My post has an example of how hard it is to get back up after a flawed start in life: https://naturalized.substack.com/p/katherine

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Sorry to be off topic, but I just listened to "Getting real about Israel" on YT. I never believed you'd concoct such an oxymoronic word salad. I'll pass on the dressing. https://youtu.be/otppOfeyk34?si=outxyjbxyJYRkOnO

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Growing up in a majority white neighborhood on the southwest side of Chicago in the 1960s and 70s, in some ways we were jealous of the black neighborhoods to the east. They had better proximity to downtown, museums, U of Chicago, the lake, the beaches. etc. To this day, even the rough areas are potentially very valuable land, being nearby one of the largest bodies of fresh water in the world. We can debate all day about root causes of crime, but it has always been the key to the south side. Here's a good look at Bronzeville in the past, aka "The Black Metropolis":


The article summarizes the downfall simply as "But Bronzeville fell into decline after the end of racially restricted housing. Upper and middle class families moved away, and over-population and poverty overwhelmed the neighborhood."

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For comparison, living in Chicago has killed more black guys so far this year, and it's only September, than the Klan did in the last 100 years.

And this is as good as it gets.

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While it may look as if we just copied last year’s summer metrics, these are in fact this year’s and they are remarkably similar. Apparently, being silly is being consistent.

Summer of Silly Decisions*: 225 killed, 953 wounded

Summer 2023: 225 killed, 907 wounded

Summer 2022: 249 killed, 1,106 wounded

Summer 2021: 313 killed, 1,468 wounded

Summer 2020: 346 killed, 1,604 wounded

Summer 2019: 172 killed, 890 wounded

Summer 2018: 210 killed, 924 wounded

Summer 2017: 240 killed, 1,068 wounded

Summer 2016: 276 killed, 1,292 wounded

Summer 2015: 213 killed, 998 wounded

Summer 2014: 158 killed, 848 wounded

Average: 240 killed, 1,110 wounded

A breakdown of the Summer of Silly Decisions shows:

204 (90.6%) shot & killed

10 (4.5%) beaten

8 (3.5%) stabbed

3 (1.4%) killed via other means

A person shot every 2 hour, 7 minutes

A person killed every 10 hours, 53 minutes

Everyday tallied at least 2 people shot

17 days did not record a homicide

16 mass shootings (81 shot, 8 fatally)

93% of homicides were on South or West sides

4 police-involved shootings, 2 fatal

3 shot in self defense, 0 fatal

12 homicide-linked arrests

222 in serious or critical condition

196 males killed vs 29 females

Killed: 168 Blacks, 49 Hispanics, 8 White/Other

Average age of a homicide victim, 32

Homicide age range 5 – 73

13 kids 12 & under shot, 3 killed

205 teenagers shot, 36 killed

Team Englewood won w/ 96 shot, 14 fatally

10th District led w/ 122 shot, 22 fatally

Expressways tallied 11 shot, 4 fatally

75 grazed

15 selfies

49 #ShotInTheAss

This year has been a copy/paste of last year (a carbon copy for you older folks). The current trend puts 2024’s final numbers on pace with last year aside from one key factor, fatality rate. This year’s fatality rate is running a full two percentage points lower than last year which works out to be around 60 fewer homicides despite the same number of people shot. Therefore, we’re looking to end the year at about 600 homicides with 3,000-ish total people shot. The one wild card here is the election. If we get a DNC repeat, then nothing changes, but if it’s the opposite, it’s anyone’s guess as to where the year may settle

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Do you know nearly 2,000 more people would be alive in Chicago since 2015 if we didn’t have this unprecedented murder spike. It’s my city and it makes he angry the lack of fact-based discussion.

Because we have a “high profile incident” of a cop killing someone, and media sensationalizing, we have stories like this in local Public Television affiliate WTTW: “ShotSpotter Showdown Set Amid Fierce Debate Over Value of Gunshot Detection System” by Heather Cherone.

And to those I give this fact-based response: by almost every measure Chicago police have reduced their interactions with the public, to the point where they are likely shooting citizens lower than any other major city in the country. And with zero media attention to that fact. Yes, they will focus on one of the three killings this year by Chicago by cop (yes, only 3!) after a pre-textual stop where cops were shot at and say “Ok let’s have cops not pull anyone over.”

Ever hear of the term: "Cutting off your nose to spite the face?" This is what the city of Chicago, and the nation, consistently do on criminal justice issues based on outlier events like the death of 13-year-old Adam Toledo. Which, we point out again, HAD a gun in his hands that was USED IN A LIVE SHOOTING. He dropped it a mere second before he was shot, but held onto the gun during the entire chase.

YOU WANT police to chase people like Toledo, and hold them accountable. But chicago has 300 citizens shot for every 1 by police, yet the entire progressive narrative is about police being the threat to public safety. It's utterly not true.

Facts in Chicago:

* CPD (cops) shoot 10-20 per year

* Chicago Citizens shoot 2500-4000 per year

* In 2023, cops killed TWO (2) citizens

* In 2023, citizens killed more than 720 fellow citizens

* Blacks are 75% of people shot by cops (< 8 fatally per year in recent years), but blacks are also 72% of arrests, 72% of crime suspects in crime reports, and 80% of firearm offenders.

Thus, where is the racism?

Yet it's the cops that are the danger to society. Right. Seriously, ignorance and bias pushes TERRIBLE policy.

Meanwhile, arrests have dropped as murders have spiked since the early 2010s. CPD ANNUAL REPORT DATA: 2007 - 221,915 arrests | 2010 - 167,541 arrests | 2016 - 85,752 arrests | 2020 - 52,326 arrests | 2020 - 38,400.

Chicago Homicides

Breakdown of murders per year 2016-2023:

2016-2023 total: 5637

2016-2023 avg: 705 annual murders

47.28% increase in homicides from the early 2010s (2011-2015) compared to the last 8 years (2016-2023). Kim Foxx was prosecutor in this era.

Breakdown of murders per year 2011-2015:

2011-2015 total: 2391

2011-2015 avg: 478 annual murders

EXCESS LIVES LOST: 1,811 in last 8 years

Sources: HeyJackAss, Chicago Police Data

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Hardly a peep from the press.

There is no way to fix this. All you can do is move.

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"Well, the South side of Chicago is the baddest part of town"

-- Jim Croce, "Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown" (1973)

I grew up in a small downstate town in the 1960's with multiple school field trips to the Field Museum & the Museum of Science & Industry. To my ignorant young mind, the Chicago South side was pretty sketchy even then.

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I attended the Illinois Institute of Technolgy on Chicago's South Side from 1965 to 1967. That's approximately the same time that Glenn was there. I THOUGHT you looked familiar, Glenn!

For all intents, I was just a kid and didn't know much. I grew up in the white suburbs of Boston, so I had some adjusting to do. Not surprising, but my experience is similar to Glenn's. There were nice neighborhoods, and not so nice.

I've always been into Victorian architecture. Something that has stayed with me is that entire neighborhoods in the South Side were being abandoned. There were grand old Victorian mansions that had been abandoned, presumably as a result of white flight. I'd go to Goodwill and salivate over beautiful antique furniture that was selling for close to nothing, but I couldn't buy it; I lived in a dorm.

We are currently living in LBJ's Great Society. This is it. This is not what was promised, but this is it. I give far more credit to MLK than LBJ. We are still feeling the positive effects of MLK, and we are still feeling the negative effects of LBJ.

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Glenn please comment. My perscription: (1) Merit and only merit, must reign paramount in all public policies, including institutions that get government assistance. (2) Absolutely no DEI etc etc. (3) The John Rawls philosophy regarding taxation should be continued, but strictly limited to government assistance to those who have fallen through the cracks, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN. (4) All judicial appointments, SCOTUS excluded, by an 'independent' Commission. (5) All junior school students must be educated and inculcated in 'civics'.

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Did Rawls impose a ”no fault of their own” amendment, or did he say that such a position would not apply because no one knew the situation of the other person? (veil of ignorance)?

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We're going to need to define "THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN".

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I agree, but a definition can never be watertight. We will have to devise it as a type postulate (a basic truth). I have no doubt that in time, like everything else it will be white-anted away.

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Local, personal and church charity is the only way to ensure "through no fault of their own." Government will only ever confiscate your money to buy votes. It has always been thus.

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