This question would not be necessary IF:

1. Economic conditions in minority/black communities were equal to white communities.

2. Discrimination by whites, especially by racist cops, ceased.

3. Public education were equal among ALL neighborhoods, in spending, rigor & expectations.

4. The judicial process & justice dispensed were equal for all.

How a city's fathers structure such components determines greatly how lives are lived by the various groups within it, and how those lives turn out. That said, individual attitude and volition matter. Old story: Do right, prosper, or at least stay afloat. Do wrong, expect punishment and/or retribution. Easier to say or do when society's unwritten rules do not favor Group A while disfavoring Groups B or C in unseen or subtle ways. Easy to fault antisocial behavior by discrete groups while remaining silent about the invisible forces are structured to disadvantage said groups. In a city such as Chicago, we need only examine how lending patterns over the past 50 years have favored some groups while disfavoring blacks as to real estate transactions. As orchestrated by Mayor Richard J. Daley, the real estate brokerage industry & the mortgage lenders were in cahoots for the purpose of suppressing free and equal access to housing to blacks on the same terms as whites. This is documented in many communities from the end of WWII to when federal anti-discrimination/equal housing laws were passed in the 1960's, which finally corrected the situation. But the harm created during those years has taken longer to correct. Government was guilty in instituting and maintaining the discrimination to start with. Corrective government action was thus necessary to end it.

The same pattern has been true concerning employment & job advancement.

It is important to note that none of the fears of economic reversal or loss of rigor or efficiency have come to pass after the barriers to equality were removed. Open Housing and Equal Employment Opportunity have not led to any of the downturns voiced as justification for perpetuating discrimination. Hopefully America has matured in that sense, though, quiet as it's kept, vestiges remain. Equality must be nursed and protected. Hate is self-perpetuating, absent outside force, sad to say. It has taken lifetimes to reach today's modus vivendi.

Hopefully backsliding won't occur, restarting the whole painful process anew. Today's status quo says anyone may live anywhere his/her income enables, absent deleterious behavior or habits which may generate irresistible, justified opprobrium.

Notions of superiority/inferiority are attitudes. Attitudes cannot be legislated, pro or con. Only artificial barriers can be outlawed, as is mostly the case nowadays, with none of the dire warnings having materialized.

Love and/or hate cannot be legislated; only behavior. Fortunately, as a nation, we seem to have reached that state of equilibrium without coming apart at the seams again as we did in 1862. We needn't love one another; just not put one another at economic disadvantage based on false notions of superiority/inferiority. In this sense, Nirvana may never be attainable, with neighborly love dominant. But we seem to have achieved what was once thought impossible: The absence of outright hostility and societal disruption on the ground, with the force of government to guarantee peaceful coexistence. Nowadays such behavior has been replaced by brutal political maneuvering, which may be even harder to bring to heel, being subject to the lust for power, always a threat to peaceful coexistence. For that there seems no cure in sight, sorry to say. To quote Pogo: "We have met the enemy, and it is US!"

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It's quite interesting you don't factor in how the CIA under Reagan helped to traffic cocaine into the hoods inorder to fund the Nicaragua Contras, a right-wing group. And the Iran-Contra scandal involving Oliver North. CIA history of assassinations in foreign governments after democratic elections? Why are American taxpayers required to spend billions on Israel's defense when they're capable of funding their own protection? Why am I as as a Black man helping to fund a Jewish zionist state that discriminates against African refugees and has practiced chemical eugenics with Ethiopia Jews?

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I would like to see Glenn Loury's wealth accumulation compared to Al Sharpton's

and Jesse Jackson's . Numbers add to truth. 😂🤣😅😆

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Imagine old former cocaine crack addict Glenn Loury as as a police chief? District Attorney? He certainly talks a lot of shit from his protective niche, wherein he has made millions of dollars (meritorious manumission negro style) on

Black misery.

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That $100 billion we sent over to a pointless useless war in Ukraine coukd have been spent over here policing those darn black communities.....

...... OR, it could have been spent on building schools and funding them and incentivizing local economies to become self sufficient.

It would also be nice to find the source of drugs and guns in these neighborhoods, last time I was in a "black neighborhood" I saw zero gunsmiths and zero drug production facilities or fields.

Someone must be bringing them in, but who? Hmmmmm....

The solution is so easy but no one wants to do it because there is a much larger paradigm at play.

We need more police! But for what? To hold a situation in place that should never exist?

How about community improvement? How about bringing jobs and opportunity and schools that don't look like migrant shelters or prisons?

You guys really need to start looking at all this race shit from a higher level, get your balloon up another 20,000 feet. Lets not act like this nation doesn't have the resources to provide the very necessities to eliminate a lot of these problems.

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Honestly, I have been a fan of Dr. Loury’s for quite sometime. However, he has drifted into what can only be described as “coonery” of the highest order, especially with regards to this podcast. I mean, even the man’s illustrated portrait on the blog makes him look like a Black Colonel Sanders! They are going to have to rename this Podcast, “Niggas and how to get rid of’em by Glen “Uncle Ruckus” Loury.

As my mother would say, “I wonder if he knows how fucking stupid he looks?” Answer: Doubtful. Most dumb people think they are smarter than everyone else.


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The need for police is evident in one large city after another. Crime has jumped and law-abiding black people are disproportionately impacted by other blacks who are running wild and being allowed to do so by the criminal justice system. The intellectual bankruptcy of BLM has been exposed for anyone paying attention. The typical black life does not matter at all. Only when there potential political gain is a particular life given attention.

There were riots after George Floyd. There was chaos after Breonna Taylor. By comparison, how many people remember the name of the man brutalized by cops in Memphis? That case went away rather quickly. It's reasonable to ask how much of that to do with the officers being black themselves. Have we become so desensitized to black on black crime that it warps our view when the assailants carry guns and badges? As best anyone can tell, the incident didn't start over something seriously criminal. It was personal. And it was part of the fallout from BLM, which chased away veteran officers and warped public view toward law enforcement in general.

One might say that the defund people created the exact scenario that anyone could have foreseen. The thing about foreseeable consequences is that they're never accidental. They are intentional. What's happening across the country is the natural outgrowth of elections and policy decisions. Look at Chicago. The place is awash in crime and the electorate's response is to elect a teachers' union mouthpiece as mayor, a man who, even before taking office, excused the behavior of a rampaging mob. Not that the outgoing mayor's tone was any different. When elected officials are justifying the unjustifiable, it's not going to end well and the people hurt most are going to be the ones that the politicians claim to care about.

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Black communities need full time parents!!! To many kids and immature adults with responsibilities they DO NOT FULFILL!!! Our males are absent and the women are females not ladies. Therefore we have young men and women being raised by the street and the internet. People need to stop pointing fingers at the mayor and the police department and stay in the MIRROR. 🙏 🙏 🙏

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No we don't care more about black criminals than black victims. We do care about the criminal element who inevitably gravitate to the perception that when you put that uniform on you are the law and hence by definition cannot break the law. If it was up to Heather MacDonald the easiest and most convenient way to solve the problem of black crime is just flip the equation around and assume all blacks are criminals and would just throw all blacks in jail (including you Glenn Loury).

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I hate to be the guy to tell you but, this is as good as it gets.

70%, on its way to 80%, single mother, fatherless homes.

Useless public schools, glorified debauchery and feral savagery.

We will look back in 10 years and think these were the good times.

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For context, If I could paraphrase Michelle Alexander with my own two cents, we must acknowledge that the undeclared enemy of USA Inc in the post civil rights era was " the blacks ", To " take back " as she put it every right they had gained! It wasn't just the drugs, more damming was giving NWA pay checks and fertilizing Freeway Ricky Ross. Burrell advertising was powerless as they turned the best of us into Steve Urkel's with no swag, who talked white, nothing to aspire to. Now the shame of it all has left everyone in government with no moral authority to draw from and one mistake in judgement can cause full fledge riot. Isn't this is how despots come to power and they are waiting for we the people to beg for their strong hand?

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Was a treat to listen .

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