I'm anti-DEI hires, but VPOTUS is a very odd position around which to have this discussion. Choosing a running mate has always been about box checking more than merit. It just so happens that in the last few decades we've added two new boxes, race and gender.

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Your guest is annoying. Walz is a DEI hire too…

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Indeed the Dems have lost their ever-loving minds and worse than her being a DEI hire we have a woman who has slept her way into politics sleeping with a married man unapologetically which John McWhorter of this podcast propagated told us a who pay good money here misinformation by suggesting Big Willy Brown was not married when Kamala dated him. That was MISINFORMATION by the reporter John McWhorter feeding us leftist lies. Oh by the way did I mention I was a card carrying Democrat who has not lost my mind but chosen to tell the truth about the DNC who has lost their way in a drunken stupor. Will someone tell John McWhorter that blood thirsty ill informed columist of the NYT’s that Big Willy Brown who GAVE Cackling Kamala her first job paid by the tax payers during a time Kamala identified as an Indian woman raised by a Jamaican Father not an African American Father and Indian Mother Big Willy Brown was married to the same woman he is still married to today and brings to all political events whose name is Blanche Vitero Brown. John McWhorter stop lying to us paying to listen to Glenn Loury’s show. Big Willy Brown was and is married and Kamala still dated him for more than a year and he gave her her first state politicial job so I guess she was a slut hire not a DEI hire right? Is that the correct linguistic term.

. I thought itt was clear John McWhorter ought to remain in his own wheel house as the NYT’s lackey… is it true Glen Loury you don’t give a shit about the objections of your paying customers and will defend John McWhorter’s continued position of giving us misinformation? Well i guess birds of a feather stick together bc Kamala married a guy who got the family Nanny pregnant then got rid of the baby. John McWhorter did u tell us about that fact or are you still not doing your himework

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Kamala Harris has always idenfied herself as both Black and Indian.

She attended an HBCU and joined one of the major Black sororities. She was president of the Black students association at her law school, no one who claims not to be black would serve in that position. After her election to the Senate, she joined the Congressional Black Caucus (and the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus).

This idea that she ever disavowed either side of her heritage is false.

The implication that she slept her way to the top is beneath contempt.

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There are several press reports that say Kamala Harris had an affair with Willie Brown while he was separated from his wife. Here's one example from January of 2019:


Here's an excerpt:

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown addressed his past relationship with Sen. Kamala Harris in a letter to the San Francisco Chronicle on Saturday and acknowledged giving her appointments that furthered her career.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago," wrote Brown, who said he had "been peppered with calls from the national media about my 'relationship' with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president."

Harris' office did not immediately respond to USA TODAY's request for comment on Brown's letter to the Chronicle.

Brown was married at the time he and Harris dated, but – because he had been "estranged from his wife" Blanche Brown since 1981, according to People magazine –the relationship was not kept secret. A Sacramento Bee reporter told People that Brown "had a succession of girlfriends" and would "go to a party with his wife on one arm and his girlfriend on the other.”

The article includes links to several other press reports about the relationship. Brown acknowledged the affair in a letter to the San Francisco Chronicle in which he also said he helped her career:


Here's an excerpt:

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

Snopes and Reuters have confirmed the affair as well:



Arguments about who's a DEI hire are a distraction from the question of who Americans should trust to run the country. None of the current candidates would be deemed credible applicants to run a Fortune 500 company, let alone a multi-trillion dollar enterprise with lethal military capabilities.

Our political system has been dysfunctional for a long time. This year's choice in presidential candidates is a clear example of how poorly the system works.

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"There are several press reports that say Kamala Harris had an affair with Willie Brown while he was separated from his wife."

Let's assume that is true since we have no reporting that questions it, Brown has admitted it, Harris has not denied it, etc.

The leap from an affair to "slept her way to the top" is a big one. It turns on its head the idea that it is usually the higher ranking person who has the power in that situation. But even leaving that aside, it credits a relationship that ended 20 years ago with all of Harris' electoral success in the 2 decades since. And as far as I can tell the main support for the argument is just the old trope that women sleep their way to the top.

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Kamala slept her way several rungs up the ladder. After that, it's been race and sex that got her jobs. She has never done anything that merited her next post. She is an air-head. She is trying to be unburdened by what has been because what has been is her being a fool.

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Propagating that unburdening phrase from the Marxists she follows including Mao,Lenin, Castro and others of their ilk……make no mistake those words have more meaning than a foolish word salad or riddle….unburden yourself from pursuing a meritorious agenda and allow us to care for you giving you equality in the pursuit of equity….unburden yourself from what has been….this is one scary wench….

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Let's go back to the last sentence of your previous comment:

The implication that she slept her way to the top is beneath contempt.

Those are strong words that don't hold up under scrutiny. There's more than enough evidence to suggest that the relationship Kamala Harris had with Willie Brown benefited her career. Two appointments to state commissions and help becoming San Francisco's district attorney undoubtedly helped put her on the map.

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The elephant in the room is the INSANE lack of MERIT, CHARACTER, PATRIOTISM and JUDGEMENT in the Democrat Party choice of Kamala Harris for POTUS. If Trump Derangement Syndrome ("TDS") has the effect of turning Democrats into MINDLESS IGNORAMUSES then the USA is in a very dark place. No sane person can tolerate the Democrat destructive MINDSET.

The solution is OBVIOUS. GOD HELP AMERICA, the Democrats have lost their minds.

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The reality I have to keep reminding myself of is that SOCIALISM is not merit based it’s STEALING based…..take from others what they earned through hard work and give it to others who never worked a hard day in their lives but know what a doobie is ….propagated to create a group of lazy no nothings and easily controlled….

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Criticize Kamala Harris all you want, but it is a simple fact that she has a strong track record of electoral success.

With the exception of her failed 2020 run, she has won every election she has ever run in, including primaries and generals, including 3 statewide elections. Yes, Califormia is a blue state, but she has defeated plenty of fellow Democrats, including the incumbent DA she defeated in her first election.

(And losers of presidential primaries often go on to be POTUS, VP, or major party nominees, so it is not exactly a major failing). Ronald Reagan lost in 1976, won in 1980. George HW Bush lost in 1980 but became VP and eventially POTUS. Al Gore lost in 1988, because VP in 1992. Bob Dole lost in 1988, became his party's nominee in 1996. John McCain lost in 2000, became his party's nominee in 2008; Mitt Romeny lost in 2008, became his party's nominee in 2012. Hillary Clinton lost in 2008, became her party's nominee in 2016. Jow Biden lost in 1988 and 2008, became Obama's VP.)

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Kamala didn't just lose the primaries in 2020, she exited without ever getting a delegate or more than 3% in the polls. Winning as a Token black woman candidate in California is like waking up on 3rd base and thinking you hit a triple.

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That was a good one…Micheal would appear to have some unaccounted for solo motivation for defending Harris at all cost. My guess is there are reasons unbeknownst to us what his real motivation is however I suspect it will become known soon enough. But that said, your “waking up on 3rd base is a good one …Should I use it in one of my own comments I’ll put it in quotes and in parens(BT)

If that’s ok with u.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 10

There are a lot of California Democrats of all races and genders who want to be in the House. There are also a lot of Black women in California. Exactly one of them has won a Senate seat, Harris. The last Black woman who ran for Senate in CA was a career politican in the state (25 years in the Senate) and she failed to even get 10% of the vote in the primary. It's the opposite of easy for anyone to win a Senate seat in CA*, regardless of their demographics.

* It is pretty easy to win the general election against a Republican. That doesn't mean getting there is easy.

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She worked under Willie Brown. Nuf said.

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Sure That “strong track” record 1. Sleeping with those that can get you elected and 2. Stealing votes ….I can agree with your assessmen that creates a strong track record in fact I ‘ll go one more those two ways of conducting oneself is a sure fire way to the electoral success you promote….How u can look yourself in the mirror is another matter…but it’s your life..good luck with that

btwThose are facts verified by what happened in PA. during 2020 when the law was illegally changed and the vote stolen from the people of PA. and the actual factual words of Big Willy Brown himself……

Just acknowledge the facts Micheal and stop wasting our time…

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Indeed the Dems have

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OMG, Michael. The shallowness of your assessments of what constitutes success in national leadership is ASTOUNDING. Based on her record in office there is no way that Kamal Harris ("KH") can be assessed to be successful. She is a cunning duplicitous and short sighted person. Her JUDGEMENT is deeply flawed and so is the judgement of people who MINDLESSLY vote for her.

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Maybe Micheal’s learning imparted?

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"The shallowness of your assessments of what constitutes success in national leadership is ASTOUNDING."

To be clear, I was commenting on one aspect of success as a politican: winning elections. You discount that, I see, by questioning the judgment of those who have voted for her. That makes you no different that people who question the judgment of Trump voters. The bottom line, though, is that appealing to the electorate (ie, winning elections) is a measure of political success regardless of who is winning elections and how they manage it.

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Micheal Micheal Micheal ….Questioning the judgement of voters…that’s where your going with this….???? When you’ve been lied to as much as Dem voters and as a card carrying one myself busy making a living, I can say it takes a lot to WAKE UP…..Most of us are stunned by the duplicity pleading ‘Say it ain’t so…..” Did they just do that, and that ,and that……some will have to go up in flames before they can see reality…..But we have to keep telling the truth……Try it Micheal I can promise you will like it

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Just Wondering sounds like a decent and intelligent person who has crossed the psychological Rubicon. I suspect that Michael is equally decent but crossing the Rubicon to truly mind-correctionally difficult. Brain neurons are 'hard wired'. It takes some SOUL SEARCHING HONESTY with a degree of psychological discomfort or adversity to force the boat across the river. Neural pathways are not easily corrected. Just Wondering proves that it can be done.

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Well said sir!…pursuing the truth can be tough in the face of sooooomany untrues…..Who could have imagined that 51 intelligence officers would knowingly sign on to lies….in full ink….im grateful to say for whatever reason I wasn’t bamboozeled by Hillary… it was a gut God thing ….plus the whole about face thing on Trump who’d been a well known and liked figure in Manhattan by Hillary Schumer and the whole host of Dems….watching the Wollman Rink from debacle to success… in a fraction of the time ….learning that those other contracts so often fail because suddenly a screw costs $150 bc the government is paying for it meaning you and I are paying these corporate thieves…..Trump knew that was what was holding up the project….Those companies just played the pass the bucket grift from one company to another sharing the wealth and the uneducated political lifers of those in government clueless about how to run a company…That ignorance is not just staggering but has become the way the government gets run…even if they know better…That’s why war had become so popular…it’s a money maker or now a aSuperPac maker a way to stay in power…. I think that takes a huge wake-up call to realize and then admit being duped by…I was the first time I voted for Obama… He got me once thank God not twice …but he got the majority twice…Those slick pearly whites he flashed smooth talking not red/blue but the United …..then saw Chicago get ignored, killing wars turned into drone assassinations….then the Ed Snowden hunt for Red October when all he was was a whistle blower, Julian Assange and the list goes on and on….loyality doesn’t mean you compromise your integrity…..although I must say again Romney was a pathetic alternative himself…There’s a learning curve that’s for sure…but make no mistake about it….if; God forbid cackling Mamala Kamala and her coward running mate win…it won’t be stupidity it will be clever cheating….bc no one could be this dumb….or want their babies dead that badly…

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Aug 6·edited Aug 7

I’m less concerned about DEI than I am about the explicit racialization of the Democratic Party.

“White dudes” and “white women” for Kamala shifts the Overton window on this issue. Glenn has warned that identify politics may result in a white identity in a majority white country. This would be to the detriment of blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities. It was implicit that this would evolve on the right, but here it is coming from the left.

In the meantime, Republicans are building a class based party.

(edited to correct a significant misstatement-DYAC!)

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Class based how? From Musk to tradesmen seems to be pretty class inclusive.

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He should have said a party that embraces all classes.

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That makes more sense. Thanks. I agree with that. The tent is quite expansive, not to mention inclusive.

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I have to bring up the fact that John mentioned last week that DEI is on its way out and it really only infiltrated the arts and academia. DEI is rampant and infiltrated every facet of Federal Gov't under the Biden Admin. The recently resigned secret service leader main goal she had admitted was to raise the amount of females hired by the SS. Look at all the other DEI programs in military and elsewhere in gov't. Just 3 weeks ago the Connecticut Governor created a DEI office on executive order to the tune of almost 10mil dollars. The fact is that DEI had become a symbol of being a Democrat and and being against DEI is a symbol of Republican. John is either being willfully ignorant to all the other Democrat controlled institutions that have and remain infiltrated by DEI or he is just ignorant. I feel that this is the case of John not being willing to call out the truth of how bad DEI is... because the only way to get rid of it is to vote Republican in the federal and local elections, as that is the party that would do way with this discriminating ideology.

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Here’s the real freaking deal….We cant get out of our own way…. The black community is getting in their own way because for the first time ever NOTHING WAS IN THE WAY…and corralling the community into the ways of productive behavior is hard… No one knows that better than Loury so when the freaking door gets back opened to blaming because of laziness and lack of taking responsibility upon one’s self is hard and no one feels like pushing through, the f’ing word RACISM gets pulled back out, the dust gets swept off it and shined up to look brand new and we get income equality, not more opportunity but old bs for hand outs reparations Suddenly the Indian girls joins a club of all the blacks to straddle the fence and take advantage of both “victims” add to that marrying a white man, not just any white a Jewish white Now she triages the victimization and suddenly the community doesn’t have to take RESPONSIBILITy and goes back to being VICTIMS bc it’s easier than pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and joining the only crowd worth anything the MERITORIOUS gang…. and making that cool.

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John McWhorter continues to be a lackey for the left feeding us lie after lie after lie … We can no longer trust John McWhorter’s facts He misinforms with linguist perfection.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

Yes, I used to like McWhorter, but he has become intolerable in his pure hate for Trump that clouds his mind. True TDS.

Recall that he wished someone would kill Trump ... and then lamely and insincerely apologized on the latest Glenn show. Glenn has more patience than I would ever have with such a 'friend'.

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One of the nefarious things about DEI (the whole thing), besides being an ATM machine for otherwise unremarkable people who have managed to create an "industry" with consultants, firms, self-help books, massive budgets in Universities, corporations, & Govt, etc. is this:

It makes it so that people are inclined to ask the questions, consciously or unconsciously, if person X is a "DEI hire". It does not favors for anybody, and particularly not for the person it is being asked about. Shameful.

FYI, as far as Ms Harris "HAVING to define herself," I think not. The Dem party strategy here, similarly to "Bunker Joe" in 2020, seems to be - let the media and Hollywood define Ms Harris for us, and hope that the sum of [(people who will vote Dem even if the Dem is a literal cup of sour milk) + (people who can be convinced by the fake image that is being fabricated by the media/HW) + (votes harvested in dark blue segments of red or purple states from people who would otherwise never vote)] > (People who vote for Trump).

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Here’s the real freaking deal….We cant get out of our own way…. The black community is getting in their own way because for the first time ever NOTHING WAS IN THE WAY…and corralling the community into the ways of productive behavior is hard… No one knows that better than Loury so when the freaking door gets back opened to blaming because of laziness and lack of taking responsibility upon one’s self is hard and no one feels like pushing through, the f’ing word RACISM gets pulled back out, the dust gets swept off it and shined up to look brand new and we get income equality, not more opportunity but old bs for hand outs reparations Suddenly the Indian girls joins a club of all the blacks to straddle the fence and take advantage of both “victims” add to that marrying a white man, not just any white a Jewish white Now she triages the victimization and suddenly the community doesn’t have to take RESPONSIBILITy and goes back to being VICTIMS bc it’s easier than pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and joining the only crowd worth anything the MERITORIOUS gang…. and making that cool.

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This is some scary crap… And we have to be careful where we are getting our facts… Does anyone listen to the Senate Hearings for confirming Judges to the Federal bench… the parade of DEI nominations whose records are so scary is OUT OF CONTROL

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Kamala Harris was a DEI hire. That’s a fact we can all agree on. The fact that they proudly picked her because of her race and gender should mean that when Trump or anyone else said she’s a DEI hire they should be proudly saying “you’re damn right she was. It’s time we had more Indian/black woman represented” but instead they were horrified at the suggestion and called Trump racist, again.

Shouldn’t this very act tell John and anyone else that it has nothing to do with what they believe? They picked a DEI candidate to appease their radical base, not because they actually care, and now they won’t defend their actions because they have to go against everything that Trump says.

This tells me it’s all about power and that Trump is a threat to that power so they must oppose him even if it means going against their own beliefs.

They don’t have any principles or they would defend them, and that tells me everything I need to know about them

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How about having more smart capable people with a successful track record of building secure economic businesss that contribute on a global scale in broad ways no matter what the color of their skin. How about that.

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Do you think Clarence Thomas was not "proudly picked because of his race?" Do you think race was a factor in the Georgia Republican party choosing to nominate a famous Black football player with no prior political experience who didn't even live in the state to run against a populat Black incumbent Democratic Senator? Both sides do and have played this game, they just talk about it differently.

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It’s a good point, well taken. I believe Clarence Thomas and Glenn Loury both got into their academic institutions because of affirmative action. Here’s where I think some key differences lie:

* Both Thomas and Loury got their starts because of affirmative action (which I believe I’ve heard Glenn lament at times) but it was only a starting point. They had to then prove themselves in those institutions. Harris on the other hand has been appointed to some very important positions because of her race and gender. To me that means while Glenn and Clarence got their starts by affirmative action, Harris actually got the end result because of it.

* The stakes are much higher of giving someone a shot at the presidency or vice presidency than they are of letting someone into a college where they may or may not fail

I don’t generally agree with the practice on either side, and I’d much rather give people a chance at a good education and see what they do with it than give them the keys. But, I think where I can’t tolerate the idea of DEI or affirmative action is in jobs like airline pilot, surgeon, vice president, president, or any other job where you can potentially ruin other peoples lives as a result of incompetence

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And your point is so well made …Now given that for example, had Harris as VP taken on her assignments with the kind of gusto everyone could see was earnest. Even if she failed, had she really given it her all….put on combat boots immediately went to the border in the worst of places talked loud and proud about everything she observed even still wanting to allow more folks in…couldn’t she have done it in away that would have garner her accolades and praise …like setting up a restructure Ellis Island where real vetting took place , where she herself stood up to M13 tattooed thugs saying GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM YOUNG MAN. ….Couldnt she have done something anything more than she did which had amounted to nothing…how can people be so devoid of some responsible behavior ,Come-on Man I’m just sayin’ Micheal can’t you should you see this have reasonable expectations for such…if your even reading this …I just don’t get it…..other than at the end of the day facing up to the duplicity of the human condition is all we can do….then cry out for mercy….praying for the regeneration of the human spirit….

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And it tells us all we need to know about John McWhorter who continues to be the propaganda arm to the rest of the world since his day job keeps him pigeonholed in linguists. Makes you wonder how a language expert lies so much about the definition of words and sews Chaos by delivering the misinformation of facts

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Who is DEI depends on how you define DEI. Theoretically, DEI should be diversity and inclusion of multiple types of different people, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, etc. and with diversity of thought or life experience. For instance, the life experience of the Obama girls is more similar to Chelsea Clinton's than the life experience of a young woman who grew up in rural Appalachia or urban projects. To be truly diverse, you would evaluate the person's qualifications and compare them against others but also take into account where the person came from. But that does not mean at all that the person who comes from a poverty stricken broken home is any worse or better than the person who comes from a wealthy intact family-they simply have different life experiences and one could argue that the disadvantaged person has had the greater struggle and may understand those types better than a so-called privileged person.

I think the current concept of DEI has morphed into particular "people of color" regardless of their background or upbringing, particularly in the university arena. My impression is that DEI is simply affirmative action with a different name.

When you are picking someone BECAUSE of a certain characteristic instead of DESPITE a certain characteristic, that is equity, but not equality. That's just my opinion.

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And an opinion I agree with…Iin the back of my mind I always thought that DEI was the Repackaging of Affirmative Action Thank you for saying so. One would have thought the linguist expert John McWhorter would have clarified that reality Thank u for doing so

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Aug 6·edited Aug 8

Having read Hillbilly Elegy a while back, I'd be curious also to know what JD Vance scored on his SAT and LSAT and whether or not his test scores were comparable to his peers at Yale Law School. I seem to recall Vance noting in his memoir that not that many Yale Law school students came from schools like Ohio State University. My guess is he probably benefitted from affirmative action given his Appalachian background and his stint in the Marines. I'm inclined to believe that he was below average on standardized tests relative to his peers at Yale Law because Yale Law is literally the best of the best. His wife Usha, whom he met at law school, also attended Yale for her undergrad for instance. I'm not sure if all of that makes JD Vance a DEI candidate though as Trump's VP pick.

As far as Kamala Harris being labelled a DEI pick, John is correct in pointing out that the main issue was that Biden explicitly stated that he would nominate a Black woman to be his VP candidate. It doesn't have anything to do necessarily with her qualifications for the role.

In any case, I think the term DEI gets bandied about too readily these days. For instance, a lot of people on the right referred to the mayor of Baltimore as a DEI mayor in the aftermath of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse, which was just silly given that he was democratically elected by the people of Baltimore to his position.

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All it is with you is guesses You never come to the table with facts…you sew doubt only ….do your freaking homework ….Your an irritant to the conversation not a contributor

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Jd Vance

Interesting… Though the difference with making Law Review is that its Law Students themselves who chose JD Vance for Law Review not the politically motivated Admissions Board at Yale… That makes the choice to invite JDVance to the Law Review more impressive from my perspective. There is no one more selective with their new found power to elevate another student than a student who once had to be chosen to that same group. That’s a time when a student in law school knows their own strength most rely on the weakest link among them and they want, no they need, to choose the best of the already best students in the country…,So make no mistake about it, these classmates are not going to choose some whiny-ass guy who got in on the GI Bill. They simply can not afford to for their own survival and in fact would take pleasure in rejecting anyone that didn’t have impeccable credentials, they need students even better than themselves because the work is that hard…not some student smoking doobies before class. And my experience tells me these third year law students are more discriminating than getting into the club Berghain on a Saturday night… that’s saying more than any outsider looking hoping to find the one fly in the ointment…. If DJT can overlook JD’s earlier statements then my goodness there has to be more than anyone could come out with now.

Remember Law Professors don’t choose. Law Review or any other Law Journal, it really doesn’t matter, are made up of students who already made it through the rigor, the choosers are now the chosen few and they get to exact their choice and they chose JD…. Come on….thats a big freaking deal on any metric. If you don’t think those students looked at his LSAT, SAT’s his Maine Record ( Remember the Marines are widely known to be the toughest of the military forces)….These Law Journals look for bad asses that will elevate them make no mistake about it.

Then there’s Kamala who can’t pass the bar exam… This is running the Free World we are talking about… Comeon man haven’t we just made one 4 year mistake. We can’t put this thing on auto pilot.. Vet the f’ing guy ferret out every weakness you need to BUT then be honest about it and report the truth without sleight of hand without a dig be a man woman trans or LBGQRST about it

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

While making the Law Review at Yale certainly is impressive, I tend to doubt that his classmates had access to his SAT and LSAT scores in their decision making process for that.

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“You tend to doubt…” why don’t u F’ing find out then j-ass

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

It doesn't seem like you bothered finding out either before offering up speculation as fact. I also have no idea why you're so devoted to the idea that JD Vance is some sort of intellectual demigod, when the evidence seems to run to the contrary, that at Yale Law School he didn't necessarily distinguish himself academically.

I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that JD Vance was an affirmative action admit to Yale Law who got in despite lower than average academic credentials relative to his peers. That being said, I do think his life story is a great one about overcoming the adversity in one's background.

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Ur an idiot

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Standardized test scores

Life experience

Work and volunteer experience



Motivation and goals

These are standard application requirements

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The admissions office has that information on file. I would be pretty surprised if the student body had access to the admissions information of other students.

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I’ve concluded your dumb as door nails…do your homework

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Your just really out of your mind and want to pick an arguement with someone who gave you the specific credentials require for application to the law review. Are you just stupid, can’t read or just like being a pain in the ass. Stop wasting our time with your stupidity. Those are the facts jack Do your homework and call the F’ing admissions office … Or do u just like getting a rise out of someone… get a life

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

You haven't provided any evidence that those were the requirements for Yale Law Journal as opposed to admissions to Yale Law School in general. I also don't recall Vance mentioning in Hillbilly Elegy anything about standardized test scores being a factor in making the Yale Law Journal. The idea that your SAT scores would be considered for making a Law Review strikes me as ludicrous and doesn't seem to pass the smell test in my opinion.

Here's some actual reporting on the matter by the way.


"George L. Priest, a Yale Law professor who has long identified as a Republican, recalled that Mr. Vance was good enough to be hired as his research assistant but not a standout. “He didn’t distinguish himself in any particular way in my view,” Mr. Priest said.

Mr. Vance won a spot on the staff of The Yale Law Journal — a prestigious position that is often a steppingstone to a coveted appellate court clerkship — but not as one of its top editors. He instead worked with a group of editors whose primary job was to check citations."

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I wouldn’t be so sure about that

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That Harvard case on affirmative action showed that there were many different standards for races and regions (significantly lower test scores from students out west compared with from the east coast). That combined with his military service means JD Vance almost certainly had an advantage over other Ivy League applicants. I’m sure most people see the value in that. He was almost certainly picked as VP because he was white and male and young. If we define DEI hire as someone hired because of their identity, not because they are the “most qualified,” then he is one as are a lot both Democrats and Republicans.

I find interesting a more consistent problem of who people see as qualified. I have heard a lot of people question if Kamala Harris is qualified, primarily because of her identity. She seems to have followed the typical political path to higher elected office, and yet her qualifications are questioned. JD Vance, and Trump for that matter, have limited experience and “qualifications” but somehow that doesn’t come up and certainly not in a “DEI” context. Maybe it’s my own baggage of hearing for years that “girls can’t be engineers because girls can’t do math so you must be getting special treatment” followed by years of having to give my credentials every time I met a new person in a professional context (most people could just give their title and be taken seriously).

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Come on Amy What in the name of everything reasonable would 3L’s pick som less qualified. I’m so tired of making these common sense arguments. Are u just trying to find something wrong. I understand Mamala Kamalla sleep around with Big Willy Brown, failed her bar exam in the first go round … not uncommon however I like people who go in prepared and pass the first time. Most do….. These are realities about Kamala confirmed and verified….How ill informed are you before you write out your comments. Sleeping you way into elected office is hardly typical … Your stupidity is stunning and rather irritating

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How does one sleep their way into elected office? Did she sleep with every democrat in California? Is that what you call common sense?

I guess it is a good thing all men in politics are completely chaste and for sure never ever benefit from their relationships more rich and powerful friends.

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That’s what’s so interesting. No personal individual responsibility…Why is that?

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Chaste..? I haven heard that terminology since visiting Utah….

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When Biden chose Harris, she had a typical track record for a presidential or VP nominee.

She was elected and relected DA, elected and relected California AG, elected to the Senate. The only election she has ever lost was the 2020 presidential primary, which is not unusual for a VP. George HW Bush, Al Gore, Joe Biden all became VP after losing a presidential primary. She has defeated every Republican she has ever run against, won every primary except 2020, and even won general elections against Democrats because of CA's weird top 2 system.

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Really? Is it typical for a political candidate to have gotten a leg up by having an older powerful, married man get his leg over?

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I don't recall Trump say he was going to pick a Hillbilly for his running mate, but I could be wrong.

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