Well, there you’ve said it; blacks are intellectually inferior and more prone to violence and criminality - on average - of course.

I wish I had a dollar for every minority thus labeled.

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I would love to duplicate this school in all the cities you mentioned, but not right now. I know there are a lot of Black kids from the Caribbean Islands and they seem to do better. I have read Ian Rowe's book on Agency and the Board and Principal are now reading it. The reason I brought up Ian is because his family is from the Islands as well. I have also read that many Caribbean Islanders do very well in the U.S. I find that curious.

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May 23, 2023
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I have looked up IQ's by country and only 1 country in the Caribbean scores higher than 100 and that is the Bahamas. As I look at these countries there are many predominantly white countries that do not do not have IQs AT 100. As I have researched this I come across a number of articles that clearly do not think IQ's are a good measure of intelligence. I will continue to read these studies.

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I try to do some research and get back to you if I fid anything useful.

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Quite the contrary. The IQ tests are valid indicators of differential performance between designated populations. What the tests don’t claim to show are the myriad reasons for different possible outcomes. Even Murray couches his inferences in uncertainty as to cause, unlike your cocksure self who is ready to close the not unimportant book on that critical chapter of humanity.

Back to an earlier discussion on black criminality, I have a sneaking suspicion that you might have, let’s say, a bias also fueled by a genetic underpinning as to cause, with only minor downstream consideration to environmental factors.

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Yes, we can be certain about age, and the other immutable empirical characteristics you list. But, as I tried to explain in my last reply, there are certain features of the mind that are poorly understood as to their genesis and manifestation. I’m an assigned at birth male, if I say I feel as strongly as anyone can feel that I’m a female in the very essence of my subject feelings, you can rightly point out that I have the genotype , XY, and the typical male phenotype. And I would agree with you. But, that doesn’t negate my perception that my brain’s expressive manifestation is aligned with the belief and socially accepted behavioral repertoire of a female sense of being.

Why do you think people have a difficult time answering the question, what is a woman or a man? It’s a nebulous bio-socio construct that we take for granted but difficult to explain. Whether it’s just a form of mental pathology or a biological miswiring of the brain has yet to be determined. As how these individuals should be incorporated into society is another matter.

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Glenn and John must be touching some nerves. In the words of Colonel Nathan Jessop, “TRUTH? YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!”

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This is/was/will be a great conversation, end to end from Glenn’s trumpet. I worry about the same as I start my publishing endeavors. I am saddened by what I hear from the front lines but also heartened that it is still a open(-ish) conversation. I am not planning on being a “controversial” publisher, but that seems essentially irrelevant a fact as the unpublished criteria rules of all things top-down economically relevant.

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How about a lash with a cane pole for every mile over the speed limit?

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I too am concerned about the immediate safety of the citizenry but, that doesn’t mean we should be short sighted about ending the self perpetuating syndrome.

If you do the crime you do the time, 100%.

But, we also must follow the developmental paradigm of Glenn to rectify the faults of the past by encouraging agency and responsibility via early developmental intervention in education, mentoring and adequate health and nutritional services.

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May 21, 2023Edited
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Spot on. I would like to start academicians who continually lower academic standards for Black students. It is my position that academicians, and I know a few, truly believe that Academia think Blacks do not have the intellectual capacity to achieve at a high level. This is hateful and racist. They need to be called out by other academicians like Glenn and John and many others.

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May 23, 2023Edited
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Congratulations, you’ve managed to out Murray, Charles Murray in your certainty about the genetic inferiority of black intelligence.

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I curious whether that’s nature or nurture. My mother worked very hard with my brother, my sister and me teaching us to read before we went to kindergarten. My father always worked me on math and algebra. Who does that in a Black, inner city home? What about children of well educated Black couples? Assuming you’re right, there are many jobs that children with lower IQ’s (Black and White) can be trained to do at a Community College. They dont have to go to college.

I also want to tell you Im on the Board of a Catholic K-8 school in a very rough part of Philadelphia. The mission of the order of Nuns is to educate the children of immigrant poor. We have 450-500 students. This year 2% were white, 2 % were Asian, 2% were mixed race, the rest were black and brown. There are 19 different first tongues spoken in the school from 49 different countries. We have a 110 piece orchestra, we have a 40 book club and any kids who read 40 books a year a given a medallion. We gave out 80 medallions last year. We compete in an international math contest and have been number 1 in the nation every year for the past five years. We have a solid stem program and these kids are hungry to learn. I might add that tuition is $4,500 a year. We do not teach English as second language. Also, this year 40% of our students are Muslim. We expect our 8th readers to get about $600,000 in scholarships to attend other private schools next year.

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May 23, 2023Edited
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Our tuition is $4,500 per year, but the parents only pay 25%. We raise the money for the rest. As a comparison, the Phiadelphia public school system spends about $15,000 per kid per year. Of course that’s K-12. As I said all of these kids are immigrants and I think they are from two parent families. Our kids come from a very rough neighborhood in Philadelphia so I don't think there is any selection bias. When these kids come in as kindergartners they usually dont speak English. We have a great language arts program. We have 6, 8th graders this year who received a full scholarship to Drexel and each will get an additional$7,500 per year, but they have to maintain their GPA throughout high school. Every one of these is black. By the way, I am not Catholic, but when I toured the school a number of years ago I was just compelled to get involved.

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Is it possible to feel being a male or female, in the wrong body? Are there genetic, physiological, and hormonal (intrauterine environmental) factors that can masculinize or feminize the developing brain of the embryo or fetus ? We don’t know but there is convincing statistical corollary evidence to suggest so. So, how does this effect one’s sense of self or even sexual attraction or how it specifically manifests itself in any singular person. Much of what you say is chillingly similar to the past reactions to homosexuality being a pathology.

I’m a cis male. If I woke up in a woman’s body I would not deal with it by taking hormones or surgical mutilation in order to conform to my prior body. I would adapt to the circumstance. But, I concede I’ve already had the benefit of a well balanced sexual/gender identity of myself. I did not have unresolved ambiguous angst from the get go.

No doubt there are mentally ill and psychosocially influenced individuals who have glommed on to the trans issue. How we separate them from true cases of those that have “honest” sexual dysphoria may be nigh impossible in many cases and perhaps moot in the case of adults. (I recognize the problem with children - another debate).

The political and social issues, I admit, are extremely problematic and will require good will and compromise on both sides of the issue concerning cis women’s rights and not allowing the radical trans rights extremists from wagging the dog.

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There's no such thing as "cis" women. There are women and there are men. Some women and men are confused about their sex/gender and/or feel very uncomfortable in their bodies. "Cis" was a term coined by a warped sexologist who argued that even pedophilia wasn't inherently wrong: https://reduxx.info/cis-coined-by-pedosexual-physician/

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I like effective communication and it’s obvious I communicated exactly and parsimoniously what I meant to say and you understood, instead of having to go through the whole rigamarole of stating assigned at birth or explaining the trans point of view. Why so hung up on a word that doesn’t purport to deny sexual anatomy?

Obviously trans minded people are quite aware of the bodies they are “trapped “ in. The problem is of course located in the brain, not the phenotype.

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Because the manipulation of language is how we got to this point.

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Are you serious? Feelings don’t exist unless they can be verbalized?

I guess homosexuality wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t talked about or, anything else for that matter.

Of course it’s virtually impossible to parse language from human thought or behavior. When people can’t find words for their impulses or suffering it only magnifies the helplessness and anguish.

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People can express distress without trying to change the meaning of words. "Cis women" suggests that actual women are but one kind; that in fact men can also be women. But if that's the case, then "woman" doesn't mean anything. That some men experience distress being men shouldn't require us to speak of their experience in terms that deny reality and objective truth.

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Yes, cis women are “one kind” - the kind that don’t claim to identify as trans women It’s a useful designator, the antonym to being a trans woman.

I suggest you reread your linked article where thie need for this semantic differentiation was explained. It is neutral as to the validity of the claim of being trans, it simply identifies the two sides of the coin of contention.

Nobody has any definitive explanation what goes on in the head of sexually dysphoric individuals. It appears you have a well founded certainty on this subject. Present your evidence for peer review and enjoy your Nobel.

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Above link goes to an excellent March article posted on the City Journal site by Leor Sapir on transgender kids, their mental illnesses, and risk of suicide.

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Read the article; thanks. Thought about in comparison to Philly shootings cuz that’s my lens. “The average age of all fatal and nonfatal shooting victims is 29.” https://www.thetrace.org/2023/04/philadelphia-gun-violence-teens-kids/. Suicides (all causes) in Philly 10 in 100,000; murder victim 3x that rate, shooting victims 12x that rate. Felony assault victims, carjacking victims order of magnitude greater rates than suicide. If you wanted to die all you would need to do is walk in Kensington after 8pm. What a dilemma; trans is not a mental illness but requires therapy to prevent suicide. Udder (:D) nonsense. I am certain though that they want taxpayers to pay for the services.

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I believe tax payers are already paying for these services...

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I am focused on the city gun violence issue as well. There is a problem that is a true emergency, but it is like dragging a dead elephant to get any attention to it. Then you have this teeny, tiny, minority of trans people with their unusual personal crisis, and it is front and central to half the country! The direction of people's attention appears controlled by puppet masters. Brings back images from a lot of sci-fi novels.

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May 21, 2023
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Above link is to a report on Operation Ceasefire, which was part of the Boston Gun Project carried out in the Nineties, when gang violence was at a peak. I found it interesting and informative. I don't know much about criminal justice, apart from the fact that I treat law enforcement personnel in my psychology practice.

One of the findings of the report is that the majority of the most violent crimes, typically murders, were committed by a small number of repeat offenders based in a large black neighborhood. The social workers and non-profit liberal types who provided services in that community said that if one kid personally knew a shooting victim, the surviving kid had 9 times the risk of becoming a shooting victim himself, as opposed to peers who didn't know the victim.

I recall Glenn Loury and John McWhorter making similar statements, about a small number of young black criminals being responsible for the majority of violent crimes. I think this is a well established finding now, that the bulk of the crimes are committed by young black men who started their violent behavior in their teens and who become career criminals.

The Boston Gun Project was successful in reducing the number of shootings, but not in eliminating them. The authors also noted that the interventions they did were very intensive, resource expensive, and not practical to implement broadly in the way they were implemented during the Project. Some form of their model was recommended for use, however, and I was interested to see that Portland was one of the cities that planned to try it out.

I don't know what happened with the Portland experiment. The higher ranking police personnel who would have managed the project have all retired and many have died; I don't know if there is still anyone around here who remembers if the project was implemented or how it turned out. Officers who worked Portland's small black neighborhood during the Nineties have told me about the incredible levels of gang violence going on during that time. Oregon passed mandatory sentencing laws, and many if not most police officers credited those laws with getting the gang leaders out of the neighborhoods for a long enough time for some recovery to occur. The officers dreaded the dates when these guys were scheduled for release from prison, anticipating that the violence would explode again. That turned out to be not so true until recently, with the Nineties being a record peak for black gang violence nationally.

It does appear that removing the core violent criminals from big city black neighborhoods has been an effective strategy for reducing the extreme violence they perpetrate. There may be a lot of these guys in terms of prison cells needed, but they are a very small percentage of the young black men in our country.

Again, I don't know enough about criminal justice to offer a sophisticated comparison of black neighborhood crime organizations with twentieth century Italian American neighborhood crime, but prosecuting and imprisoning the Casa Nostra leadership did seem to diminish their power. I recently read, however, that the Detroit Mafia is still alive and kicking, albeit with a leaner organization. I think one of the differences between the Italian and black criminals, however, is that the Mafia children were able to transition into legitimate businesses. The Little Italy neighborhoods also transitioned as their citizens followed the usual immigrant paths to assimilation and middle class or better success.

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May 21, 2023Edited
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Yup! That's Portland. Just recently (past month) the City has finally started moving the junkies, mentally ill and other so-called homeless people off the streets. They aren't exactly leaving town, however. The wokesters want all of us to pay for free permanent housing for all of them. This of course is not what most of the people on the street want, but the wokesters didn't ask them.

Meanwhile, a couple of locally based state legislators proposed a bill that would impose a $1K fine against anyone who "harasses" a street person or tells them to move their tent, and would also enable the street person to sue citizens or agencies for similar offenses.

Fortunately, this bill did get enough pushback so it has been stopped.


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You are inferring that the criminal justice system should somehow be a preventative to what is a deep rooted psychosocial cultural problem. There is no enforceable prophylaxis for Honor killings and turf wars in a dysfunctional culture awash in guns cannot be forcibly without applying martial law like strategies anathema to our political ethos.

The police can attempt to only clean up the mess in the aftermath. Minds have to be changed. Cops walking the beat are useless. Storehousing thousands of young black men with the resultant lowering of crime statistics is very socially and politically problematic.

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May 21, 2023
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Your post is consistent with what I have learned. I suspect, but don't know for sure, that the application of these methodologies for countering violence in black neighborhoods follows the same path as most other programs developed to address public problems. Namely, the interventions happen during times when the problem becomes intolerable and there is pressure on bureaucrats to do something about it. The interventions work well or not at all, but either way they get dropped when the heat is off the politicians. Then some new fad is implemented which may be the opposite of the one that worked.

In Portland during the Nineties and thereafter we had a very active Gang Unit in the police department. Officers who worked in it had a special interest in working with kids who were in the gangs or at least peripheral, but were not hardened criminals (yet). In the summer of 2020 Joann Hardesty, who is a black activist and former elected City Council member, decided that anti-gang interventions by the police were racist because "they targeted black people" and pushed successfully for defunding and dissolution of these police units. The people of Portland also elected as D.A. Mike Schmidt, who campaigned on a platform that included his opposition to incarceration. (Yes, seriously!) Hardesty was voted out of office in November of 2022, and a guy named Rene Gonzalez, who campaigned on a relatively harder law and order platform won her Council seat. I was surprised and relieved that Portlanders were actually willing to get rid of Hardesty, but I am not seeing much reduction in gang related violence and theft so far. Gonzalez can't do it all on his own, obviously, when the D.A. continues with his anti law enforcement stance, as does a high percentage of Portlanders, and their elected representatives in the state government.


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I see. I haven’t seen the particular data you refer to but anecdotally I haven’t had the sense that there has been any meaningful reduction in black on black killings in gang affiliated areas like Chicago.

Ask yourself, If there was a reduction why would the Floyd incident ramp it up again? You imply the Ferguson Effect has diminished police proactivity. Perhaps so but that implies the police are only putting a bandage on a dysfunctional cultural hemorrhage which doesn’t get to the causal heart of the problem.

I also question, considering the significant number of revenge homicides, that there are only a handful of bad actors or, if so, they are readily replaced like a Hydra’s head.

Perhaps the answer is not only more intense strategic policing but better community policing that doesn’t catalyze the populace into rioting. A negative feedback loop.

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What makes this kind of censorship by YouTube of sincere, thoughtful, reasoned speech, even more galling is they make it very easy for people to post videos in which the poster or their associates literally torture terrified, defenseless animals to death for clicks, titillation, and monetization. And YouTube shares in the profits from those torture views and clicks. Often, not just psychos and sadists but actual criminal gangs, cartels, terrorists are involved in systemically staging, recording, and posting videos of said members committing actual torture of actual living beings, not only because they are among the vile people on the planet, but also because they know there are enough sick people out there that their actual commission and posting of violent crimes can make real money on a platform with such wide reach. In terms of “speech” this is in my view almost exactly like allowing equally violent psychos to actually torture children to death on video and post it for their own sick thrill and for the enjoyment of other sadists and sick people who find extreme infliction of terror and suffering to be titillating. In other words, these are among the most despicable violent crimes anyone can commit, they have zero meaningful speech content, and they deserve zero platforming let alone protection, let alone the enabling incentivization YouTube provides such people by creating such an easy means to post and share in the profits from committing extreme cruelty on the most innocent among us. But, try flagging such videos or looking for clear and relevant ways to describe and submit a complaint and you’re largely out of luck. YouTube makes it vastly easier to report and ban someone from their platform for simply departing in a reasonable and thoughtful way from the most recent trans or racialist orthodoxy than they do to flag and be able to clearly report why you’re complaining about the extremely graphic commission of actual torture of actual living beings and have it taken down, let alone get them to share any concern for how they’re supporting and monetizing such videos.

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May 21, 2023
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The above is one example via a Duck Duck Go search of “Lady Freethinker [and] YouTube”.

I volunteer with a grassroots animal welfare organization called Lady Freethinker or “LFT”. One focus of that organization has been trying to monitor and have videos removed which are the infliction of extreme staged violence, made and posted for titillation and monetized clicks. They’ve sued YouTube/Google (talk about David vs. Goliath) for, as I understand it, leaving up videos posted by the people engaging in and profiting from this cruelty, for often several weeks or even months or years, in spite of many complaints - and for essentially ignoring or violating their own policies against positing such videos.

Some of the most popular types include staged (fake) rescue videos in which a defenseless animal is placed within easy attack of predators with no escape. A slightly less directly sadistic version are videos mimicking the popular (and legit) feel-good Dodo animal rescue and adoption videos. Someone will show a tiny starving puppy or kitten begging for food and basically string it along narrating for the camera that they are going to give the puppy or kitten some milk - it’s just too hard right now with the camera. The animals are never fed or rescued. Their plight is just exploited for clicks. The directly staged torture videos often involve images like placing a huge constrictor snake on a mother dog while her puppies helplessly sit terrified nearby while she is strangled to death. Baby monkeys are a popular target of torture videos in areas of the world where they are more common. There are entire “monkey-hater” groups online who post videos of baby monkeys being tortured using blenders, vices, hanging, beatings, forced attacks by predators, etc. Where monkeys aren’t common, people use kittens and puppies.

People who have thicker skin than I have can I’m sure find staged videos by searching for images of animals. Many are quite transparently falsely presented as being “educational”, as if one were viewing a David Attenborough narration.

Just in briefly seeing some of the comments in reply to a mainstream track and field video, I noticed a poster whose thumbnail promoted a business called “Predator Pets”. This immediately raised an alarm - clearly this guy has a channel. So I clicked on his thumbnail and the first video I saw made clear what he was doing - it was immediately, extremely graphically visible in merely the still image of that first video - I didn’t even need to press “play”. The image was of a very alive and terrified domesticated pet rat (regarded as similar cognitively to at least a three year old human child) being “served” with bananas to a caiman which was in the process of biting the rat in half and eating him alive. That image was immediately indelibly centered in the still for maximum shock and titillation.

Forget about whether you happen to personally like rats (or monkeys - the head of the infamous Charles River Lab which buys, breeds, uses, sells wild monkeys for lifetimes of abuse in experiments has tried to justify this by calling them “nuisance animals”). The bottom line is these are either captured wildlife, or domesticated animals exactly the same as people’s beloved pets, being forced to endure the kind of elaborately, sadistically designed cruelty only human beings plan and showcase for entertainment.

Live feeding obviously shouldn’t be legal anywhere, in my opinion - it’s banned in the UK, but sadly still legal in the US and Canada. I’ve spoken with a noted herpetology vet and practice owner in Vancouver who assured me that live-feeding is not at all necessary for the well-being of predator reptiles and, in his view, the people who are into that are using (often illicitly-traded and themselves abused) reptiles as supposedly socially-acceptable proxies for their own sadism. They’re not reptile fanciers. They’re sadism fanciers who use reptiles for their own and others’ titillation.

Social media platforms like YouTube have given people of this bent who have a desire to profit from it a very easy platform in which to record and post extreme and entirely gratuitous cruelty for their subculture and any other sadists around the world. There is nothing “educational” about forcing an extremely gentle, small, soft pet into an enclosure and staging it as if it’s a plated entree being served for dinner and then unleashing a much larger and vicious predator on it for clicks and profit. But when I clicked on the thumbnail of someone promoting this business of “predator pets” that was the very first image I saw.

Admittedly, this is especially personal to me, as I adopted a young rat whom a friend had rescued from a teenager in Queens Village whom the teenager had intended to live feed it to a pet snake (he wasn’t a bad kid - just young and hadn’t really known better and he showed real interest in the rat’s well-being when she came to pick him up). I’ve scarcely known a sweeter, gentler, smarter (and prettier, cleaner, nicer-smelling) funnier, more engaging animal companion (and my friend isn’t half-bad herself). Once he knew I was safe and gentle and would be caring for him he bonded to me as closely as I’ve ever seen any animal do. I was his home and his only guarantee of safety. He was blissfully happy most of the time and as grateful as I’ve ever seen an adopted animal. But on the two occasions we had to move house he absolutely panicked in a way I’d never seen before: emptied his bowels and crawled inside my clothing and clung to me in panic and desperation. Because he thought we were being separated and he remembered very well what his life had been before. I’ve never seen such a fundamental sense of relief as when he realized he and his sister were still safe with me, just in a new place. I’m sure people who have adopted dogs or cats who were extremely abused have seen similarly heartbreaking panic when something triggers a memory or association of them being hurt.

The point of this long tangent is that every one of these vulnerable animals is a thinking, feeling, very highly-sentient being who wants on a fundamental level to be free from harm and safe with those who know and care for them, as much as we do, even if some of what makes us human is cognitively - or for some, spiritually - somewhat different. Every such video posted is of a real emotionally, socially, cognitively complex individual whose suffering is at minimum being exploited for money. In most cases, these individuals are filmed being tortured to death by the posters for monetized clicks. And YouTube makes it so easy.

When I’ve tried to report such videos, I’ve found there is either no relevant criteria I can select from a menu to label why I’m reporting it and/or there is no means to enter even a few words of text to describe why I believe a given video so grossly and obviously violates their own terms. In practice, this seems to be about the lowest priority that YouTube/Google has when it comes to violations of their policies and abuse of their platform.

They’ve moved very aggressively to dismiss the LFT suit and were successful in a lower court. That decision is currently being appealed. So they have plenty of resources to deploy to trying to swat away any criticism or efforts to hold them accountable to their own standards. I’d guess their basic claim is that none of these torture videos for profit are their responsibility (even though they profit from them, too) and it’s either impossible for them to monitor such things, or they’re already doing so as well as anyone can expect.

Which is why this hyper-vigilant reaction in censoring Glenn Loury and his guest, at lightening speed, then denying the appeal, with no specificity or redress, simply because the guest made a thoughtful argument about why he objects to having to validate an identity he thinks is based on an objectively false delusion, struck me as so farcical. I’m not a lawyer nor am I any kind of expert on the internal operation of sprawling and complex online platforms. But it’s readily apparent that YouTube/Google not only has the wherewithal (if any entity does) in money and staff and technology to police actual violations and harms. It also can and does act very swiftly and with extreme prejudice when it comes to the kinds of violations which matter to them. Depart an iota from last week’s latest gender theory orthodoxy and they’ll censor, suspend, demonetize, delete, ban any post or poster almost instantly. How do they have the resources, staff, and technology for that? As accomplished and esteemed an academic as Glenn Loury can be censored for his guest making an argument which evinced nor encouraged no hatred for anyone. And yet staged torture videos of animals continue to be left up to make money for their creators and YouTube itself.

And thanks to LFT for taking on this Kafkaesque monolith on an absolute shoestring.

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The central challenge as I see it is how those operating under a classic liberal mode in the public square are confronted by empowered illiberalism.

Those who cherish Enlightenment values are going to have empower themselves institutionally, and that will mean dropping out of venues where illiberalism prevails. They need to find or build new platforms that will, over time, outshine the domains of enforced thinking.

In short, Youtube doesn't deserve us. Substack and Patreon need to grow. Use Youtube to leave teasers to redirect traffic to where civil society actually thrives.

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I would add that classic liberal individuals need to recognize, if they don't already, that there are people out there who do not habitually prioritize other peoples' welfare. The illiberal crowd is not hesitant or ambivalent in aggressing against their critics and destroying them if possible. They are becoming increasingly violent recently, during the summer of 2020 and now, as male trans activists assault women who refuse to give them whatever they demand to have, including sex. They are not having long discussions, at least not in public, about the need to listen to perspectives other than one's own without attacking that person and brutally silencing them, ruin their careers and cause them to disappear like the nonconformists shunned by Anabaptist communities. The woke cultists are completely on their own side, not on anyone else's no matter what they say.

I believe that we really need to be completely on our side, and we need to see the woke cultists as seriously trying to prevent us from existing. I agree with you that we have to empower ourselves institutionally, and I also think that we need to empower ourselves emotionally to recognize that we are on the losing side of serious psychological warfare. In my opinion liberals need to stop acting like the cult activists are seeking a friendly conversation so as to express their authentic individual perspectives and try to understand ours.

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Rumble was created because YouTube is Orwellian.

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What goes around eventually comes around.

It's not nice to fool Mother Nature.

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Well, Glenn, perhaps it's time to change the latter portion of "history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes" to "but it echoes."

As those of us, who remember the days when broadcast television censorship was federally controlled, now confront the reality of centrally managed electronic media, we can hear echoes of earlier days.

Remember when we were young and learned how the US Postal Service had been ordered to refuse delivery of newspapers critical of government policy?

USPS obeyed, because how could they not?

How many newspapers and newsletters ceased publishing?

What, do you think, were the commonalities with today?

Personally, "I'll take what is income distribution flux for one hundred dollars, Alex," but your mileage may vary.

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This attempt to compel orthodoxy with regard to believing that trans =/= mental illness will be the thing that brings about Trump 2.0

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Yes. It will be their approach to all of medicine and psychology. We will not be receiving what we used to understand as personal healthcare. It is happening this intensely in the trans diagnosis and treatment arena because the is the utmost favorite woke preoccupation, but they have plans for all of healthcare. They are declaring their entitlement to define illness as normality and normality as illness.

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