Glenn, I would urge you to invite Renee DiResta on the show, you will get a robust defence of the Stanford Internet Observatory from one of its leaders. I use their work in my class on information and polarization, which you once visited as a guest. Here is Renee on Rogan if you want a taste:
Glenn, I would urge you to invite Renee DiResta on the show, you will get a robust defence of the Stanford Internet Observatory from one of its leaders. I use their work in my class on information and polarization, which you once visited as a guest. Here is Renee on Rogan if you want a taste:
The Twitter files folks treat academics studying and exposing disinformation strategies as if they are part of the censorship complex and I think this is gravely mistaken. Renee is no ideologue, you will see that she and the SRO have been unfairly demonized. At least hear her out.
Ffs man, she's worked for the CIA, and has beat the 'Russian disinformation'' drum ad nauseum. Get her in here to be scrutinized by Schellenberger...that'd be great. What makes you think she's doing anything other than obfuscating what's going on? She IS the problem.
You seem to have made up your mind, my comment was for Glenn who is more open and interested in opposing views. I want more people studying on disinformation not less, especially ISIS which is where she started, but also state-aligned actors like the former St. Petersburg based Internet Research Agency on which she is an expert. I use SIO materials in class, they are very useful, and consistent with the work of economists like Gentzkow and Shapiro. Disinformation in the social media age is a fascinating topic of genuine academic interest, and she knows more about this than most people. Would be a good guest to have. You can choose not to listen.
It's not a matter of's been shown unequivocally that DiResta et al are at the forefront of the bureacracy that is responsible for throttling information. Censoring. What makes u think she is NOT a peddler of false narrative? Cuz she's an academic? That's precisely the issue: the illegitimatacy of all this is couched as legitimate. It's not.
This is a completely useless exchange, people can read and listen (to Taibbi, Shellenberger, DiResta, Stanford amicus at SC, etc) and decide for themselves. Waste of time engaging with you on this, I regret it. Will stop.
I understand that this is what a lot of people believe but it's just not true. There are very elaborate disinformation strategies that have been pursued by state and non-state actors, just take a look at the tactics and tropes paper put out by SIO for example. This is extremely valuable work that we ignore at our peril. If you don't want to hear a defense of this work that's your choice, but I do think Glenn should have Renee on.
Again, it's not a belief. Those elaborate (dis)info strategies being pursued involve our OWN government! Of which SOI is a part, along with a host of others. I wonder why it is you think, apparently, that those 'stategies' are benign while others are not so. Pls elaborate.
Oh, stuff like that is of no bother to vaunted academics like R Sethi and RDR. They live and operate in a world that knows better....for all of us! They condone a caste system where decision makers aren't ideological, just smarter. Right?
Glenn, I would urge you to invite Renee DiResta on the show, you will get a robust defence of the Stanford Internet Observatory from one of its leaders. I use their work in my class on information and polarization, which you once visited as a guest. Here is Renee on Rogan if you want a taste:
The Twitter files folks treat academics studying and exposing disinformation strategies as if they are part of the censorship complex and I think this is gravely mistaken. Renee is no ideologue, you will see that she and the SRO have been unfairly demonized. At least hear her out.
What do u think RDR has been doing since March of 2019?
Trying to defend her reputation among other things, and dealing with a lot of threats and harassment.
Ffs man, she's worked for the CIA, and has beat the 'Russian disinformation'' drum ad nauseum. Get her in here to be scrutinized by Schellenberger...that'd be great. What makes you think she's doing anything other than obfuscating what's going on? She IS the problem.
You seem to have made up your mind, my comment was for Glenn who is more open and interested in opposing views. I want more people studying on disinformation not less, especially ISIS which is where she started, but also state-aligned actors like the former St. Petersburg based Internet Research Agency on which she is an expert. I use SIO materials in class, they are very useful, and consistent with the work of economists like Gentzkow and Shapiro. Disinformation in the social media age is a fascinating topic of genuine academic interest, and she knows more about this than most people. Would be a good guest to have. You can choose not to listen.
It's not a matter of's been shown unequivocally that DiResta et al are at the forefront of the bureacracy that is responsible for throttling information. Censoring. What makes u think she is NOT a peddler of false narrative? Cuz she's an academic? That's precisely the issue: the illegitimatacy of all this is couched as legitimate. It's not.
This is a completely useless exchange, people can read and listen (to Taibbi, Shellenberger, DiResta, Stanford amicus at SC, etc) and decide for themselves. Waste of time engaging with you on this, I regret it. Will stop.
Why do think its a waste of time I wonder?
I understand that this is what a lot of people believe but it's just not true. There are very elaborate disinformation strategies that have been pursued by state and non-state actors, just take a look at the tactics and tropes paper put out by SIO for example. This is extremely valuable work that we ignore at our peril. If you don't want to hear a defense of this work that's your choice, but I do think Glenn should have Renee on.
Again, it's not a belief. Those elaborate (dis)info strategies being pursued involve our OWN government! Of which SOI is a part, along with a host of others. I wonder why it is you think, apparently, that those 'stategies' are benign while others are not so. Pls elaborate.
Oh, stuff like that is of no bother to vaunted academics like R Sethi and RDR. They live and operate in a world that knows better....for all of us! They condone a caste system where decision makers aren't ideological, just smarter. Right?