Is the entire transcript of each podcasts posted above in text? Who transcribes it? AI?

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"I don't believe she even believes it. I believe it's a performance. I believe that she's saying what fits a certain kind of political, psychological narrative that is a part of the power play being undertaken in American politics by people like herself and the democratic party and the race mongers like Al Sharpton and Benjamin Crump and the others who are getting paid. Not only paid in the currency of money, but paid in the currency of celebrity and political influence."

Absolutely. And the perverse irony is that it is the Democratic Party that is performing the power play. Somehow, the Democratic Party has been able to convince a substantial amount of the U.S. population, including the majority of the black population, that it is the "party of civil rights." And part of that mythology requires the lie that black people are being hunted by the police because they are black *AND* only Democrats are recognizing it *AND* Republicans are denying it. Tragicomically, the Party of Slavery now wears the mantle of Anti-Racism. It is no surprise that we have this post modern circus in corporate media when most of the corporate media is a PR wing for the Democratic Party. Post-Modernism is needed to pass the insane notion that the Democratic Party has been "fighting for civil rights for 200 years" as they say on their website. That idea is implanted in the unconscious psyches of most Democrats. And strangely it coexists in somesort of mystical equilibrium with the fact that The Democratic Party was the Confederacy.

Ill just keep yelling into the void about the absurdity. Perhaps some day black democrats will turn their ire away from conservatives and toward the Democratic Party and demand that the reckoning, redemption, and reparations come from the Democratic Party and not innocent people. Perhaps one day they will discover that their pretend allies, the Democratic Party, only views "black victimology" as a political tool to hide their own past and project it onto their political opponents. The Democratic Party, and "Progressives", have been perversely and perniciously using black grievance as a political weapon ever since they first started getting black votes. This despite the fact that any black grievance connected to racial history that has any business being alive today ought to be toward the Democratic Party itself, its war for slavery, its nursing of the KKK, black laws, and Jim Crow.

Just to anticipate the inevitable democrat defending the Democratic Party's past, I redirect to my substack post that covers all the horseshit propaganda so many of us have unknowingly ingested

at some time.


I'm happy to see another black person pointing out the obvious. Indeed, I think the irrational loyalty to the Democratic Party is one of the most tragic and harmful realities affecting many black people today. Black people don't need to like the Republican Party; heck I'd like to see both parties dissolve; more black people just need to wake up to the fact that the Democratic Party is the party of slavery; it fought a war to keep our ancestors enslaved; and putting black people in government housing, putting black people on their website, and stealing money from asian immigrants doesn't redeem them from that past--and especially, any black person who holds grievance toward America in general for the past needs to acknowledge the obvious truth that the Democratic Party holds much more responsibility than America in the abstract or modern white Americans generally. The worst black face being enacted today is by the Democratic Party; its brand is black face. It is arguably the biggest fraud committed in the history of the United States. The appropriate response isn't to double down on defending them once the fraud becomes more apparent, it is to "do the work" and "speak truth to power" and call out the Democratic Party for its deceit. The appropriate response is to cancel the Democratic Party if it doesn't redeem itself by providing the reparations to the descendants of American slaves they stole after the civil war and then 100 years later dangled in front of black people for 60 years after it became apparent their KKK brand wouldn't be popular anymore after Martin Luther King Jr.

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Mmmmm....i've been hassled by cops, and each time it was one tiny click away from escalating. I don't think Michele Obama is wrong to have that fear. Not a 'significant' fear, but like me - knowing that it's just that one tiny click away - her comment wasn't at all outrageous. The problem here - it's that we accept the martial and blustering behavior of cops; that cops turn on in an INSTANT if they are not deferred to in a way that is sometimes unknowable. It IS a culture problem - but it's the culture problem within the police.

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The issue of the exaggeration reminds me of some of the video that came out of Bret Weinstein’s experience at Evergreen. I recall watching a student demanding to know what the college President was going to do to guarantee her safety “right now,” since her life was endangered by simply being present on the campus. I still can’t figure out what exactly it was that she expected the college President to do to guarantee her safety on that time frame. So many of the demands seem to lack any and all connection to any practical reality.

I want to ask my white more woke co-workers how many of them are going to resign so a POC can be hired to increase diversity.

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This is great and necessary, thanks for the work.

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