Was great to see Joe Rogan tweet out part of this clip. Would love to see Glenn on Rogan.

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Dr. Loury, let me just say that between you and that other heterodox darkie, McWhorter, you are keeping me hopeful! (Dr. McWhorter taught me to embrace the word, "heterodox" and for that I am eternally grateful.) Your ability to communicate these issues in a wonderfully nuanced, but precise and enlightening way is helpful. Otherwise, I might feel alone, yet another Black man trying to figure out where he went wrong in his thinking. To the issue at hand, going on Fox, your goal--if I may--is to enlighten as many people as possible. Fox is just another vehicle, like Substack, YouTube, and all the rest. And unfortunately, for what it is worth, and *exactly* as you noted, the liberal media is wed to keeping Black folks voting Democratic. Ergo, CNN is NOT having you on anytime soon. Their mission is to pander to the same bullshit as they always have. (Pardon my French!)

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As Moms said (I think) 'more power to ya. ' Round and round the"Mantle of Heaven' goes and who it will land on, nobody knows. Glenn is you or maybe John or Coleman?

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I appreciate your points about dealing with social ills regardless of race, Professor Loury, and maybe Democrats are guilty of over-racializing in some instances. But are we truly better off as a country if we gloss over some ugly racial realities?

Trump may not have literally said "there were good people among the white supremacists," but he did say that "there are/were good people on both sides." Unfortunately, one side was chanting things like "Jews will not replace us," and defending statues that glorified those who fought to keep millions of people enslaved.

I'm sorry, Professor Loury, but even if Unite the Right marchers happen to be good parents, siblings, friends, or workers in various circumstances, they should not be characterized as "good people" when they are promoting or defending white supremacist ideology.

Also, President Obama was absolutely correct in stating that if he had a son, that son would likely look like Trayvon. And that imagined son might be walking home one day in the dark with a bag of candy in his pocket, only to be confronted by an armed "neighborhood watchman" with accusatory questions. Certainly you know that even wealthy and privileged black people sometimes deal with heightened suspicion and scrutiny. Maybe you recall what happened to Professor Skip Gates in Cambridge, or NBA star Sterling Brown in Milwaukee.

I wish I could view or read your entire interview with Tucker. Unfortunately, I feel your presence on Tucker's show lends him a legitimacy he doesn't deserve. So I would have been in the camp that advised against your appearing on his show. I've watched Tucker's prime time show, and he is not an advocate for truth and nuance. Fox in general has done a lot of damage to our national discourse, and continues doing so today with their strong on opinion and light on facts anti-CRT campaign.

You may be a critic of certain aspects of CRT, but I can't see how you would want to legitimize a host and organization that consistently generates so much unjustified outrage on a daily basis. If you want to know what is dividing America, Fox News Channel's endless trash-talking of Democrats would be Exhibit A.


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Or go on Bill Maher! Oh, his sense of humor! Such a relief to see a sense of humor these days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB9KVYAdYwg

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I just found this brilliant discussion between Helen Pluckrose and Ilana Redstone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48BY_7wVB-Y&t=2s

Really worth watching.

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I just watched your discussion with Tucker Carlson. I think you did a masterful job. I almost didn't sign up for FoxNation because, well, smart, good people aren't supposed to watch Fox, and also, I didn't expect you to say much that I haven't already heard you say over the years. I was pleasantly surprised. I never cease to be impressed at how nimble a thinker and eloquent a speaker you are. I am thrilled that you are reaching out to a wider audience than the old BlogginheadsTV crowd. More Americans need to hear your voice. Please consider going on Joe Rogan-- you'd have 3 hours to unpack your thoughts, and you'd be reaching about 10 million people, many of whom are center left.

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You made the right choice going on his show Tucker is awesome, I don't agree with him on everything but its clear he loves America.

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Glenn, this was a fantastic exchange. Glad you decided to go on. I'm probably not the only subscriber here who doesn't really watch FOX, so thanks for providing the transcript.

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Your thoughtful words gave you good exposure to a very large audience.

I hope you aren't condemned/marginalized because of going on Tucker's show.

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Dr. Aruba Khilanani went on Black News Tonight with Marc Lamont Hill, and it was disturbing. Genocidal hatred. https://youtu.be/o20tk-QrZiE

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I enjoyed the podcast on Tucker Carlson Today. I don’t agree with the preaching to the choir crowd, Mr. Loury. We all have different sermons and octaves by which we disseminate and calibrate information.

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I love this metaphor--"different sermon and octaves"! So true. Glenn is a one and only, and his views can be illuminating and spark insight to ANY audience.

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Thanks Glenn for your courage to move about and interact as you please. You behave as an adult. I read the transcript as I am unlikely to create yet another password/subscription. Hey you entrepreneurs- give me one account with one subscription and even charge me per item to access all video content and all movies in the USA.

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beautifully stated.

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This immediately came to mind after viewing your interview with Tucker.

Ecc 12:9-11 Not only was the Teacher wise, but he also imparted knowledge to the people.

He pondered and searched out and set in order many proverbs.

The teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true.

the words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails- given by one shepherd.

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Glenn, you provided extraordinary intelligence, class, and clear-headedness to the show. I bet Tucker jumped for joy that he was able to secure you as a guest. Why wouldn't he be happy about that? However, I agree with those who would love to see you on mainstream media where your positions are most needed to cut through the woke smoke but of course only they can extend the invitation. Thank you for taking this on to the extent that it feels right for you. That's what matters.

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