Hey Glenn ever stop to consider all the women who received the same sexual harassment from him as Anita Hill?

Your buddy is not a victim. He's a pervert, and a tool for ideologues holding America back from realizing its full potential. And now we know he's also blatantly corrupt.

I used to respect you, but not anymore after watching the Frontline about him and his lunatic wife.

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Professor Loury - how has your opinion evolved in response to recent ethics revelations?

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Um, any more comments about the utter corruption of Mr. Thomas? Protecting his mentally ill wife was bad enough (no, it's not gallant); going to bat for Senator Huckleberry is astounding. Put a fucking MAGA cap on him.

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Just now listened to this podcast, so forgive me for being late to the party. This is probably the 1st time I have listened to you and been truly disappointed in a line of thinking you shared. Comparing Clarence Thomas to Al Sharpton is really misguided and frankly offensive. In so far as any comparison is appropriate, a better comparison would be between Anita Hill and Al Sharpton. Both participated in a hoax with the aim of political gain. At least Ms. Hill did not inflame a riot that resulted in the 4 people being shot, as Mr. Sharpton did at Freddie's Fashion Mart. All she did was permanently damage an honorable man's reputation.

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Prof. Loury,

Avid fan/reader here. Just read about a Nigerian Tory woman making waves in Britain. On the off chance you don't know her, she is Kemi Badenoch. An article I just read in Common Sense claimed that on her bedside table was "Epistemic Authority: A Theory of Trust, Authority, and Autonomy in Belief."(!) Someone to watch?

Thanks for your work

Bruce Stubblefield

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Is this really that hard. Yes, there are no hard and fast rules about Justices recusing themselves. However, she was involved in numerous attempts to overturn a fair and free election. Since there are no facts to support a theory that the election was somehow tainted (besides, of course, Trump and his partisans' intuition that he just had to have really won), for her to continue these protestations means she's either evil or mentally incompetent. She is a person with a certain amount of power in DC land, therefore, what she tried to do with that power was illegal and pretty much immoral. Those two, CT and GT, are a famous power couple who share beliefs. Whether he joined her advocacy for the madness or not, it is not unreasonable to expect him to not vote on any case that would eventually affect her. By voting no on turning over WH records, he was shielding a - whether witting or not - criminal that he happened to be married to. Is this really that hard?

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I'm not a Jordan Peterson fan and don't regret the Bill of Rights - the Ninth and Tenth Amendments satisfy any qualms I have. We are fortunate to have both the Bill of Rights and common law (= law based on precedent).

We inherit a tradition of freedom that Bork and Thomas don't live up to. I'm not gay, but I think any judge who thinks it constitutional for homosexuality be illegal is not qualified and fails miserably to understand American liberty.

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McWhorter disappoints again. Thomas is black, therefore he must think like blacks are assigned to think? No. And this attitude is what keeps blacks down. Lowry gets that. Good for him.

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I appreciate your voice on this. I come from a family of lawyers, and I have been following Justice Thomas' career for years. He is probably my least favorite justice—I've never seen eye-to-eye with him on many of his decisions, but I never expected to be in my current position where I am constantly standing up and defending him.

Regardless how you feel about his judicial decisions, he has an incredible life story. Justice Thomas has been on the receiving end of racism since he was a young man when people denied him work by telling him the only reason he got into law school was because he was a token Black man at Yale.

I'm furious every time some doofus on Twitter calls him a "convicted sex offender"—as though they even know what those words mean—in reference to the Anita Hill case. I do feel bad for Hill, and I can imagine working under those circumstances was difficult. Nevertheless, Thomas was overpunished; Hill was publicly shamed on national television; and the same people who criticize him for that turn around and criticize him for not having said anything for the first 10 years on the bench. I wonder why he might not say anything...

The sheer lack of reason, respect or decency for Justice Thomas is repulsive.

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Glenn: I hope you are as generous to Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson as you are to Justice Clarence Thomas. I agree in principle that regardless of his judicial views, Justice Thomas is a role model for ALL communities, not just the African American community. So is Barack Obama.

What recently raised serious concerns with me about Justice Thomas is his wife’s communications with the total crackpots who were mis-advising Premier Trump about 2020 election issues. It made me wonder whether HE shares equally as ludicrous views about the election which by proxy, calls into question other aspects of his judgement.

Sure Justice Thomas’s judicial conduct is a separate matter, but it is almost as weird as being a flat earther……..you don’t expect that kind of silliness from a Supreme Court Justice. So let’s HOPE his wife is the only one in the Thomas household with such errant views.

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The Anita Hill controversy is pivotal and pertinent to Thomas' stance on abortion and his opinion on overturning Roe v Wade. Women are obviously second class citizens as far as Thomas is concerned or, more specifically, black women are second class citizens considering Anita was a black women and the overturning of Roe v Wade will effect a hell of a lot of black woman and poor black woman at that. It will ensure many poor black women will not be able to pull themselves up like Thomas was able to do.

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Is Clarence Thomas black? I haven't noticed. What I have noticed is, he's a scumbag prick and that characterization transcends one's pigmentation.

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I'm a big believer in listening to what people say and not what people say about other people. If you never have, give Jared Taylor a listen for yourself instead of taking John's word for it.


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BRAVO Glenn! The grotesque attacks on Clarence Thomas by the Left have been going on since he was appointed to the Supreme Court. His detractors seem to have some bizarre mental condition that causes them to treat that good and decent man like a threat to life itself. It has never made sense. His contributions to judicial thought and his research on how the Constitution has benefited African Americans should make him one of the most highly respected intellectuals in the history of the country, but because he has the"wrong" attitude for a black, he is reviled instead. We should praise him while we can, because when he is gone, America will have lost one of our finest and most original legal thinkers.

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I’m surrounded by people who hate Clarence Thomas. These same people unapologetically complain about straight white men in a loose and very general way. “The problem with the world today is white men,” is the kind of thing they say. Thomas is hated because he is not white but shares ideological views that the left has justified hating. The strikes against him are twofold, he’s a conservative, and he’s black. The left shows its hand here when we call the bluff. They like black people as long as they say the correct thing.

I think the overturning of Roe v. Wade was a mistake. I agree with Thomas that Roe v. Wade was always the wrong way to get abortion rights. I believe Thomas when he says he wants to overturn things like gay marriage. I don’t believe Kavanaugh when he says the Supreme Court will not do this. The Democrats have had multiple opportunities to legislate a policy. What Clarence Thomas says and does is a red herring that distracts from the Democratic party’s own inadequacy.

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