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The vision of the future is Reginald Denny meets Damien "Football" Williams.

What would Scott Adams do?

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Thomas Sowell: "Recent scholarship traces the roots of southern violence to the Scots-Irish, who brought a relatively violent “cracker culture” with them to the United States in the eighteenth century. The tolerance for violence inherent in cracker culture was believed to be transmitted throughout the South to other whites and was maintained, in part, through evangelical Christian doctrine.

Some southern blacks were also influenced by “cracker culture,” leading to the emergence of a “black redneck” phenomenon influencing homicide among blacks. Using county-level data circa 2000, this study empirically evaluates the merit of the cracker culture/black redneck thesis. Negative binomial regression analyses for a full sample of counties suggest that a measure of southern cracker/black redneck culture is an important factor affecting contemporary rates of argument homicide among both whites and blacks. When counties are divided into south and non-south sub-samples, the results are also consistent: a cracker/black redneck culture effect is evident for both racial groups in the south and is also apparent outside of the southern region. We interpret these latter findings as possible support for the thesis that southern cracker/black redneck culture has been transported through migration to non-southern localities."

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Whites were the first rioters & looters. Many prosperous Black communities were destroyed by whites. Nnumerous Blacks were murdered in cold blood with impunity. The American Justice System didn't work for Black folks then, and and is broken now.

"Race riots were not born in the 1960s; they were born in the 1870s. The Meridian, Mississippi race riot of 1871, the Colfax massacre in Louisiana in April 1873, the New Orleans riot of July 1866, the Memphis, Tennessee riot of May 1866, the Charleston, South Carolina riot of September 1876, and the Willington, South Carolina race riot of 1898, to name a few, occurred under the passive and sometimes direct hand of the police. The result: The ability of former slaves to create intergenerational wealth – the keys to all success in a capitalist Nation was systematically destroyed for Generations" -- Arthur H. Garrison/The Morning Call.

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Middle/upper middle class white males are 30% of the population yet commit 80% of mass public shootings.  Because of them, the term "going postal" has now expanded to grammar schools. 

Yet, political and academic silence nullifies their direct responsibility, tripping a default switch that equally distributes blame amongst the rest of the 70% non-white male population. This blocks urgent conversations about the growing problem of white male terrorism, arising out of their historic insecurity over their masculinity in the context of white supremacy. 

This insecurity can be traced back to slavery, especially the post Civil War era. White men lived in rabid fear, angst, and hatred over the thought of Black men coming into contact with "their" white women, despite the fact that white males commonly raped and molested Black women during and beyond slavery.

They also promulgated myths of Black male sexuality being highly aggressive, accompanied by an instinctual desire to rape white women.  In fact, white men exhibited a puerile fetishistic interest in Black male sexuality.  After 1877, when white males reversed the equality and gains made during Reconstruction- the most progressive era in America, Black male lynchings became a common form of not just political violence, but violence with sexual sadistic undertones.  Many of these lynchings concerned the "honor" of white women."

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There were 148 public mass shootings between 1982 and 10/2023. 79 (53%) were committed by non-Hispanic white males, and 26 (18%) by black males. White males are 30% of the population, black males are 7% of the population. White males committed 7/10ths of the public mass shootings that black males committed. Black males committed more public mass shootings per capita than white males. Black males committed public mass shootings at a rate of 143 % more than did white males. These statistics are from Statista.com- Statista Research Department.

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