic lows under Harris/Biden.

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Black unemployment fell to historic lows under Trump. Why did you not mention that? I think you're still going with your heart and not your head. Dangerous thing to do.

And a lot of stocks have tanked. And some have gone up. Do you have a point?

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Biden/Harris had the historic low Black unemployment rate. The federal deficit as percent of GDP is all lower under Biden/Harris. They seem the better option. Trump companies had multiple bankruptcies. He also had to shut down a charity and a university. You seem to be grading Trump on a curve.

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Economics like every other form of social studies is not science... There are over a thousand of the finest phds from the best schools working at the Fed and the results are shall we say not that great. Go ahead and pile on I'll read your comments and laugh but economics and every other social study is a backward looking discipline that sees what people have done and then draws inferences that really don't predict the future. The FED has never predicted a recession and it never will and that's the best we got. The discipline might be useful in some ways but the idea that all these sciences are some sort of citadel of knowledge is silly. At best they're common Sense observations and at worse they are society destroying theories.

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I won't be piling on. DC generally is a bunch of people, many with good intentions, who have little concept of reality. Being the richest, most powerful government that ever existed, they presume that there is nothing they can't do. The reality is, they are capable of very little.

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