Not that it matters to Glenn - or anyone else, but a few things he’s said over the last few months gives me serious pause about my respect for someone I previously admired greatly. Something else is going on here, and I don’t know what it is. It’s almost comical, too ‘on the nose’ to say about Coates: “We’ve taken them to task for their …
Not that it matters to Glenn - or anyone else, but a few things he’s said over the last few months gives me serious pause about my respect for someone I previously admired greatly. Something else is going on here, and I don’t know what it is. It’s almost comical, too ‘on the nose’ to say about Coates: “We’ve taken them to task for their superficial and occasionally opportunistic analyses of race in America, their failure to reckon with the real problems within black communities, and their calls for institutions to balance the scales of racial inequity by lowering standards for African Americans.” Without realizing that this is the central criticizm of The Message, the very book Glenn is pushing and praising! Similarly, Glenn has called Israel’s military response to Oct 7 “indiscriminate” - any serious empirical review demonstrates clearly the response has not been indiscriminate (exactly the opposite) and yet this man I admired - even revered - an economist whose life’s work is studying the empirical somehow gets this backwards? Honestly, much has confused me regarding world response since Oct 7, but nothing has given me more to think about than Glenn Loury’s blind spots in relation to Israel, Antisemitism and campus protests. I keep dreaming of a serious discussion with Coleman, Noam Dworman, Bari Weiss, Douglas Murray or Sam Harris, Ben Shapiro. And then he invites Norm Finkelstein? I am dismayed. Crushed.
Hello! I was thinking the same sort of thing. It thoughtlessly falls into the same intersectional heuristic: oppressor/ oppressed (of course, ignoring 1400 years of Islamic oppression of Jews and other religious and ethnic minorities that drove out 20M people, mostly Christians); infantilizing brown folks; denying agency; ignoring responsibility. And beyond the intersectional calculus: ignoring the fact that, curiously, the Palestinians do not have ANY peace plan; borders were pretty open and relaxed--before the intifada; and of course, sharia law. Sexism. Racism. Antisemitism. Homophobia. Islamic Supremacy. Rape. Murder. Torture. Kidnapping. Burning families alive. Standards that couldn't possibly get any lower.
Very good point ! I'm referring to the fact that Glenn has had no serious guest to present the pro-Israel side. Only Finkelstein to blast Israel. Glenn wants his anti-Israel take to stand without serious challenge. He would, I believe, be intimidated by any person knowledgable on the subject. If that's not so, well come on, Glenn, here's your chance: Invite one of those mentioned in the comment above. Or, how about the historian Neil Ferguson? Or the young Iranian born Elica can see clips of her online....but I fear that her knowledge (much of it first-hand) and perspective would intimidate Glenn. This whole thing is very disturbing and shows, yet yet again, how anti-Semitism has, over many centuries, infected otherwise good people.
It’s not really much of mystery. Lajuan is vehemently anti-Zionist. The last two members of the “black cognoscenti” who genuinely respect Glenn, Cornel West and Briahna Joy Grey, are vehemently anti-Zionist. To the point where if he deviates from this particular hill they will disown him. Glenn Jr. the son he wants to improve his relationship with is vehemently anti-Zionist. A man has to go home. Israelis are not family or “his people”. Glenn wont contend with a real israeli who can skillfully rebut his emotional response because he can’t afford to agree with them. There is just too much to lose in his personal life and the legacy amongst the last of “his people” who have stood by him. Let Glenn have his cover story. He has let us in enough over the years that we know the real story.
I'll give you all of your analysis but I'm not willing to let him have his cover story. He's said and done enough ill considered stuff on this subject already. He could move on to other topics. I suspect he's listening to his buddies Nikita and Sussman about how to increase clicks and drive revenue from YouTube and SubStack.
Lol, ok buddy. Go check out what does numbers for us on YouTube and what doesn't, what gets loads of praise here and what doesn't. Then tell me this is about "driving revenue."
I agree with you about Glenn. He just can’t be an antisemite, which is why I’m so utterly baffled by his irrational, poorly conceived opinions and the guests he’s brought on to discuss Oct7/Israel. He should know better. He DOES know better. But then you go on to characterize BJG and West as anti-Zionists. If those two aren’t antisemites then nobody is. BJG is a rape denying disgusting antisemite, and West is no better. Even speaking to them is akin to having David Duke on for a friendly chat, except that Duke is far less influential and damaging to the Jewish community. Inexcusable.
Is it racist if I think Jacob Blake got what was coming to him when he attacked the mother of his child and attempted to attack the police as they tried to intervene? I don't think it is. I'd say the same thing about any white criminal in the same situation.
Calling BJG and Cornel West "anti-semites" for empathizing with Palestinians and downplaying sexual violence on 10/7 is baseless. In my opinion, they are wrong in their anti-Zionism, but there is no evidence that they hate Jews generally. That's actually a foolish and emotional exaggeration that demeans your position.
Many people don't believe Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state and many of those people believe that the Palestinians suffer because of Israel's existence. I don't believe those things and I strongly support Israel, but believing them does not mean you hate Jews or are anti-Semitic. It can mean many different things: that you empathize more with the Palestinians or poor and disenfranchised groups generally, that you don't believe in the legitimacy of nation states, or simply that you aren't very well read on the subject. Perhaps all of these are true at once of both BJG and Cornel West.
Don't go looking for hatred where an explanation of ignorance will suffice.
Then he (Glenn) needs to ask those folks WHY they are so vehemently 'anti-Zionist', whatever tf that means! Is it the 'settler colonial' trope they oppose? Is it the power structure? What IS anti-Zionism? Define it....or it's about to become facile in the way 'white supremacy', etc have.
Gosh, I was under the impression that John McWhorter "genuinely respects" Glenn (and not just, as you say, Cornel West and Briahna Joy Grey). Or is John not part of "the black cognoscenti"?
Not that it matters to Glenn - or anyone else, but a few things he’s said over the last few months gives me serious pause about my respect for someone I previously admired greatly. Something else is going on here, and I don’t know what it is. It’s almost comical, too ‘on the nose’ to say about Coates: “We’ve taken them to task for their superficial and occasionally opportunistic analyses of race in America, their failure to reckon with the real problems within black communities, and their calls for institutions to balance the scales of racial inequity by lowering standards for African Americans.” Without realizing that this is the central criticizm of The Message, the very book Glenn is pushing and praising! Similarly, Glenn has called Israel’s military response to Oct 7 “indiscriminate” - any serious empirical review demonstrates clearly the response has not been indiscriminate (exactly the opposite) and yet this man I admired - even revered - an economist whose life’s work is studying the empirical somehow gets this backwards? Honestly, much has confused me regarding world response since Oct 7, but nothing has given me more to think about than Glenn Loury’s blind spots in relation to Israel, Antisemitism and campus protests. I keep dreaming of a serious discussion with Coleman, Noam Dworman, Bari Weiss, Douglas Murray or Sam Harris, Ben Shapiro. And then he invites Norm Finkelstein? I am dismayed. Crushed.
I think this has something to do with his wife.
Hello! I was thinking the same sort of thing. It thoughtlessly falls into the same intersectional heuristic: oppressor/ oppressed (of course, ignoring 1400 years of Islamic oppression of Jews and other religious and ethnic minorities that drove out 20M people, mostly Christians); infantilizing brown folks; denying agency; ignoring responsibility. And beyond the intersectional calculus: ignoring the fact that, curiously, the Palestinians do not have ANY peace plan; borders were pretty open and relaxed--before the intifada; and of course, sharia law. Sexism. Racism. Antisemitism. Homophobia. Islamic Supremacy. Rape. Murder. Torture. Kidnapping. Burning families alive. Standards that couldn't possibly get any lower.
Very good point ! I'm referring to the fact that Glenn has had no serious guest to present the pro-Israel side. Only Finkelstein to blast Israel. Glenn wants his anti-Israel take to stand without serious challenge. He would, I believe, be intimidated by any person knowledgable on the subject. If that's not so, well come on, Glenn, here's your chance: Invite one of those mentioned in the comment above. Or, how about the historian Neil Ferguson? Or the young Iranian born Elica can see clips of her online....but I fear that her knowledge (much of it first-hand) and perspective would intimidate Glenn. This whole thing is very disturbing and shows, yet yet again, how anti-Semitism has, over many centuries, infected otherwise good people.
Stop it with the anti-semitism bullshit. It’s a categorical error in this case.
Define anti-Zionism then.
It’s not really much of mystery. Lajuan is vehemently anti-Zionist. The last two members of the “black cognoscenti” who genuinely respect Glenn, Cornel West and Briahna Joy Grey, are vehemently anti-Zionist. To the point where if he deviates from this particular hill they will disown him. Glenn Jr. the son he wants to improve his relationship with is vehemently anti-Zionist. A man has to go home. Israelis are not family or “his people”. Glenn wont contend with a real israeli who can skillfully rebut his emotional response because he can’t afford to agree with them. There is just too much to lose in his personal life and the legacy amongst the last of “his people” who have stood by him. Let Glenn have his cover story. He has let us in enough over the years that we know the real story.
I'll give you all of your analysis but I'm not willing to let him have his cover story. He's said and done enough ill considered stuff on this subject already. He could move on to other topics. I suspect he's listening to his buddies Nikita and Sussman about how to increase clicks and drive revenue from YouTube and SubStack.
Lol, ok buddy. Go check out what does numbers for us on YouTube and what doesn't, what gets loads of praise here and what doesn't. Then tell me this is about "driving revenue."
I agree with you about Glenn. He just can’t be an antisemite, which is why I’m so utterly baffled by his irrational, poorly conceived opinions and the guests he’s brought on to discuss Oct7/Israel. He should know better. He DOES know better. But then you go on to characterize BJG and West as anti-Zionists. If those two aren’t antisemites then nobody is. BJG is a rape denying disgusting antisemite, and West is no better. Even speaking to them is akin to having David Duke on for a friendly chat, except that Duke is far less influential and damaging to the Jewish community. Inexcusable.
Is it racist if I think Jacob Blake got what was coming to him when he attacked the mother of his child and attempted to attack the police as they tried to intervene? I don't think it is. I'd say the same thing about any white criminal in the same situation.
Calling BJG and Cornel West "anti-semites" for empathizing with Palestinians and downplaying sexual violence on 10/7 is baseless. In my opinion, they are wrong in their anti-Zionism, but there is no evidence that they hate Jews generally. That's actually a foolish and emotional exaggeration that demeans your position.
Many people don't believe Israel has a right to exist as a Jewish state and many of those people believe that the Palestinians suffer because of Israel's existence. I don't believe those things and I strongly support Israel, but believing them does not mean you hate Jews or are anti-Semitic. It can mean many different things: that you empathize more with the Palestinians or poor and disenfranchised groups generally, that you don't believe in the legitimacy of nation states, or simply that you aren't very well read on the subject. Perhaps all of these are true at once of both BJG and Cornel West.
Don't go looking for hatred where an explanation of ignorance will suffice.
Then he (Glenn) needs to ask those folks WHY they are so vehemently 'anti-Zionist', whatever tf that means! Is it the 'settler colonial' trope they oppose? Is it the power structure? What IS anti-Zionism? Define it....or it's about to become facile in the way 'white supremacy', etc have.
Gosh, I was under the impression that John McWhorter "genuinely respects" Glenn (and not just, as you say, Cornel West and Briahna Joy Grey). Or is John not part of "the black cognoscenti"?